Bug tracker, feature list

Bug tracker, feature list

Postby oln » 04 Feb 2011, 17:53

I suggest we start using the bug tracker now, such as the sourceforge tracker or trac. This will make it easier for people to contribute.

I managed to build a deb package using CPack, though doing it manually will be better I believe, when svenskmand is able to work again.
Talked a bit about OD on #freegamer on irc yesterday as well, where people suggested that we should get some better lava effects and a nicer GUI, so that may be something to look at.
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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby charlie » 04 Feb 2011, 19:40

I massively prefer Trac. Of course, I'm not the target user (developer or regular player) but it's roadmap and ticket reporting features as well as superior integration with SVN and the in-built wiki make it a lot more useful than the rather weak sourceforge tracker.
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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby oln » 04 Feb 2011, 20:01

With my limited experience of using both, I would agree with you there charlie. (Though I don't know if either integrates with the git server)
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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby oln » 06 Feb 2011, 17:24

Though, I don't have administrative access to either, so andrew will have to set things up.
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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby andrewbuck » 07 Feb 2011, 01:56

Oln, I have made you an admin on SF so you should be able to turn the bug tracking as desired. I have never used any of these bug tracking systems so I don't know much about their administration.

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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby oln » 07 Feb 2011, 12:34

Thanks, I've started doing some stuff there now. https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/opendungeons/report/1
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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby andrewbuck » 07 Feb 2011, 18:40

If you wanted a bunch of stuff to "seed" the bug tracker with, you could go through the TODO.txt file in the main OpenDungeons directory and enter the stuff in there so it is more publicly visible. Most of the bulleted items in that file are either bugs or feature requests. I think most of them are still current bugs but a few of them may have been fixed either intentionally (and just not removed from the TODO list) or unintentionally, via other code cleanup that just happened to fix a bug as well. Getting all of these issues into the tracker would allow the other users of the game to comment on what issues are the highest priority to resolve. It also allows people who are not developers to test bugs to see if they can still be reproduced in the current version, or comment on exactly what causes them, as this is often very useful in trying to find a solution.

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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby oln » 07 Feb 2011, 18:51

Yes, that was the plan.
Feel free to add stuff there.
I also updated the wiki a bit with some info about how to contribute.
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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby andrewbuck » 07 Feb 2011, 19:24

By the way, I got my account on source forge and build environment functioning again so I was able to check out your latest changes to the code, excellent work. I hope to start working on the code a bit more here in the near future, I have been mapping pretty heavily for the open street map project and as such have not had as much time for coding. Maybe once we get everything into the bug tracker we can set some goals for what we would like to get done and plan another release for the game.

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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby andrewbuck » 07 Feb 2011, 22:59

I went through and added a whole bunch of tracker tickets from the TODO list as well as a few others related to preparing a release candidate, and then a release. I just arbitrarily set the due date for a release candidate at the end of February and the due date for the official release one week after that. That gives us a week to play around with the official release candidate and try to squash any bugs before we put out the official release (which will hopefully have no bugs in any of the officially supported features).

In addition to the bugs from the TODO list (there are still more that are not on trac yet but these are the more important ones) there are also "checkpoint" items for the release candidate. For both sounds and models there are tickets which are met when an official list of content has been created and uploaded to SVN. Any content to be "officially" included in this release (i.e. to be put in the windows zip file or in the .deb package) should meet the requirements for inclusion. Basically the only requirement is that the content and any material needed to put it together for export into the game (textures, etc) should be on the SVN in the media source directory. Once the official list of sounds and meshes are put together and finalized the corresponding tickets will be closed and someone will go through and make sure that everything on the official list is properly exported if necessary and then copied over to the Media directory. This way we can include the lists of officially supported content along with the game so when each new release comes out, players can see what has been added (i.e. 2 new creatures, new sounds for some creatures, new rooms, etc).

I just sort of threw together the dates and the criteria for official inclusion, etc so if anyone has any suggestions for changes we can look into that. I think the rules I laid out are simple enough and if followed should make putting together this release much more organized than our past several attempts. I figure we can try this method for this release and then see how we want to change it for future releases.

Finally, it would be good to assign people of official responsibility for different sections of the project corresponding to the "component" field of the ticket system. Having the ticket assigned to you does not mean that you have to fix it yourself, but it will mean that you are responsible for coordinating the effort to fix it and will be the one who clears the item when it is fixed. This means that when a new bug comes in which falls to you you try to confirm it really is a bug or mark it complete right away if it is not, then take some starting action to resolve it, either posting a comment on the trac system about it, or starting a forum thread in the appropriate place on the forum. Although I haven't assigned any yet, I was thinking of assigning the tickets to people as follows:

andrewbuck - All tickets relating to code bugs, crashes, etc, unless it relates to sound or other specific areas oln wants to work on.
oln - Coding issues relating to sound and build environment problems/development.
skorpio - All tickets relating to meshes (missing meshes, handling the mesh export to ogre, and problems with mesh scaling lighting, etc).
svenskmand - All tickets relating to sound that are not code related (some sound is too quiet/loud, missing sounds, sound format and export issues, etc).

This way we split up incoming issues amongst the group better allowing people to focus on getting the problems in their area resolved, either themselves or more likely bu just coordinating the response. Otherwise there are so many issues going on at any given time that one person can't keep track of them and things get forgotten about.

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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby oln » 08 Feb 2011, 00:46

The assignment seems okay to me.
(Also I don't know why I wrote feature list in the thread title, I meant TODO list.)
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Re: Bug tracker, feature list

Postby svenskmand » 19 Feb 2011, 12:18

This seem to be a very productive way to work :)
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