Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 26 Dec 2015, 22:36

Finally I finished a few treasure maps. Some are more clear, others are more cryptic, as the game needs them.


There will be some more variants in the game with washed out parts, to denote the quality of the map. A largely faded map of the cryptic type gives the least chances to find the treasure, a good quality map with clear instructions should be a pretty certain bet. Unless it is a trap.
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby shirish » 28 Dec 2015, 22:31

I am guessing, this game also does not work good on OpenJDK or does it ? On my system I run this :-

[$] java -version

openjdk version "1.8.0_72-internal"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_72-internal-b05)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.72-b05, mixed mode)
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 29 Dec 2015, 17:02

I don't know. It's been a while that I checked, and I've been using the 32 bit version of OpenJDK. That was with a very old Asus EEE PC, single core CPU at 900MHz, 1Gb ram, and it seemed kind of normal that it didn't run very smooth there.

In addition to the maps, there are a number of damages that can be applied - burned, wrinkled, ripped, watered. All make the maps harder to read, so in the game there can be a lot of difficulty levels for maps now - once the quality of the map itself (how well it was made), and the state, if it is in good state, or if it was damaged since it was made.

I've attached a preview of a slightly burned map. The burned paper effect is my favorite.
burned_map.jpg (49.69 KiB) Viewed 8198 times
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby ImpalerWrG » 08 Jan 2016, 07:33

I've seen some nice development here and was wondering if you Vander might be interested in helping on my project Khazad as we have a lot of similarities in the game concepts, I'm a bit more DF focused while you seem to be more Dungeon Keeper oriented but they are both basically city-builders and we both put a high emphasis on the off-map questing component.

I can offer you a more sophisticated engine foundation which is isometric 3D in both rendering and camera controls (zoom, rotate and tilt), the terrain can be sliced through horizontally to show underground structures in X-ray style. My engine also has incredible path-finding performance, I can run several hundred creatures pathing between randomly selected points at 3,000 tiles per second movement rates. I'm also creating a map that will allow zooming directly from settlement level out to the world map with contiguous pathfinding across all scales, this would allow the quest parties to have real over-world routes and interactions with permanent rather then randomly generated locations.

I'm aiming for a new release in a week or two and I'd like you to try out the engine at that point to see for yourself what it offers, if you join our team we have many systems that need to be developed that your clearly familiar with such as the creature AI, the UI which is in Nifty and various bits of simulation like cave-ins, weather, farming and plant growth, finally your ability to make 3D models would be invaluable as I lack any art skills at all. My code is GPLv3 and it's available at, forums are at
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby charlie » 08 Jan 2016, 12:40

ImpalerWrG {l Wrote}:I'm aiming for a new release in a week or two

Perhaps you should post your own showcase thread here with some screenshots and a roadmap etc. :)
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 24 Feb 2016, 13:03

ImpalerWrG {l Wrote}:I've seen some nice development here and was wondering if you Vander might be interested in helping on my project Khazad as we have a lot of similarities in the game concepts, I'm a bit more DF focused while you seem to be more Dungeon Keeper oriented but they are both basically city-builders and we both put a high emphasis on the off-map questing component.

Thank you for the invitation. But I want to be honest, I've lost interest in this sort of project. Even if largely incomplete, I feel pleased with my achievement. Imp City has all the basic functions that I wanted to have, and I lost the drive. This happens usually with my projects. Once I'm feeling confident that I can complete it, the actual interest is gone - I have reached the point that I needed to feel satisfied.

It's looking fine, it has a number of creatures, the AI can do a few different tasks. The story generator is not actually linked to the game, but I saw that it can work. I've "mastered" the challenges at least so far that I feel confident with my solutions.

My pathfinding is slow, my way to use OpenGL is not optimal. But I feel no need to improve that, it's good enough for the showcase. I might work on this project now and then still, but it you saw how seldom updates came in the past months.

I don't know what will catch my interest next. But probaly it'll be something new, with new challenges. It might happen as part of this project, but as well as a new project.
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 26 Nov 2018, 20:19

Once again, such a crippling crisis hit me and put me out of the game for almost 3 years again. But I picked up work on this project recently, and I hope I can continue for a while longer. Hopefully create a complete game some day.

So, it started with the wish to improve the fonts. That took a whopping 4 days, but it was a start.


Since then I have mostly been including better sounds and fixed a number of bugs, so that the quest code at least works so far that one can send a party for a raid on the upperworld. I don't think the code to make the party return works full yet. At least none of mine returned <.<

So here it is, a new version with many new sounds,
Download Binary: ... dpAyzpitxN
Needs Java 7 or newer installed. Windows users can just double click the "ImpCity.jar" Linux users should use the "" script.

Sometimes creatures working with the forges drop produce too close to the walls and the imps can't pick them up. There are lot more things that need to be fixed or even completed at first, but this is the only serious problem that I am aware of right now.


The mining chain works so far that one can produce gold coins. More gold means, more powerful creatures are willing to join your ranks. But this is still to be implemented. Right now only the available room types matter for the creatures.

I've been using sourceforge in the past but I don't like it anymore, so till I have decided on a new home for the sources, I just offer them as download:
Download Sources: ... eojaO892JH

For credits, check both "impcity_credits.txt" and "credits.txt"
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 27 Nov 2018, 12:36

Forgot this yesterday, there is an only slightly outdated manual: ... e-keeping/
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Danimal » 27 Nov 2018, 19:37

hey, how is it going Vandar? long time no see you; you still developing this?
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 27 Nov 2018, 21:46

Thanks, going better again, and recovering further. At the moment I feel quite inspired to complete at least the basic part of the game. Must see how far I actually will get there. How about yourself? And how is Open Dungeons doing?
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 27 Nov 2018, 23:37

Maybe not worth a new version number, but I wanted to publish this version, because I like the new working sound for the Conians so much :p

Imp City r017

- Dropping message icons now got a "ping" sound to notify the player
- Conians sound like angle grinders now (and spin and spark like crazy while working)
- Imps should now be able to pick up items that are very close to walls (untested change)
- Improved the layout of the party selection screen
- Powersnails spread seeds in a circular area instead of squares (looks more natural, might need more work)
- Treasure quest locations now include crypts, obelisks and cairns (flavor only at this point)

Windows + Linux versions: ... KtvkiB9Fvc
Sources: ... diBO6zeY8q
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 01 Dec 2018, 22:27

I recorded two videos from the game. The one shows some mining and metalworking action (copper ore -> copper coins -> treasury):

Then, creatures looking for food:

I need to adjust the volume of the sound effects better. Some are too loud, some too quiet in comparison to the others.
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Imerion » 01 Dec 2018, 22:30

Nice! Awesome to see you are working on this again, I used to follow it closely since it looked so fun. :)
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Re: Imp City, build an underground kingdom

Postby Vandar » 01 Dec 2018, 22:52

Thanks! I hope it will be as much fun as it looked ;) Still, a long way to go, but right now, things are looking good.
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