RTS, Gigalomania

RTS, Gigalomania

Postby mdwh » 04 Oct 2015, 16:47

A project I've been working on, on and off over the years is Gigalomania ( http://gigalomania.sourceforge.net/ ), a Mega Lo Mania like RTS where you develop weapons and conquer your enemies, advancing through the ages from the stone age to the future!


It's available for Windows, Linux, OS X, Android and more. The game is GPL v2 or later, with assets released under various Free licences.

An earlier version was featured on Free Gamer blog ( http://freegamer.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03 ... dates.html ). Since then there have been bug fixes, tweaks to the gameplay, tutorials added, speech samples and music, and improvements to the graphics.

It could still do with graphical improvements (e.g., the buildings which are rather simplistic and lack varation; defender sprites; or general overall consistency), but it's improving slowly :) Please let me know if anyone wants to help out with graphical improvements.
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby Akien » 04 Oct 2015, 18:05

Congrats on the new release and thanks for notifying us about it!

I've had a look at building it with the intent to package it for Mageia (I already package Erebus that you also develop).
First thing, "make install" will fail on Linux if DESTDIR is specified, as some "mkdir -p" are missing. Attached is a patch that should fix it.

Then, more annoying, the game does not work when make install'ed. The progress bar loads and then it just crashes, without any log output. The game runs fine from the build dir, so I guess you're attempting to open a file in rw mode or something, and /opt/gigalomania being owned by root, it crashes. It could be another reason, but that's one of the usual suspects :)

Apart from this crash, there are a couple things I'd like to patch for my distro package and I'd be glad to have some pointers. Currently everything is installed in /opt/gigalomania, which is a no-go packaging-wise, so I want to put the data in /usr/share/games/gigalomania and (ideally) the binary in /usr/games. I know that the binary looks for the data in the runtime directory, and for Erebus I put it in /usr/share/games/erebus too and wrote a wrapper script for /usr/games/erebus, but that's kind of dirty.
Is there an easy way to define a datadir that could be used in the code, e.g. by passing -DDATADIR=/usr/share/games/gigalomania to the compiler, and using some #ifdef DATADIR in the source?
Add missing "mkdir -p" in Makefile
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby mdwh » 06 Oct 2015, 00:33

Thanks for the patch (and for the offer of packaging Gigalomania), I've included it. I'm taking a look at adding support for a DATADIR define.
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby mdwh » 06 Oct 2015, 23:47

I've just pushed an update to the Git repository which allows specifying a DATADIR #define. Note that it needs to be specified in the makefile surrounded by single and double quotes, e.g.:


Please let me know if this works or if changes are needed.
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby Julius » 07 Oct 2015, 03:49

Linux binaries for Debian based systems would be nice to give it a quick try. Looks really awesome so far though.

By the way: I was totally unaware that you also made a Civ like game (Conquests). Any plans to pick up development of that again? How difficult would it be to put actual 3D models into the 3D engine part of it? The GUI is easily customizable too? I guess a proper 3D Civ like game could become really popular FOSS game :)
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby mdwh » 07 Oct 2015, 22:49

I've uploaded Debian binaries at https://launchpad.net/gigalomania/+download , so hopefully that should work.

On Conquests: I hope to return to it at some point to do some updates/fixes. The main problem with integrating 3D models is probably handling the formats - I've played about with reading models from Blender using the ASSIMP library, but getting animation to work is something I've found a pain :( However since the viewpoint is fixed apart from zoom in/out, I think it would work to have pre-rendered animated sprites from 3D models.

The next question is the models themselves :) There are a good set of Civilization oriented 3D models at http://opengameart.org/content/blender- ... eciv-units , though I don't think they have animations. Still, I already used some of them for Gigalomania - http://opengameart.org/content/catapult has an animated catapult, and I created an animated cannon from the 3D cannon model.
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby Thomos » 15 Oct 2015, 16:50

Congratulations on the release.
I just installed it on a Windows 8.1 PC.
I tried the tutorial and it is very clear and helpful.

For me, the graphics are good enough.
I was pleasantly surprised by the music and sound effects.
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby Imerion » 28 Oct 2015, 02:11

I just tried this, and I have to say it's a very fine game. The UI feels polished, practical and user-friendly, things look nice and while I still haven't figured out how exactly how to play, I'm sure this could be fun to play more. :)
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby Akien » 16 Feb 2016, 08:35

mdwh {l Wrote}:I've just pushed an update to the Git repository which allows specifying a DATADIR #define. Note that it needs to be specified in the makefile surrounded by single and double quotes, e.g.:


Please let me know if this works or if changes are needed.

Thanks, it took me a little while but I finally got around to test it. It's a bit difficult to set now that the buildsystem is handled by QMake, I'll try to make a patch for that. It also doesn't seem to work as expected as I still get the data installed in /opt/gigalomania instead of the defined DATADIR. I'll give it a closer look asap :)
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby Akien » 16 Feb 2016, 08:37

Also I had to hack the .pro file to remove Windows-specific (I suppose) stuff like linking -lSDLmain, -lUser32 and -lShell32 or bundling the SDL2 headers. Some conditionals in the .pro files would be nice :)
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby mdwh » 16 Feb 2016, 11:25

Oops, I'll fix that up.

Note that the standard way of compiling Gigalomania on Linux is still through make rather than qmake - the support for using QtCreator was something I added in the most recent version, mainly as a first step to supporting Ubuntu's Click packaging, but isn't required - and probably isn't as well tested, as you've found out :) So I'd say best to stick with using the standard make with the makefile that's supplied.

Thanks for taking a look. Let me know if more changes are needed, I can do a new release when this is working properly.
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Re: RTS, Gigalomania

Postby Imerion » 20 Mar 2016, 21:52

A bit late here, but +1 for any improvements to Conquests. A 3D civ like foss-game would be ace. I tried it and it seemed to have a lot of potential! :)
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