I'm eager to test it.
Btw, have you seen my comment about the node names vs several game map instance? I don't know whether I'm clear enough and whether my comment isn't stupid, yet. But I will investigate more asap.
In the meanwhile, could you tell me a few things? (I'm starting with the basics to make sure of a few things.)
- In multiplayer mode, is the local player (the one hosting) sharing the game map with the server or is there actually two game maps instance even in that case?
EDIT: Well, now I've looked at the code, the answer is rather obvious, eh. Yes there are two game map, not shared.
One in the ODFrameListener, and one in the ODServer.
- Is it the same in single player mode?
- Are remote players only using one game map instance?
EDIT: It is the same way to work (as for game maps) on both side. And I have seen you answered on github. So let's finish this there.