[DONE] OD Windows binaries

Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 14 May 2014, 08:13

Hi Danimal, :)

Ok, I'll make this happen asap for the training room as a reference and reuse that for other rooms, and use the anvil for the forge.
Once you've got dedicated models to be put against walls, I'll add them as well.

There are two questions left and I'm on it:
- As for the active slot number computation, should I take in account the active slots against walls right now, even if there is no models there?

- There is a use case I'd like you to decide which is better:
X = Active spot
O = Room tile.

Which do you prefer?

{l Code}: {l Select All Code}

or B:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}

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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 14 May 2014, 12:22

You are an amazing coder Bertram, also thanks for hearing to my gamer ramblings;

Once you've got dedicated models to be put against walls, I'll add them as well.

I would say you can put the doll for now, just for show or even another placeholder model. Just reminding that a different model will go there soon, so please use a dedicated pointer to the wall models so it can be changed easily later.

- As for the active slot number computation, should I take in account the active slots against walls right now, even if there is no models there?

If its not extremely complex you should do, since this piece of code will be the prototype for most other rooms

I prefer B, A is way too empty, here is a pic of dk 2, can you see the targets in the walls? each 3 block and tiles goes one. One question, Bertram, can you set the oriention of the wall active spot so it is oriented to the oposite of the wall? (so we dont end up with a target facing to a wall)

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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 14 May 2014, 12:53

Hi Danimal, :)

I would say you can put the doll for now, just for show or even another placeholder model. Just reminding that a different model will go there soon, so please use a dedicated pointer to the wall models so it can be changed easily later.

If its not extremely complex you should do, since this piece of code will be the prototype for most other rooms

Ok, you're right. What's done is done. I'll do both (It's a similar computation since the number of room objects is the number of slots.)

I prefer B, A is way too empty, here is a pic of dk 2, can you see the targets in the walls? each 3 block and tiles goes one. One question, Bertram, can you set the oriention of the wall active spot so it is oriented to the oposite of the wall? (so we dont end up with a target facing to a wall)

I was for B, too but wanted to make sure. Yes, I can rotate the room objects. The forge already does it and it should not be too hard to get the opposite rotation according to the neighbor wall.

Btw, on the screenshot, you can see that claimed walls have their upper face compatible with dirt. Maybe we should do the same so we can link walls more seamlessly with dirt?

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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 14 May 2014, 13:16

Btw, on the screenshot, you can see that claimed walls have their upper face compatible with dirt. Maybe we should do the same so we can link walls more seamlessly with dirt?

Actually Elvano sugested something like this awhile ago, that there is walled wall parts only on the visible side, so a wall surrounded by dirt just have one side and the "crested" part on top in the visible and not on the ones next to dirt, it even looks cleaner that way:

http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q136 ... 293370.png

Agent Keeper has got the right tilesize while for some reason we tend to hold on to 1/4th of it.
If we would finally start to use the correct tilesize you may find that the wall isn't that over-heightened as you may think.
I've mentioned this multiple times before, but sometimes I really get the feeling I might as well talk to a wall.

Another thing that may cause the illusion of extra height is the distance between the wall and the rock behind it.
I do not recall if Skorpio meant it to be this way, but personally I don't think we ought to use "walls" but rather fortify the surrounding rock/dirt.

Are walls a waste? Not at all. But keep them as a barricade which the player can choose to set up.
It may or may not, but as it is now they're certainly giving the illussion of taking up more space from your room.

Every room has a different wall with features specificly for their purpose (example: bookcases for a library)
We can choose to simply use a wall texture on the dirt side for many of them, though this would mean there is an extra factor to where to and not to place a wall on top of what texture to use.

Where does fortified rock/dirt differ from a wall in my context?
Well to put it simple, the fortification can be a wall build in an already present objects, in this case being the dirt/rock.

This technicly means that the wall is not seperated from the dirt tile (and thus has no spacing between it) and uses only one layer of bricks on the side the land is claimed by you.


What do you think about it? blue pic is what he suggest, red one what we have, the main difference with DK2 is there are no extra bit over the wall like we have.
Eliminating the upper bits is another option as well, we should go with the easier ones as per your criteria since you are the one suffering the code and its just a decorative and not functonal piece.
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 14 May 2014, 14:12

Well, I'm all for it. Yet, it would fall on Skorpio's shoulder first, I guess, since he would have to create the models.
Btw, does anyone know a simple mesh viewer?
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Elvano » 14 May 2014, 14:50

Danimal {l Wrote}:Eliminating the upper bits is another option as well, we should go with the easier ones as per your criteria since you are the one suffering the code and its just a decorative and not functonal piece.

I take it you mean the 'battlements' with the 'upper bits'?
I added the ones on the examples I have provided merely for clarification, since our current walls indeed have these.

Bertram {l Wrote}:Well, I'm all for it. Yet, it would fall on Skorpio's shoulder first, I guess, since he would have to create the models.

It's up to Skorpio if he wants to make models, but we do have other 3D artists, thank you very much.
No need to force it upon him. ;o
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 14 May 2014, 17:15

It's up to Skorpio if he wants to make models, but we do have other 3D artists, thank you very much.
No need to force it upon him. ;o

Eh eh. I didn't mean Skorpio is the only one capable, sorry. ;)
In fact, I don't really know who can do models in the OD Team.
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Elvano » 14 May 2014, 17:20

Bertram {l Wrote}: I don't really know who can do models in the OD Team.

People in the project which have a with 3D modeling background are (alphabeticaly):
  • Danimal
  • Elvano
  • ReZpawner
  • Skorpio
There might be others, though I don't know about them then.
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 14 May 2014, 18:02

hi Elvano, i cant do anything rigth now, so you almost made a declaration that you will take care of it, it that the case?
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 15 May 2014, 08:44

Thanks for the info, Elvano.
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 15 May 2014, 20:15

Bertram, just for curiosity, does OD have already integrated the physics engine?
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 15 May 2014, 22:36

Hi Danimal,

What do you mean by physics engine?
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 15 May 2014, 22:44

Ogre doesnt have its own, i think the most popular addon physic engine is called "bullet" (or close to that). Just wondering if the previous coders integrated it or not
Err, just to make myselft clear, the code part that makes lest say cannonballs real objects with weigth, strength, gravity drag and the like:

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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 15 May 2014, 22:51

Ah, I see.
Nope, nothing of the sort in the code seen so far. Libbullet would be a good choice, would we add some physic based stuff.
Yet, I fail to see use cases here. Or maybe do you want to see cannon balls do arcs when shooted to enemies, for instance?
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 15 May 2014, 22:57

i dont really know, somehow i had the impression that arrows, fireballs and all those would be handled like physics objects (fire and forget missiles) rather than raycasting; and some traps and skills would push the creature that triggered it and others.
As far as i know adding a physics engine is a huge effort, so lets discuss it sometime in the future.
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 15 May 2014, 23:12

ok. :)
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Bertram » 30 May 2014, 22:36

Hi there,

New windows binary!
https://www.dropbox.com/s/33tcnzkpxfwr2 ... -05-30.zip

Au menu since the last time:
- New in-game music (different from the Main menu one.)
For now, the 2 music files will play one after another. The plan is to later use one when everything is cruely calm, and another one when battles start on map with your minions.
- Fixed creatures max scaling.
- Load/save creatures level.
- Remove game threads. The game is now running on the same thread, Audio, logging and the Ogre engine are still running on their own.
This simplifies the code A LOT, and fixes a few race condition crashes, like when spawning a creature, adding a room (but not all yet), and when quitting the app.
- End of the first pass of a complete code review, guideline appliance, and readability and complexity fixes. Hurray!
- Fixed room object addition/removal, most notably seen when adding forges.
- Added first version of room active spot support when the room is at least a 3x3 square.
- Complete redo of the console command auto-complete code with GPLv2 code by Paul.
- More work on the new Tile culling algorithm thanks to Paul.
- Minimap rotation according to the current viewport thanks to MCMic.
- Improvement on CMake files thanks to hwoarangmy and true support of MingW compilation.

Enjoy! :)

Request to Danimal:
- Fix each creature starting scaling by setting sane values in the level/creatures.def file.
- Test the new Dojo ground model/texture. :)

Request to Paul:
- Add info on how to start the experimental tile culling algorithm.
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby paul424 » 01 Jun 2014, 12:06

You open a console, with " ~ " .
You type >>starttileculling" to start it.
You type >>stoptileculling" to stop it .
I just put win versoin on our SF.net server .
Removed the Linux package cause it contained .git files. AFAIK the make can generarate source package with command : " make package_source" , but here it ends in disaster :

tom@oberon:~/Opendungeons/opendungeons> make package_source
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
Run CPack packaging tool for source...
CPack: Create package using DEB
CPack: Install projects
CPack: - Install directory: /home/tom/Opendungeons/opendungeons
CPack: Create package
CPack Error: Problem running tar command:  "/usr/bin/cmake" -E tar cfz data.tar.gz  ./CMakeFiles ./CMdump.txt ./git ./lang ./scripts ./Pictures ./od.cppcheck ./OpenDungeonsNoStdoutNoStderr ./documentation ./OpenDungeonsKill.sh ./devel_tool ./shaderCache ./sounds ./ODCompileFiles.sh ./gms ./CMakeLists.txt.orig ./materials ./scratch ./make_output.txt ./Makefile ./resources_install.zip.cfg ./music ./resources.cfg ./plugins_d.cfg ./cmake_install.cmake ./CMDEBUG.txt ./myDebug.txt ./CPackConfig.cmake ./gui ./README ./OpenDungeonsDebug.sh ./PostFilters ./OpenDungeons.cbp ./FAQBR.txt ./config ./myCMAKE.patch ./resources_install.cfg ./CEGUI.log ./source ./CMakeCache.txt ./cmake ./ogre.cfg ./.gitattributes ./Debug ./CPackSourceConfig.cmake ./dependencies ./OpenDungeons.bin ./resources.zip.cfg ./.gitignore ./.git ./levels ./models ./opendungeons.log ./FAQ.txt ./poolwrappers.zip ./CMakeLists.txt ./plugins.cfg ./schemas.zip ./OpenDungeons
Please check /home/tom/Opendungeons/opendungeons/_CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/DEB/Deb.log for errors
CPack Error: Problem compressing the directory
CPack Error: Error when generating package: opendungeons
make: *** [package_source] Error 1
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby paul424 » 01 Jun 2014, 12:12

# Output:
CMake Error: archive_write_header: Can't translate pathname './materials/textures/Env-blaugrünF.png' to UTF-8
CMake Error: Problem creating tar: data.tar.gz

Ho ho ho , Unserse libste deutsche freunde of OpenDungeons :P !
That must come from Scorpio {DE}
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby paul424 » 01 Jun 2014, 12:50

Add info on how to start the experimental tile culling algorithm.

Well you mean like in a box window ? I am not master of CEGUI ... so if you could make simple pop-up window with info ...
Also seems I would be requestiong your help with getting Windows for logging info ( debug channels ) ...
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 01 Jun 2014, 15:03

-> Unrelated to Paul post

Im in the final stretch of my university exams, i will be finally free next tuesday and willing to poke around OD values.

My thougts of this new version (i played only for a bit), ill point things you already know faulty as well:

- Since creatures appear with ramdom levels from portals, its hard to know their levels, crazy scales dont help either <- Solution re-scaling (asigned to me) and the adding to the general TODO of a mechanism that allows to see creatures HP, level, XP for next level and mood. (like the life flowers from DK1 and 2. We need to think of our own implementation); creatures spawned from portal should all be level 1, but since its unclear if training room is working i dont know if that would be a good choice atm.

- Goblin and tentacle from cave left from yours (on the way to the gold) kicked my ass really hard, killed everything i threw at them and destroyed half my dungeon tiles, i guess they are max level, but that made me realize a few bugs.

- Diggers will stop working if you tell them to dig an area across water with no land path to it, they will start wandering around, ignoring work that is accesible in your dungeon (i tried to get to the gold on left by crossing water so i didnt have to claim the cave with the kickass goblin-tentacle combo), they should be able to cross the water and dig the dirt/gold there even if they cant claim that side of the river. When i unselected for digging the other side of the river, they returned to work.

- Rooms that have tiles destroyed keeps their actives spots even when fully destroyed.

- Diggers should run away from enemies other than enemy diggers, at the moment they march happily to combat. They will be really weak when their stats are tweaked so a running away behaviour for diggers and near death creatures would be useful (away from enemies)

- Work assignation for diggers, no matter where you drop them, they will march back to whatever job they had on the other end of the dungeon; couldnt it be made so they re-check closest job when dropped by hand? Same for normal creature, being dropped on a room should check if they can work there (researcher or blacksmith for now) and force then to work there until hunger/sleep makes them go have a snack and return or go sleep.

- Gold tiles dont blend with surrounding dirt tiles and are shown as if they had all dirt removed from its sides.

- Creatures now engage on melee rather than long distance taunt figth (finally), but your own seems to be slow to start attacking, i had a legion be one hitted by the tentacle and im not sure they put in even a single blow

And im finished with the critics, i want to congratulate you guys for all the new changes even if some of them are not that visible. Needless to say the rooms with active spots is the one i liked the most :) (its weirdly satisfying to see all those dolls and forges appear around). Now we only need to find Elvano so he can start preparing the homepage update when a few more rooms are added.

Question, what program should i use to read the .def file for creatures values?, notepad does the work but is not the most confortable.
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 01 Jun 2014, 23:45

Im in the final stretch of my university exams, i will be finally free next tuesday and willing to poke around OD values.

Sigh, i ended up poking anyways (opened game files with excel); my impressions are these:

- Workers tend to idle if the work is far from them

- Creature.def needs to have more values to be really useful: creature initial HP, range, magical/physical defense, magical/physical damage, creature initial damage and its increment per level (just like health does), and probably the rates for working on the new rooms (research, forging); creatures priorities could also be included here so some of them prefer doing one activity by default, like:
Mage Research 1, praying 2, training 3, forge 0
Orc Research 0, praying 0, training 1, forge 2
Fly Research 0, praying 0, training 0, forge 0
Warrior Research 0, praying 2, training 1, forge 3

- Alignation system in Creature.def file is useless, it will never be used, can it be removed?

- Setting up creatures in the test.level to have wild hp and range is cheap, really cheap. They should be handled by just indicating their placement coordinates, level and equiped weapons, all other stats should be in creatures.def file. Giving them max level and best equipment should be the way of turning them into dangerous enemies. Since we will need mini-bosses, they can just be created into the .def as a new creature with better stats than their peers and using a variation of the basic skin which i will create as necesary (green tentacle and tiger tentacle being a good example).
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby paul424 » 02 Jun 2014, 01:36

Too late!,
He got sick with Elvanoism :(
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Danimal » 02 Jun 2014, 10:18

I dont think so, he must be busy with life this days. But regarding elvano, i fear he just left us without saying anything; do any of us have permissions to update homepage?.
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Re: [DONE] OD Windows binaries

Postby Elvano » 02 Jun 2014, 16:18

First off, It's rude to talk behind people's back.

Paul, you're an idiot.
Grew some social skills if you're to participate in a project!
You've been told a hundred times already to stop demeaning me and every bl**dy time again you just have to try.

Some people do have things to do in real life.

If you need something from me you could've at least sent me a message before declaring me abandoning.
I always try to respond to mails asap and even try to do the little tasks straight away, but you can't expect me to visit the forums on a regular base.
I aim to please, and it really hurts me you write me off without even checking up on me.

I am to be reached through the forum's messenging (if you haven't got my mail address anymore) and on irc most of the time.
If you need something to be done, please ask so directly if I don't seem to be active on the forum for a while.
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