Blog updates

Blog updates

Postby Julius » 31 Dec 2009, 19:11

Just made a new blog update: ... games.html

But we as a community really need to make an effort to keep the blog updated more often. So far it was always more or less a one man's show (First Charlie, the qudobup and now me), but I neither have the time right now and will have even less time next year (in fact I will be completely absent from March on for 4 months, since I will be in Nepal for my Master's Thesis).

But what we easily forget is that the Blog was what started all this, and it is still the main force for getting more community members I guess! A Blog that isn't updated at least once a week looses it's readers quite quickly however, and I think this is already visible in the activity of this community (besides the hit it got from the forum Armageddon). Sure it seems like it is recovering now, but everyone interested in a lively FreeGameDev community (instead of lots of separated projects) should think about how he could contribute to the Blog.

If we find a few regular contributors then each only has to make an update one in a while, which really shouldn't be too much to ask! So please volunteer in this thread or PM qudobup or Charlie for more details!
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Re: Blog updates

Postby qubodup » 31 Dec 2009, 19:22

I'm planning 2-3 (small :oops: ) updates until the end of January 2010 :) Surprisingly enough. More contributors would be definitely welcome but I would as well be glad if they would post on their own blogs* something fossgame(dev) related, so we can mention your thoughts on FreeGamer.

*maybe you/they'll feel more confident there? ;)
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Re: Blog updates

Postby charlie » 29 Jul 2010, 12:37

Well frogatto 1.0 and I've been meaning to review it. Maybe I will, maybe I won't... we'll see.
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Re: Blog updates

Postby Julius » 29 Jul 2010, 19:03

Sounds good... I have something planned for Zero Ballistics and maybe Ya3dag (Pretty sweet Quake2 engine enhancement with in-game level editor and bullet physics).

I think it would be worth making a post about recent Westnoth developments in combination with that card game spin-off Wtactics, but I currently lack the time and motivation to do that.

Also, is there anything new that came out of the Ryzom release? Haven't checked for some time.
The GPL version of SevenKindoms (Now with Linux Port) might be worth investigation too.
Flipout ( ) and maybe other puzzle games would make a cool news post also I guess.

I am putting these ideas out in the open... so if any new(or old) contributors want to make a blog post about those it's fine with me.
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