Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 03 Feb 2012, 03:43

Hi I am trying to compile the lastest git revision to check it out and test it but I am having alot of problems following the wiki pages and compiling it. as for the wiki/trac article about compiling in windows goes the zlib link is no longer valid the host provider only seems to provide the latest release and not previous ones so I had to get a copy of the 1.2.5 from an alternative source as I am unsure if newer version would be 100% compatible. As far as compiling bullet 2.77 goes that's a no go either as on my computer (windows 7 x64) it fails near the end of compiling with alot of error messages (as did 2.78) but thankfully 2.79 compiled np as per instructions on wiki just hope it's 100% compatible with lips of suna. As for the bit at the bottom about installing lips of suna on the windows compiling guide I am unsure as to which version of lips of suna that is going to get I THINK it might be the last offical release of 0.50 but wasn't sure. As I wanted to check out the latest build I went to the ... /Compiling and got the git directions from there and had np setting that up and getting a clone from the database. As for the bit on the top of that page about dependancies I assume the other page ... gInWindows has already covered all that? The main problem that I can't seem to find a way around is with compiling the main lips of suna source code itself with the included waf. The problem is that everytime I try and use ./waf configure command it comes up build failed and alot of the things on the list come up not found. I realise that is normal for some things to come up not found but obviously something that is REQUIRED to be built is not being detected (path envioroment issue with waf?). I noticed that one thing it didn't find was bullet. now I did not manage to get 2.77 as previously mensioned but using 2.79 version and the instructions on ... gInWindows in reguards to compiling bullet went through np with no errors so I am unsure as to why waf isn't detecting it among possible other things. I know a little bit about compiling source code and programming etc. but not a great deal and am unable to work out how to configure waf to find installed dependancies and compile successfully. Attached is a copy of the waf configuration log incase it is of any help in helping with troubleshooting the issue. Any help in this matter would be greatly appricated ty. Also sorry about the length of the post but thought it best to try and explain what I did as clearly as possible :)
config log of failed build
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby TheAncientGoat » 03 Feb 2012, 05:05

Hi, thanks for taking the time to try LoS!

Nekotaku has successfully compiled the latest version under Windows, so it's not totally broken, but the compiling guides are out of date. We've switched the renderer to Ogre, so that's an additional dependency that hasn't been listed yet; we'll update the guide by the next release or when there aren't any odd gfx bugs anymore. Nekotaku will be able to offer more help though, if you'd be as kind as to test it out for us :)
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 03 Feb 2012, 08:35

Thanks for your reply and sending a few minutes to let me know much appricated :) I assume your a developer of lipsofsuna? If so great work ! I love your product it is very much like minecraft only much more modern graphics and with more rpg elements in it and less sandbox and more quest oriented all of which I like alot ! Glad to hear Nekotaku could still compile in windows so sounds like it's just missing dependacies and some other pathing issue? for me to deal with then.

So it requires even more dependacies now which is yet another reason that waf is failing. Still though waf is complaining about things like bullet not installed when it is so the lack of unlisted dependancies I suspect isn't my only issue. There still appears to be an issue with pathing with waf on my computer as well (in particular with bullet for eg.) so even with the new dependancies installed there is still something not quite right on my setup aparently. I will see if I can compile ogre in mingw/msys at least so I can get that problem out of the way right now.

As for testing it I would be more then happy to be a genie pig for you's hehe if Nekotaku would like to get in touch with me via this post or something we can get the ball rolling on that whenever you's are ready and have time. Hope to hear from either of you's or from someone else to help with my currrent issue's (besides ogre) soon.
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby amuzen » 03 Feb 2012, 10:34

Waf can't always find the dependencies on its own since they may install their headers to non-standard locations without providing any method to locate them. You can help it by adding the non-standard header paths to CFLAGS and library paths to LINKFLAGS like below. Adjust the paths to match your MinGW installation.

{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
export CFLAGS="-IC:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/include -IC:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/include/Bullet -IC:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/include/OGRE -IC:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/include/OIS"
export LINKFLAGS="-LC:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib"
./waf configure

In addition to the dependencies listed in the wiki, you'll need Libpng and Ogre to get the game to build. I haven't had luck with the precompiled Ogre SDK as the version of MinGW I'm using fails to catch exceptions thrown by it. Unless you're lucky with your choice of the MinGW version, you'll probably have to compile Ogre and its dependencies from source code as well.

I know, it's a huge pain. Installing the dependencies can take a whole day, while in Linux you can get everything from the repositories in 10 minutes. I'm going to release a precompiled build environment for Windows at some point so it'll eventually become easier. However, I need to get Ogre to cooperate with MinGW first. :(
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 03 Feb 2012, 12:51

thanks amuzen so when I get the dependancies built I need to type the export commands in mingw/msys before I use waf everytime I rebuild or will doing it once automatically add the paths in mingw/msys everytime? I downloaded libpng 1.5.7 and compiled that as well in mingw/msys as suggested didn't seem to have any issues there. Also in reguards to ogre it requires directx sdk which I currently don't have installed anymore and can't find my install package for it on my hard drives so I will have to redownload it. Sadly my internet speed is bad in peak hours atm so I will have to download that late tonight (in offpeak hours of my internet plan) and try building ogre then ready to go 1st thing tomorrow morning. So when I get up in the morning I will compile ogre (fingers crossed I don't have same problems as you amuzen) then try and compile LoS with waf again (after putting in the cflags and linkflags) and let you's know what happened.
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 03 Feb 2012, 13:00

Oh btw amuzen I am pretty sure your would have saw this but just incase you said you having problems with mingw and ogre and on the prerequisites page for ogre wiki it says I quote " Latest Ogre SDK: Use MinGW from MinGW, not from TDM!" Not sure if you were using tdm mingw or the regular mingw not but just incase you were and were using tdm and weren't aware of that using mingw from mingw and NOT tdm might help :)
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 03 Feb 2012, 13:04

also it says I quote "A bug in recent versions of CMake prevents Ogre from building on MinGW. Use an earlier version of CMake (version 2.8.3 is the latest working rev)" that might also be a problem with compiling the sdk for ogre
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby garvek » 03 Feb 2012, 18:13

To my experience, Ogre builds poorly on Windows with MingW; perhaps looking at MSVC could be a viable choice, but I don't know how much compatible the current codebase is. This could be an issue, specially if you use *nix headers.
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 04 Feb 2012, 02:19

Your right there garvek, amuzen said had alot of problems doing it and now I am as well. I reguards to how compatible the current code is and if the code uses nix headers I have no clue. As for using MSVC I have no idea how to do that. I tried copy the source to mingw/msys include directory and it's sdk and using cflags and linkflags as per amuzens suggestion to included it before using ./waf configure but it still didn't find it. So I tried copying the files including the ogre.h header file to the main include directory out of the ogre subdirectory and still waf says not found and fails. I then installed cmake and directxsdk feb 2010 as the ogre website said and tried to use cmake to gerate a makefile script for mingw but everytime I try and configure in cmake it starts to process it but then gives me a BSOD and crashes my computer so no luck there either. I am all out of idea's this way if someone has any other suggestions and are willing to give me a hand when needed to work out how to do it I will gladly try other methods as well. But as it stands I am currently fresh out of idea's myself hope to hear from someone again soon.

I just relised that MSCV stands for Microsoft Studios and yes I have used both the 2008 and the 2010 versions of that in the past but I don't it installed anymore. I will see if I can find my copy of it and reinstall either one then use cmake to generate a sln (fingers crossed it works and don't BSOD me again hehe) and try adding add dependanices in visual studio and compiling there will post later with the results

results: I managed to build ogre with cmake and vs2008 but now when I try and use waf it fails to find time.h and fails (part of enet I think which is all installed). All my moving files into main include etc. before of sdk's etc must have messed things up. Serves me right for not backing things up before messing up what part was working lol lesson learned I hope. Sigh might have to start again from scratch with mingw/msys fresh install and rebuild all the dependancies again. That or try and do a full build LoS with VS2008 using cmake to compile a sln/vcproj. back to the drawing board let you's know what happens
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby amuzen » 04 Feb 2012, 08:33

I got it to compile and run here. It should work fine with the newest version of MinGW and the precompiled Ogre SDK for MinGW. I'm going to package the build environment once I have included git and fixed a couple of rough edges.

There were some strange issues with configure detecting Ogre.h but I worked around those in wscript. For some reason, the newest MinGW would fail to output an executable if you compile a file that includes Ogre.h and has an empty main function. This is precisely what configure does when it checks for the header. For some reason, the executable is generated fine if an extra printf(""); is added to the main function. :?
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 04 Feb 2012, 09:14

Hey amuzen thanks again for your help and glad to hear you are working on the packaged build enviroment already :) How are those graphic bugs going though did you manage to find and solve those yet? Hope I haven't destracted you lol my bad.

Ok well I somehow screwed up my local/include folders etc. so I need to start afresh. I will clean my system out of mingw/msys and when you get your build package done I will test it out for you and confirm it is working on windows 7 x64 systems at least. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance with any testing or anything and great work tracking down those compiling/ogre problems so fast! I tried to do that for you but sadly I didn't have enough experience to do that but I tried my best to get it to build with everyone's assistance :) Will w8 and test your build enviroment once it is done at least I can do that much

update: I just noticed you done an update on git to the wscript file you just posted about I will have to update my git revision before I test your build enviroment when it's done
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby amuzen » 04 Feb 2012, 11:55

I packaged and uploaded the build environment. It can be downloaded at Having it tested would be great.
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 04 Feb 2012, 12:56

Bad news :( I uninstalled mingw/msys and python on my computer and extracted your sdk and used git command to get a clone of LoS source np but when I went into lipsofsuna directory and type ./waf configure it freezes up for about 10 secs on my laptop then I get a BSOD :( however there might not be anything wrong with your sdk as I noticed I have been getting a few BSOD's out of nowhere past couple of days which might just be a co-insidence but I suspect there is something wrong on my laptop. Sadly my old desktop died a few weeks back so I can't test it on that either but I SHOULD be getting a new desktop either next week or the week after and I will diffently test it on that. Will have to do a thougher sweep of my laptop and see if I can find any problems with windows etc. to account for the bsod's but don't hold out much hope there of finding the cause. So in summary I got a BSOD but it's probably just a problem on my end and not your SDK. Great work on it anyway sucks I can't use it atm need to look into things my way and thanks again for everyone's assistance.

UPDATE: Good news and Bad news. Fixed the BSOD by reinstalling the full package of python 2.7.1 and not relying on the one included in the sdk. So now I can use waf without a freeze and BSOD. Bad news is ./waf configure is still giveing me build fail even with your sdk right after header sys/time.h not found see enclosed build log. So just installing the sdk and python doesn't seem to be enough to get waf to find everything any further advise?
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby amuzen » 04 Feb 2012, 14:06

Looks like it's trying to use MSVC now. Try to uninstall it or remove it from your PATH before you configure.
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Re: Compiling newest build in windows with mingw/msys

Postby whitecrow » 04 Feb 2012, 15:00

Spot on! Thanks for that as that was the final missing piece of the puzzle on my setup. I now got waf to configure, build and install successfullly! Thanks for your help very much appricated.

Just to confirm what I think happened does that mean that when mscv is installed waf uses it by default instead of gcc when checking for dependancies and since they have not been setup with MSVC the waf config fails to find required headers etc. and fails?

Also just to let you know I don't know if it's just my system but for me to use waf I need to install the full python 2.7.1 package and NOT use the one included in the SDK you provided also needed to make sure MSVC was NOT installed (or included in path). Apart from that I just extracted the SDK to c: (making it the default c:\mingw location) and run msys.bat and use git command to get clone and use waf to config, build and install and that was it for me so as long as I did that your SDK worked on my system just fine :) ty for spending the time to create and provide that I am sure many other uses will use it over time as well to check out the latest progress on LoS and test it for you etc. :) Going to go check out the build now and confirm it works and check it out catch you laterz

UPDATE: Well seems I spoke to soon waf config,build and install seems to go through successfully after each step it even said was successfull and yet when I open lipsofsuna.exe from windows it comes up with command prompt window and flashing cursor for 10 secs then yep you guessed it BSOD. when I lauch it from msys it comes up flashing cursor for about 10 secs then BSOD. sigh tomorrow I am going to have to spend all day checking out my OS etc. and making sure it's not corrupted or got a virus or nothing to confirm it's not my software or something. Can't wait till I get my new desktop that's for sure lol. Oh well

UPDATE2: I posted a separate post on the forums about the BSOD topic seems to be an issue with LoS and NOT my laptop
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