Skorpio {l Wrote}:Is it possible to move all the stuff around the cross-hair somewhere else? I find the radar blips and ammo symbols around the cross-hair highly distractive. In other games I just use a small red dot as cross-hair.
Radarplayers - controls whether the green dots are there or not
Radarplayersblend - Controls the opacity of the dots representing players
Radarplayerseffects - Controls whether or not the dots representing players will 'blink' if they're on fire among other things.
RadarPlayerNames - If set to 2, will make it so that the dots in radar also display player name.
Radarplayersize - Controls the size of the dots
radaritems - controls whether the items are there or not
Radaritemstime - How long items stay on the radar (in ms)
Radaritemsspawn - Don't know. I think it shows them popping onto the radar when they appear
radaritemsblend - controls the opacity of the items around radar
radaritemsname - shows the name of items around the radar
radaritemssize - shows the size of items around the radar.
radaraffinity - ??
radaraffinityblend - ??
Radaroffset - Controls how far away the dots and items and stuff are from your mouse cursor. It is still circular.. but this might be what you're looking for.
I just have it all turned off.