Julius {l Wrote}:Hmm, Gryphon could be a nice name... and that's not used in the Battletech universe so far AFAIK.
But there's a Griffin. http://www.mechground.com/index.php?opt ... temid=2071
Julius {l Wrote}:Hmm, Gryphon could be a nice name... and that's not used in the Battletech universe so far AFAIK.
<remaxim>well, it is called freegamedev... means you develop games for other people for free xD
Julius {l Wrote}:"MCU-43-Gryphon"
Julius {l Wrote}:ahh btw... still unsure about the arms/weapons:
Do you like this mini-gun design?
Julius {l Wrote}:Maybe I can make it look a bit more massive, by adding more (and then smaller) barrels to the mini-gun?
Julius {l Wrote}:http://opengameart.org/content/mcu-43-gryphon-mech
Also broadened the center piece a bit... unsure if I should revert back to how it was. For sure looks more massive now
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