OpenDungeons TODO

Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 09 Apr 2014, 22:41

What are you talking about?? :?
Than calling methods as Play(), Stop() etc. would require SFML 1.x not 2.x as you claim .
Don't see a reason you don't try using newest SFML. The way you could try is merging development branch into your bertramXXX/development I think ....
Well one library version switch is bearable but in the long run we could go into dozens of lib combinations for each fork ... so why not stop now ?

Lol, I never stopped using SFML 2.x and never mixed library versions, and there was indeed a camelCase change in the SFML function naming convention. As an evidence, there is this patch, which is, well, yours: ... 833e65c96/

So, I don't see why all the drama. Let's take it from the start:
What git repo and branch were you trying to compile when you ran into those problems? And what exact problems did you have?
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby paul424 » 10 Apr 2014, 01:23

[remote "Beratram25"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/Beratram25/*

Well I tried to compile the newest commits from year github branch >>development<< , it seems I needed to git pull the newest content .
BTW : why
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
tom@oberon:~/Opendungeons/opendungeons> git checkout Beratram25/development
warning: refname 'Beratram25/development' is ambiguous.
Checking out files: 100% (797/797), done.
Switched to branch 'Beratram25/development'

Why this is ambiguous ?

NAAH great with your placing game media data in every repo , now it takes infinite to download ... I would check that tommorow.
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 10 Apr 2014, 08:45

paul424 {l Wrote}:Why this is ambiguous ?

Well, first of all, I don't know how you cloned my repo, (the git pull/clone command you used), so I can't know why stuff is ambiguous.

paul424 {l Wrote}:NAAH great with your placing game media data in every repo , now it takes infinite to download ... I would check that tommorow.

You could have imported only the patches given instead of taking the whole thing, and instead of complaining...

There are several ways to do that, but the simplest is this one:
Download this: (Note that it is the patch link with .patch at the end of the url. On github, you can get patches for any commit that way.) ... 8946.patch
and save it in your repository.
Then you can try a: 'git am <patch filename>'

This will prevent you from downloading all the rest.

Paul, I don't blame your lack of knowledge in git, but don't start blaming me for it either. How you manage your clones is in the end your responsibility as a dev.
If you can't, I can always try to help you, but I will stop doing so if it's to read your complains each time.

And I don't even speak about your lack of discipline when coding.

I hope I've been crystal clear for it's the last time you're being a dick with me.
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 14 Apr 2014, 12:50

Hi again,

I've been working a bit on OD lately during the night. I had to stay awake as my son had quite some fever.
Double good news as my son is getting better, and because I've added the following features in my branch:

- The map loading code has been made more robust, and I simplified it a bit.
- Fixed most of the app quit crashing causes and simplified a bit the frame listener logic.
Now the app keeps crashing but because of a bug in the Ogre GL plugin, due to the use of threads and dynamic linking.
Might behave differently on windows.
- The level file format and core logic has been changed to support the following format. E.g:
Same goes for other entities. you don't have to define anymore the number of lines you're going to use, making the level debug and hand-tainting much easier.
- I also made entities not use relative tiles coords anymore and converted the default Test.level file.
- Made the creature definitions be loaded from a separate file. (I temporarily put it as levels/creatures.def)
- Fixed the code so that the editor save feature produce loadable levels.
- Made the saved levels not save dirt tiles with 100 % fullness (the default tile type), permitting to reduce the map level size even more.
- Made the cursor position and tile fullness be shown on the editor gui.
- Made the editor be able to save the current level when pushing F8. The level will be saved as current filename +".out". Just rename the level to Test.level and you'll be able to play it! :)
- Started a new level where the player has got no fighter creatures at the beginning. (Still WIP, but it's refreshing to play something different already.) :)

I will put out a win32 binary out soon so you guys can test out the new features and give me some feedback.

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Danimal » 14 Apr 2014, 13:16

Those are good news, specially the one about your kid. I will want to play with the level editor when its out; do monster spawn now from the portal?
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 14 Apr 2014, 13:56

Thanks, especially for him, Danimal. :)

do monster spawn now from the portal?

Yes, they always did, except for Kobolds that are spawned through the temple.
Starting empty and see all those coming is cool. :) But makes it obvious they shouldn't come until you've got the right rooms.
I think a "needed rooms to spawn" parameter should be added to the creature definition file. What do you say?

Ah, it also made obvious that If you don't add at least one treasury tile to each teams at start, the Player/AI just can't do anything except digging
and the kobolds get stuck when digging gold rather quickly.
As this is somehow a problem, especially if the other AI/ player monsters come and destroy your treasury tiles. How could we deal with that?

This makes me think I fixed the beetle golem definition as it was defined to be a worker but had 0 in dig rate, making it stuck against walls doing nothing.
I'll follow Nido advice about this and will soon make creature be able dig and claim things when they have a rate > 0 in it, instead of checking whether they are workers.
This will permit to easily set up dwarf diggers, for instance. ;)
What do you think? Should we spawn any kind of worker creature type from the temple, or only kobolds, like now?

Last but not least, from my latest analysis of the code, the server/creatures threads are only stopped when quitting the game. I will have to make
the threads stop between each game if I want to achieve the goal to be able to load several games in a row. A lot of fun is awaiting with threads. ;)

My apologies to Skorpio as I didn't looked at improving the material scripts at all, yet.

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Danimal » 14 Apr 2014, 14:26

Yes, monster should check for rooms before spawning, do you think its possible to make them also check the total room size? (Ex: vile demon only spawned with a lair and hatchery bigger than 25 blocks )
Just a placeholder idea:

Ah, it also made obvious that If you don't add at least one treasury tile to each teams at start, the Player/AI just can't do anything except digging and the kobolds get stuck when digging gold rather quickly.

Lets copy DK2 approach, can the dungeon heart store gold? We could kill two birds with one stone

Its good that the creatures definitions are now separate from code, since that way we can easily mod them, when the time to balance things comes, it will make things easier, not to mention player mods.

What do you think? Should we spawn any kind of worker creature type from the temple, or only kobolds, like now?

i would say only kobolds, and only a small quantity (4 is good), if you want more you have to use the kobold creation spell wich cost mana, but if you are out of mana and kobolds, those 4 free ones will be your lifeline. But the respawn must be slow, so people dont use them as trap triggerers
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 14 Apr 2014, 15:43

Danimal {l Wrote}:Yes, monster should check for rooms before spawning, do you think its possible to make them also check the total room size? (Ex: vile demon only spawned with a lair and hatchery bigger than 25 blocks )
Just a placeholder idea:

Ok, yet we don't have any hatchery model, class or creature hunger logic, atm.
I'll thus focus on adding separate spawn pools, and rooms needed to spawn support at first. And yes, it must be possible to count contiguous tiles of the same type. I was sure the game would need it sooner or later. ;)
Once this is done, I'll use a simplified version of your proposal (without the hatchery.). Ok with this? :)
The hunger problem can be dealt with, I do think mostly copied over the fatigue logic, btw. But in a second row as my plate is already full atm.

Danimal {l Wrote}:Its good that the creatures definitions are now separate from code, since that way we can easily mod them, when the time to balance things comes, it will make things easier, not to mention player mods.

In fact, the creature definition was part of the level file. I just split it out of it in the loading code. The map level file now refers to the creature definition file it needs to load using a filename parameter. This means you can have whatever creature definition file you want for the level but also can have the same for all levels if desired. :)

Danimal {l Wrote}:Lets copy DK2 approach, can the dungeon heart store gold? We could kill two birds with one stone

Atm, It can't (Note that within code it is called the dungeon temple.). Yet from what I could see, it shouldn't be hard to add support for that. But it should have restrictions, like only permit to hold what's necessary to put one or two treasury tiles. What do you think?

Danimal {l Wrote}:i would say only kobolds, and only a small quantity (4 is good), if you want more you have to use the kobold creation spell wich cost mana, but if you are out of mana and kobolds, those 4 free ones will be your lifeline. But the respawn must be slow, so people dont use them as trap triggerers

Ah yes, adding spawn kobold button is a basic spell that should indeed be added. Atm, the kobold spawning logic makes you have your first kobold after 15-20s, then a bit more, etc...
I'll tweak the new level a bit more to make you start without any creatures at all (I only removed the fighters for now.) so you will be able to know whether the creatures are coming too quickly.

Btw, we need an image button that is supporting text also, or add text zone below the buttons, maybe. I guess the spell cost will do something like double with each kobold you add, and overall depends on how many kobolds you have in your team?

So, first of all, I'll make a binary and ask whether I can merge all that work after you all have tested it.
Then, I'll work on those things more or less in the order given :
- Fix a small glitch making a own claimed wall not colored anymore (even if still claimed) when select and then deselect it.
It is due to the fact that the colorization doesn't take in account both colors (the team one potentially modulated by the dig-selected one.)
- Finish reviewing the rest of the code and keep doing cleanups. (I'm not that far from being done with a good first row of this.)
- Try to fix the creature status window.
- Try to restart threads correctly when quit/starting a game/editor.
- Editor: Add support to add/remove creatures, rooms.
- Add support to hold enough gold in the dungeon temple to create at least one treasury room.
- Add a different spawn pool for each team support.
- Add support to specify the room(s) needed to spawn the creature and how big is the biggest of each room type must be.
- Add Spawn Kobold spell support.
- Prepare the hunger core logic.

Proposal: The Test AI class should be renamed KeeperAI class, and support for it to create squares of each room type should be added.
The AI should look for gold by selecting a path to the nearest gold every 5 minutes or so, to make things interesting.
Anyone can take this task and code it (carefully)?

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Danimal » 14 Apr 2014, 16:15

Yes, i agree with you on everything; its amazing how much you can do to the code in just a few days.

We do have a hatchery model and maybe library, ironicaly they are being used in agentkeeper (these same forums), gotta check licenses

Dungeon temple with small tresury +1;
Increasing kobold cost +1; but at least 2 kobolds should be present at the start of each level, we can drag the level start too much
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 14 Apr 2014, 21:42

Cool for the hatchery model. I was sure you could put something out of your hat somehow, anyway. ;)
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby MCMic » 03 Jun 2014, 16:15

This patch fixes the drag and drop selection display: ... play.patch
This one removes leftovers from pickaxe: ... -rem.patch

I also think we should set x11_keyboard_grab to false in InputManager.cpp as it is really annoying having a game which forbids you to do anything else at the same time.
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 03 Jun 2014, 16:24

Thanks! :)

I also think we should set x11_keyboard_grab to false in InputManager.cpp as it is really annoying having a game which forbids you to do anything else at the same time.

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby MCMic » 03 Jun 2014, 18:03

By trying to add a visual effect when a creature levels up, I discovered that creatures are leveling up way too quickly! I got kobold level 20 in no time.
Also, some creatures other than kobolds are leveling up since game launch, I don’t get how. There is no fight and no Dojo at game launch right? How is a gnome leveling up then?
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Danimal » 03 Jun 2014, 18:42

This migth help you a bit, i normalized all creatures scales to something sensible. I also updated other values like hp, damage and speed but they wont be really useful as long as a minimun Hp and damage value is not introduced.

The effect of level growth is not checked, it migth break the proportions bbut i have no way to tell since only kobolds level up
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 04 Jun 2014, 08:51

Hi :)

By trying to add a visual effect when a creature levels up, I discovered that creatures are leveling up way too quickly! I got kobold level 20 in no time.
Also, some creatures other than kobolds are leveling up since game launch, I don’t get how. There is no fight and no Dojo at game launch right? How is a gnome leveling up then?

At the level start, I noticed the creature up left from your temple are fighting between themselves. (This is my fault as I wrongly set their team in fact). This must explain why one of them can level since the are obtaining XP when fighting.

As for the Kobold leveling, I guess it's a matter of balancing all that. But I'd request we set up a new XP per level scale and growth before that. (And why not compare with the current one.)

The effect of level growth is not checked, it migth break the proportions bbut i have no way to tell since only kobolds level up

Cool! :)
I'll have a look at the patches and push everything tonight.

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby MCMic » 05 Jun 2014, 20:32

Bertram {l Wrote}:Thanks! :)

Can you push those to your github?
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 05 Jun 2014, 21:49


Sorry to keep you waiting.

MCMic's patches have been pushed both on github and on sourceforge's repos.
The selection fix is cool. :)

Danimal's new Dojo model and creature base scaling has been pushed both on github and on SVN.

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 10 Jun 2014, 15:39

Ah, I wanted to say.
Note for later, we'll have to decide how the selection tool should behave in the editor mode.

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby paul424 » 12 Jul 2014, 01:07

Heh, I am a little bit lost , as you see I pushed what is needed into the SVN , but if you are at the holidays, you wouldn'ty do the git merge from your mobile phone , would you :) ?
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby paul424 » 20 Jul 2014, 16:58

Does anyone knows , for how long the Bertram has gone onto vacations ?
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Danimal » 20 Jul 2014, 17:22

a week
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Bertram » 21 Jul 2014, 12:06

Hi there, :)

Just to say I'm (almost) back from holidays and will be at home something like tomorrow.
If you've got things you want me to see or do straight away (like merging paul's branch), just tell me.

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby paul424 » 21 Jul 2014, 12:39

What ?????
No no , stay on the countryside, I was hopying I would amaze you with the volume of work done , but that was supposed to be done this week ../.. so no no hush away :P

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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby hwoarangmy » 21 Jul 2014, 21:20

paul424 {l Wrote}:Does anyone knows , for how long the Bertram has gone onto vacations ?
Bertram leaves for 1 week and everybody is lost :)
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Re: OpenDungeons TODO

Postby Danimal » 21 Jul 2014, 22:17

:D you guys are missed too, paul is a handful to control alone ;)
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