My STK projects

My STK projects

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 21 Mar 2020, 15:14

Hello guys,

Because of reasons, schools in Germany are closed and I have more time to work on my STK projects now.

New Fortmagma:
This project is still very WIP And I try to work with different workflows than I did on my earlier tracks.
The track is not playable yet I'm working on three parts of the road but they aren't connected yet.
Because the track is WIP any ideas are welcome, it's probably the track I will work on the most next time.



Some of you might know this track already.
Most of the track is already done but I'm working on changing the big jump.
snow weeks-2020.03.21_13.40.29.jpg

You can download these tracks with the following link ...
The version of the snow track is not the newest one but most of the track is still the same.
And the magma track can't be really played it's just to let you see how it looks.

Realtrack or whatever you want to call it:
This is basically a track put together with assets I made for a game I'm making with a friend.
I just wanted to see what happens if you put more realistic assets into STK.
This track probably won't be released because it contains textures which aren't free to use.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby benau » 21 Mar 2020, 17:03

We have /installaddon command now... ImageImageImageImage
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Re: My STK projects

Postby eltomito » 21 Mar 2020, 18:06

Andreas, how did you learn to Blender so well?
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Re: My STK projects

Postby George Calibur » 21 Mar 2020, 18:10

These things are Well made!
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Re: My STK projects

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 21 Mar 2020, 18:32

eltomito {l Wrote}:Andreas, how did you learn to Blender so well?

Well just by using it, nothing special I watched some tutorials and then I just worked with it and watched more tutorials and worked more and now I'm here. But I also started by moving the cube ;)
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Re: My STK projects

Postby QwertyChouskie » 21 Mar 2020, 21:03

Dang, these look good! I've had a copy of Snow Weeks for a while, but to see the beginnings of the new Fort Magma look epic! If I have one piece of advise, it'd be this: Go all out! This is the boss battle track, taking place on a distant planet. Throw things like gravity out the window, and just make the track as crazy as you can imagine. :) Also, moving obstacles, and maybe even track segments that fall out in the second and third laps. And speed boosts, lots of them ;) and have a lot of valuable insight into good design principles, and are totally worth a watch.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby tempAnon093 » 22 Mar 2020, 02:00

QwertyChouskie {l Wrote}:Also, moving obstacles, and maybe even track segments that fall out in the second and third laps.

I certainly agree with these two suggestions. I've been thinking of using this Halo 3 level as inspiration for a dynamic level, although I can't pull that off any time soon.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby QwertyChouskie » 22 Mar 2020, 02:35

A couple more things:

Music. Specifically, this music:
(1.47 MiB) Downloaded 451 times

Textures: There are a few specific textures that really embody the art style of STK excellently. These ones come to mind:

They follow the 0.9+ art style nicely, while making sure to still provide dimension/depth. Textures like stk_generic_rockSnow_a.png, on the other hand, have that "oil painting" style, which is good, but look completely 2D/flat. The normal map helps, but it's not enough on its own. One trick I discovered in GIMP is that you can add the NM as a layer, apply the "grayscale" effect to that layer, then set the layer mode to "soft light" or "hard light". This bakes some depth/"lighting" into an otherwise completely flat texture. Example XCF: ... Snow_a.xcf (was made in GIMP 2.99 preview, may or may not open in 2.10 builds.)
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Re: My STK projects

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 22 Mar 2020, 16:05

QwertyChouskie {l Wrote}:If I have one piece of advise, it'd be this: Go all out! This is the boss battle track, taking place on a distant planet. Throw things like gravity out the window, and just make the track as crazy as you can imagine. :) Also, moving obstacles, and maybe even track segments that fall out in the second and third laps. And speed boosts, lots of them ;)

Yes let's see what my fantasy will produce :D

And one question here, is it possible to play an animation when the player hits an action-trigger? I sadly have no idea how scripting works.

QwertyChouskie {l Wrote}: and have a lot of valuable insight into good design principles, and are totally worth a watch.

OK thanks I will take a look at them
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Re: My STK projects

Postby tempAnon093 » 22 Mar 2020, 21:24

SvenAndreasBelting {l Wrote}:And one question here, is it possible to play an animation when the player hits an action-trigger? I sadly have no idea how scripting works

I believe it is, I can try and help out a little bit there if you would like.
I haven't dealt with Blender/STK animation before but I have gotten action triggers to run code just fine.

If you are using curve-based animation, there is a function to pause and resume it: Animator::setPaused (true/false)
I can't find anything for resetting though...

I also found some skeletal animation functions here: ... cd9b8d780c

Unless one of the devs is familiar with Blender animation and can pitch in, I would recommend just creating an extremely simple test and making sure we can get it working how you want, before you put actual effort into it. (Worst case scenario, it might require a source code change and therefore won't work until v1.2 or v1.3)
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Re: My STK projects

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 24 Mar 2020, 22:17

tempAnon093 {l Wrote}:I believe it is, I can try and help out a little bit there if you would like.
I haven't dealt with Blender/STK animation before but I have gotten action triggers to run code just fine.

Would be great if you could help :)
(392.12 KiB) Downloaded 415 times

That is a simple test scene with an animated object and an action trigger.
At the moment the animation just plays one time and stop after that.
The goal would be to play the animation only when the player hits the trigger.

If that's possible I think I could add a few really nice effects to the tracks.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby Ludsky » 24 Mar 2020, 23:41

Whoa. It's so Wonderful. I Love All ♡♡♡
Congratulations Sven :)
I hope 3 new official track ^^

For your Third track, perhaps change the texture by free texture ;)

You work on New Fort Magma : I Love the screen & Snow track soon finish ?

Wonderful ❤
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Re: My STK projects

Postby tempAnon093 » 25 Mar 2020, 00:57

I did a quick test, it appears you are using IPO animation.

It turns out scripting for IPO animations is basically non-existant right now: there is only a 'setPaused' function, which just stops the animation from updating (it still keeps running in the background, just freezes visually until you unpause).
However, I believe that skeletal mesh animations will allow me to pause, play, loop, jump around, etc. immediately. If you are able to do the same animations with a skeletal mesh, that will be quite powerful.

We can also try and get the devs to add the same kind of skeletal mesh scripting functions to IPO animation scripting, but I don't know how quickly they will implement it.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 25 Mar 2020, 01:43

If it will work with skeletal animations that would be fine for the most things.
I think the only thing which doesn't work with skeletal animations is collision with the karts.

I could do another test scene with an skeletal animation tomorrow.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 25 Mar 2020, 14:39

So here is the test track with an skeletal animation.
(385.07 KiB) Downloaded 431 times

Hope that works :)
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Re: My STK projects

Postby tempAnon093 » 26 Mar 2020, 04:43

(Disregard previous deleted post)
It appears that the skeletal animation isn't updating collisions during the animation (box moves away but the collision box doesn't). I was able to get the animation to replay after hitting the trigger box, so that's certainly possible! However, we'll need to talk to the devs to get this working. I'm going to try and start a conversation in the IRC/Matrix/Discord bridged chat.

Update: Benau is considering a setCurrentFrame function for IPO, skeletal collisions just won't happen due to hardware skinning.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby Typhon » 26 Mar 2020, 08:11

All these tracks are looking awesome so far...
What about a pyroclastic flow crossing the road in the New Fort Magma Track? Is that possible?
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Re: My STK projects

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 26 Apr 2020, 21:47


here is a little update for the magma track.
newfortmagma-2020.04.08_18.08.49.jpg ...

I tried a little bit around with this fake volumetric light and added some lava animations.

I would like to get some feedback about the gameplay (too hard, too easy, too boring, whatever), because this will be harder to change the more the track advance.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby tempAnon093 » 27 Apr 2020, 01:23

It could be useful to make a video of Realtrack, or maybe even release it without textures so they can be replaced with high-quality Creative Commons textures.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby tempAnon093 » 27 Apr 2020, 03:15

SvenAndreasBelting {l Wrote}:I would like to get some feedback about the gameplay (too hard, too easy, too boring, whatever), because this will be harder to change the more the track advance.

This is great! Here are my thoughts on the gameplay:

- It's hard to see first corner, very dark so hard to see depth change. With some of that grey rock surrounding it, it should be fine.
- The helix curve near the start is excellent!
- The downwards blind corner after the mouth, before the lavafall. Maybe start dipping earlier and more gradually for a longer downwards slope, I think that would be more fun.
- Broken road section: because it's uphill on a dark road with sun, there is very little visibility of the holes before you cross them so it's a bit unfair for the first few runs. Would it be possible to make the edges of the road glow brighter due to the lava? Maybe even have upwards shining lights under the holes?
- Later, you will need to manipulate the driveline to avoid respawning in a gap, or too close to a gap that you can't get enough speed to drive across it.
- Due to driveline placement, AI karts often higher difficulties fall off the inner edge of the helix curve. Novice difficulty also can't make it over the gap onto the broken road, and when karts do make it on there, for some reason they drive straight off the edge.
^ If you want to keep the gaps as big as they are because of the fun factor, we can expose the difficulty [Novice, Intermediate, Expert, Supertux] to scripting, so that a new piece of road appears only on Novice difficulty so that it's easier to cross the gap.

Possible ideas for exciting track:
- Very sharp downwards or upwards road like in this track (0:14-0:21)
- Jumping down rocky ledges (series of 3m-10m drops). See attachment, but maybe longer ledges.
- If I were Nolok, I'd have lava waterfalls either side of my front door! Like Syndrome's lava corridor in The Incredibles. (YouTube link)
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Re: My STK projects

Postby QwertyChouskie » 27 Apr 2020, 19:32

I gotta say, this is looking nice! I made a video here:

Notice how at 1:20 the kart bounces off the lava. The lava should also have it's OnCollision action set to Reset Kart, that should prevent this from happening. (Also maybe disable collision sounds for the lava, so that there's no collision sound when hitting it like this.)

As Nolok runs Nolok Industries, (which make the nitro cans, along with other racing supplies), it would maybe be cool to see some related machinery on the track. After all, those nitro cans are made somewhere :)

tempAnon093 {l Wrote}:- Broken road section: because it's uphill on a dark road with sun, there is very little visibility of the holes before you cross them so it's a bit unfair for the first few runs. Would it be possible to make the edges of the road glow brighter due to the lava? Maybe even have upwards shining lights under the holes?

Agreed, would be quite helpful.
tempAnon093 {l Wrote}:^ If you want to keep the gaps as big as they are because of the fun factor, we can expose the difficulty [Novice, Intermediate, Expert, Supertux] to scripting, so that a new piece of road appears only on Novice difficulty so that it's easier to cross the gap.

This seems like an excellent idea.

It's shaping up to be amazing thus far!
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Re: My STK projects

Postby 0zone0ne » 28 Apr 2020, 13:05

I really like how the visuals in your Fort Magma are coming along. Nice balance of realistic textures and simplified shapes. Very clean and free of visual noise. It would help if the direction of the road in some parts was more visible to the player, by banking corners more, or adding tall objects at the edge of the road to mark it. I also think perhaps the pacing of the track could be sped up a bit, by putting less distance between the different sections. Keep up the good work!

Years ago when I was more involved with STK, I planned out a full redo of Fort Magma, but never got far with it. I never intended to publish it in this state but I thought I'd share the design here, in case it gives you inspiration for extra visuals or gameplay mechanics in your own track. The main setpiece was supposed to be a magma pumping station underneath Nolok's castle. Near the end of the track, the player would enter a cavern and drive across a large transparent tube, with magma flowing through it. This was intended to exploit the anti-gravity mechanic that was recently implemented at the time. Hopefully there's something in here that inspires you.
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Re: My STK projects

Postby QwertyChouskie » 29 Apr 2020, 01:59

Wowzers, that looks amazing! I'd love to see this implemented! I'm willing to help in any way possible.

Sven, is there any chance you could also post the source files (.blends, etc.)? I'd like to experiment with the drivelines some. :)
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Re: My STK projects

Postby SvenAndreasBelting » 29 Apr 2020, 11:53

Thanks for all the feedback :)

tempAnon093 {l Wrote}:- Broken road section: because it's uphill on a dark road with sun, there is very little visibility of the holes before you cross them so it's a bit unfair for the first few runs. Would it be possible to make the edges of the road glow brighter due to the lava? Maybe even have upwards shining lights under the holes?

Yes I think this is the best solution for the problem. I already tried a bit around with that but the result was quite bad. But I will find a way to get this looking good.

For the parts of the track that are hard to see I will maybe also try out some sings.

tempAnon093 {l Wrote}:^ If you want to keep the gaps as big as they are because of the fun factor, we can expose the difficulty [Novice, Intermediate, Expert, Supertux] to scripting, so that a new piece of road appears only on Novice difficulty so that it's easier to cross the gap.

That would be nice. The part of the track will only be visible if you drive the track forward for reverse this part would be replaced by reverse drivable broken roads, it would have to be compatible with that.

0zone0ne {l Wrote}:I also think perhaps the pacing of the track could be sped up a bit, by putting less distance between the different sections. Keep up the good work!

Interesting I think I always make everything bigger than needed it's good to keep that in mind.

0zone0ne {l Wrote}:Years ago when I was more involved with STK, I planned out a full redo of Fort Magma, but never got far with it. I never intended to publish it in this state but I thought I'd share the design here, in case it gives you inspiration for extra visuals or gameplay mechanics in your own track. The main setpiece was supposed to be a magma pumping station underneath Nolok's castle. Near the end of the track, the player would enter a cavern and drive across a large transparent tube, with magma flowing through it. This was intended to exploit the anti-gravity mechanic that was recently implemented at the time. Hopefully there's something in here that inspires you.

There's a lot that inspires me!
The concept art is great it gives me much new ideas how to continue the work on the track. I especially like the more industrial theme like the pipes and the metal roads.

QwertyChouskie {l Wrote}:Sven, is there any chance you could also post the source files (.blends, etc.)? I'd like to experiment with the drivelines some. :)

Yep here you go ...
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Re: My STK projects

Postby QwertyChouskie » 30 Apr 2020, 05:03

I did a quick-and-dirty implementation of some of the driveline proposed in OzoneOne's post, and I gotta say, it's pretty awesome:

I definitely would LOVE to see OzoneOne's concept track fully implemented ;)
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