Thank you for your comments!
I'm almost done with the terrain editing code. After that i'll do some refactoring, add some minor stuff like FPS locking. The next features will be "reading sprites (filenames) from a text file and map them to tile IDs" and afterwards reading / writing map files with height.
There's still a long way ahead until i'll get to actual game mechanics, but thanks for the link!
I'm a huge fan of the opensource scene, and after looking at other peoples code of isometric, tilebased engines i really thought i'd should go open source from the beginning. A lot of the stuff that's already done gave me quite a headache to figure out and i have reworked that stuff. I hope this will be useful for other other people too!
My game won't be a remake of SC2K but rather a clone. Right now i'm using the SC2K tiles as placeholder. I thought about adding an asset extractor tool late, when the games done... but i think it's way cooler to come up with own sprites (with the same art-style which i really love!).
If my project really succeeds, i'd like to have an own forum for it, where creative people can (easily) make there own tilesets. maybe even plugins? who knows.
I've already seen the opensc2k project, but it's based on JavaScript, while mine is based on C++. Besides that, their project focuses solely on SC2k (from savegames over to the assets) and right now they can only draw a SC2K city.
My project starts from scratch, focusing on the engine. When the engine is done (drawin, terrain editing, gui, ...) i can start implementing game mechanics. So there's more freedom to implement own stuff and ideas
I really love SC2K and played it a lot since i was a child, but it always lacked so many great features, like underground power lines, (a lot of) more buildings, different buildings for different centuries and stuff.
I'll post an update, when i'm done with the terrain editing feature!