Space Nerds In Space

Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 12 Jun 2014, 05:50

No big updates to report, but I have been working on procedural generation of earthlike planets...



Here is a presentation about my program "earthlike", in the space nerds in space codebase to produce "earthlike" cubemap planet textures.
Procedural Generation of Earthlike Planets. Use arrow keys to navigate the slideshow.

Also, I have been adding some code to enable custom physical devices to interface with Space Nerds In Space. Not too much to show for now, but there's this:

-- steve
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby NaN » 12 Jun 2014, 11:03

Awesome stuff. I remember Sean O'Neil having some nice procedural planets with craters code. His focus was more on continuous level of detail though. Unfortunately his website seems to be gone . I think I had his code somewhere, need to check my backups and maybe upload it to github/sourceforge.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby NaN » 14 Jun 2014, 09:18

Found the code:

The interesting bits will be in src/Planet/PlanetaryObject I think. No pics unfortunately, will have to get it building/running on my current system first.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby NaN » 19 Jun 2014, 14:04

Here is how it looks like:

There seem to be distortions near cube map edges though.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 20 Jun 2014, 01:29

Thanks NaN. Wish I were actually good at writing shaders...

-- steve
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 21 Jul 2014, 17:55

If you're interested in Space Nerds In Space and you run Arch linux, you may be interested in this:
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 22 Jul 2014, 13:25

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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby victort » 26 Jul 2014, 00:32


I've recently discovered Space Nerds In Space, and I'm totally impressed, but i can't shake the feeling that it wouldn't be amiss to suggest the author of SNIS take a(nother?) look at a GPL'd game called Pioneer Space Sim (

Both SNIS and Pioneer are GPL'd games. It seems like they should.. like.. go on a date, maybe.. at least flirt a little.

It would be a wonderful path to greatly expand the universe SNIS is shaping up to take place in, and it would certainly benefit Pioneer to have an angle on becoming an excellent multiplayer game...

anyway, i just wanted to register, and put my two cents in on it. These are both incredibly good works of space nerdery, I thoroughly enjoy both games, it'd be a shame if they didn't at least know about each other.. maybe some sexting?

Alas, i am not much of a developer myself. I have no way to assess both codebases and know how surmountable any integration might be.. For all i know, from a coding standpoint, it's a ridiculous suggestion.. It's.. just.. the conditions both games exist under.. the general rising climate of the popularity of space nerdery.. it's.. now just seems like an amazing time to suggest such.. um.. couplings..

as a space nerd reveling in this sudden outburst of awesome games (on linux, no less) out in the world, just imagine for a moment...

That was all..

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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 27 Jul 2014, 21:51

Improved planet rings, now using 1D textures so I can fit 256 rings into the same texture space as 1 ring previously required.

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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 27 Jul 2014, 22:41

victort {l Wrote}:Hi,

I've recently discovered Space Nerds In Space, and I'm totally impressed, but i can't shake the feeling that it wouldn't be amiss to suggest the author of SNIS take a(nother?) look at a GPL'd game called Pioneer Space Sim (

Both SNIS and Pioneer are GPL'd games. It seems like they should.. like.. go on a date, maybe.. at least flirt a little.

It would be a wonderful path to greatly expand the universe SNIS is shaping up to take place in, and it would certainly benefit Pioneer to have an angle on becoming an excellent multiplayer game...

anyway, i just wanted to register, and put my two cents in on it. These are both incredibly good works of space nerdery, I thoroughly enjoy both games, it'd be a shame if they didn't at least know about each other.. maybe some sexting?

Alas, i am not much of a developer myself. I have no way to assess both codebases and know how surmountable any integration might be.. For all i know, from a coding standpoint, it's a ridiculous suggestion.. It's.. just.. the conditions both games exist under.. the general rising climate of the popularity of space nerdery.. it's.. now just seems like an amazing time to suggest such.. um.. couplings..

as a space nerd reveling in this sudden outburst of awesome games (on linux, no less) out in the world, just imagine for a moment...

That was all..


I'm aware of Pioneer. Merging the projects isn't going to happen for a variety of technical reasons, and I'll leave it at that. That being said, I have from time to time peeked at their shader code, and they're welcome to use, for example, my gas giant planet texture generator if they wanted to.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 28 Aug 2014, 13:14

Here is a slide deck from a talk I gave last night at a local game developers meetup:
Procedurally Generating Gas Giant Planet Textures.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby charlie » 10 Oct 2014, 23:27

Any updates? I just saw this on a humble bundle and thought, "That looks like a crap version of SNIS!" They may have better marketing, though...
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 12 Oct 2014, 04:15

Hi Charlie. Sorry about the radio silence on the SNIS front. I have been looking for a job lately, so that has taken up all of my time for the past month. As far as "... crap version of SNIS!" LOL! If you take a look again at the very first post in this very thread you'll notice that this "crap version of SNIS", called "Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator" is in fact one and the same as the very inspiration for SNIS. And before I even got very far with it, I emailed Thom Robertson to be sure he was ok with me re-using the same basic idea -- not that doing so was necessary, but it just seemed a decent thing to do. With his blessing, I proceeded with SNIS.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby Pollux568 » 13 Dec 2014, 19:25

Hi smcameron,

just a small note to say that I discovered the concept of bridge simulator with Artemis last year. Then I've heard about the SNIS project, and I have been really really interested. There are some features which makes this game more interesting than Artemis in my point of view, above all the full 3D displacement, the far bigger world with more realistic distances, the feeling of an alive world (with many ships). And the total compatibility with Linux (I've tested it on my Linux Mint distribution, works perfectly :) ).

One thing prevents me however to organize LAN party on the subject, it is the lack of missions/objectives (but I might have missed a point). Although it is an open world sandbox game, it could be interesting to have global objectives (for example, destroy an enemy base or escort another ship).

I can't wait for further improvements of the game, keep motivated, it is worth !
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 21 Dec 2014, 05:02

Hello Pollux568, and thanks for the kind words.

I am aware of the lack of missions, etc. within SNIS. There is some capability for missions, but it is a bit, let's say half-baked and under-documented.

If you switch to the "demon screen", and type in "lua abc.lua", and if there is a script in share/snis/luascripts named ABC.LUA (has to be uppercase -- you could consider that a bug) it will run the script, which can do many things. There are some example scripts in share/snis/luascripts which you may want to take a look at.

{l Code}: {l Select All Code}

So, for example, you can go to the "demon screen" and type "lua saving-planet-erph.lua" and it will run that script. You can take a look at the scripts and potentially make your own missions. Documentation (what there is of it) for what the scripts can do is in lua-api.txt See: ... ua-api.txt My hope was that users might create some mission scripts for SNIS. The api isn't set in stone yet though, but I do try to not break the api unnecessarily and not adding stupid things to the api that will need to be changed later (time will tell if I am successful at not breaking it.)

So I guess what I am saying is that I'm aware of the lack of missions, and have tried to put in some infrastructure to allow missions be built for the game. The missions generally have to make heavy use of the comms system to be able to inform the player of what is supposed to do (generally, making starbases pretend to make requests for the players to go do stuff.) I am not sure how well that scheme really works, but I'm not sure how else to do it.

On another topic, to explain the lack of development activity on SNIS lately, about 3 months ago, in an interesting twist, I ended up not having a job for a bit, and spent about a month getting a new job -- which worked out pretty well, I think, since I did get a job at, of all places, GOOGLE! So, for the last 2 months, I have been doing nothing but trying to get my house ready to sell so that I can move across the country. Consequently, for the last 3 months, I have not worked on Space Nerds In Space at all. Once I start working again (in about 2 weeks!), I expect it will likely eat my brain for quite a while until things settle down to some sense of normalcy at which time maybe I can get back to working on SNIS some more.

Thanks for giving SNIS a try.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 25 Jan 2015, 06:31

So, getting settled in at my new job, had some time today to play around with gaseous-giganticus, the procedural gas giant texture generation program that is part of Space Nerds In Space, and so I made a little video about how to use it. Well, the audio isn't sync'ed to the video, and the video runs too fast (which, in this case is probably a good thing as it's a demo of a rather compute intensive and slow program.) This lets you get to see it actually working, instead of only still shots of the output of the program, which might be interesting.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby Pollux568 » 03 Feb 2015, 05:33

Congratulations for your job ! Do you think your work on SNIS has helped you to be recruited ? Has your job any connection with the game ?

I'll try the LUA scripts - but sadly I've never coded in LUA, so I don't know if I'll be able to do anything of interest...

By the way, the gas giants looks awesome with these textures and lights, great job :)
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 04 Feb 2015, 06:06

Pollux568 {l Wrote}:Congratulations for your job ! Do you think your work on SNIS has helped you to be recruited ? Has your job any connection with the game ?

I'll try the LUA scripts - but sadly I've never coded in LUA, so I don't know if I'll be able to do anything of interest...

By the way, the gas giants looks awesome with these textures and lights, great job :)

Thanks. I don't think the game had much to do with getting the job, except indirectly, as I (re)learned some things while programming the game about TCP/IP and multithreaded programming, and knowing those things may have come in handy to know during the interviews. The job has nothing to do with games, graphics or anything like that.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 08 Feb 2015, 03:07

Thanks to Iván Sánchez Ortega, it should now be possible to build a Debian package for Space Nerds In Space. I have not tried doing so myself, however. If you'd like to try it, there are some instructions here: ... ce/pull/49

How to build the Debian package by yourself, short version:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev debhelper devscripts
cd /place/where/you/cloned/space-nerds-in-space

If something is wrong (e.g. missing build dependency), look at the output of dpkg-buildpackage. If the build is successful, the .deb will be located at /place/where/you/cloned/space-nerds-in-space/../snis-version.deb

In order to get the Git commit messages into the Debian changelog (and bump versions), look at git-buildpackage and git-dch

If you trust a random internet guy to compile things for you, you may or may not find a .deb package here: ... 0.20140108
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 01 Apr 2015, 06:42

I have made a fun little experiment with morphing nebulae. It is right now only a half-baked implementation in that the morphing happens entirely on the client and no attempt is made to keep different clients to have the same morphing behavior so that all clients see a consistent view. It's a fairly subtle effect, and I am not sure it's worth it in that it's really just something that's fun for me as a programmer, but doesn't really add anything to the game play, so this might not ever actually make it into the game.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby andrewj » 01 Apr 2015, 09:28

If it doesn't affect gameplay (having different effects on each client), then you may as well keep it. Little things like this add up, make for a richer experience.
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby Vandar » 01 Apr 2015, 10:26

Very nice planets you do have there. Some years ago I tried to make planets, too, but my results were not so nice as yours. Good work :)
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 01 Apr 2015, 20:20

Here's a video that shows the effect a little better and explains how it works. (Youtube says it's 95% processed so it might not play just yet).
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby smcameron » 09 Apr 2015, 07:52

Working on some Space Monster code lately...
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Re: Space Nerds In Space

Postby eugeneloza » 09 Apr 2015, 09:26

Looks awesome!!!
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