OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby andrewbuck » 27 Feb 2010, 01:51

I posted a new video showing the latest build of OpenDungeons (version 0.3.6) to the youtube channel. Thanks to ghoulsblade for the help getting the screen capture program working.

The video contains annotations to show the keyboard controls, how to edit maps, and how to host a game. One thing I forgot to show in the video is the R and T keys change what kind of tile you are drawing in the map editor (see the Game controls page on the wiki for more details). I hope to get an updated build of the windows version of the game posted to sourceforge sometime this weekend, however I might not get it done. Enjoy the video. :)

If anyone would like to post any other videos to the channel, let me know and I can either PM you the password to upload them or I can upload them on your behalf.

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby qubodup » 27 Feb 2010, 11:41

Two hints for the channel: when you have some free time you could...

1. Use the OD logo as channel logo
2. Update links to wiki/forum

bonus: you can use http://-style links in a video's description. I would add to the beginning of the description of each new video posted.

PS: the latest video is of great info value to me! I did not know that there is fighting or even animations in the game. I can clearly see that the brush needs indication what area it affects though :)

Also I find it weird that levels can be of any shape or even have isles. Aren't non-destroyable walls for that? :)

Sorry for going so off-topic..
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby andrewbuck » 27 Feb 2010, 15:10

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try to work on that today. With regard to the level shape, yes, that is how the original dungeon keeper did it; a rectangular level with certain bits filled in with impenetrable rock. I don't like that for several reasons, first it gives the level designers the idea that the level should be square which leads to a lot less interesting and less natural feel for the levels. Second, it makes it inefficient to store the level if you want a mostly rectangular level with a few "arms" sticking out that make the map dimensions bigger, you then have to fill huge areas with the impenetrable rock tiles, even though they don't contribute anything. Finally, this design allows the game engine to add tiles during the game if desired. For example if you just start digging in one direction the game could just keep adding new map in front of where you are digging by randomly generating the map as you go. I'm not sure if we would want to do this or not but I think its a neat idea.

Ultimately the ability to have it be an arbitrary shape isn't much more difficult (and in some ways is easier) to implement than just a rectangular level. The downside is that looking up a tile in the game engine is a bit more expensive, however the tiles are stored in a C++ map which maps x-y coordinates onto tile pointers. Maps offer O(log(N)) lookups so it is fast enough that it is not too much of a drawback (looking up 10,000 tiles can be done in well less than a second, and if you need to loop over the entire map you can get an iterator to loop over it just as fast as you would an array). I also plan to optimize tile neighbor lookups sometime soon here to allow for very fast "floodfill" style calculations to be done. Also, the C++0X standard (actually it will be C++1X now when it finally gets done) has a standard template hash table which will make lookups O(1), this will almost entirely remove the (already small) speed penalty on tile lookups.

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby andrewbuck » 13 Mar 2010, 07:54

I posted a new youtube video showing the latest build of the game.

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby qubodup » 13 Mar 2010, 11:18

andrewbuck {l Wrote}:I posted a new youtube video showing the latest build of the game.
I'm impressed with the progress!
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby svenskmand » 13 Mar 2010, 13:31

Excellent video :), shows allot of dynamics. The Kobolds look almost complete animation wise, that is very nice.

Just one thing, regarding the digging. When the Kobolds dig tiles the immediately get separated from the rest of the dirt, such that it becomes a pillar. I think that the way this is done in DK2 looks better, where the dirt disappears on the same sides as you dig from, and is still connected to the adjacent dirt tiles.

Other than that it is most impressive. Looking forward to a time where we can make the first play test :) (as in multiplayer) - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby andrewbuck » 13 Mar 2010, 13:45

Most of the game actually works via multiplayer already. You can test this by starting two versions of the game (start one, press alt+tab, start the other). Run "host" in the first one and "connect" in the second one. Most of the stuff is supported already although not everything works yet. Also, the game can crash while connecting sometimes, if it does just re-run the client (the one you type "connect" in) and you should be good. The game should support as many people in it as there are "Seats" defined in the level file. If more than this try to connect it would probably crash.

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby andrewbuck » 06 Jul 2010, 22:46

I see that svenskmand has recently got the youtube video of the latest build of OD posted. The video looks pretty good and I wanted to post a link to it here in case others have not yet seen it.

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby svenskmand » 06 Jul 2010, 23:15

It is also on the video page of the wiki :) - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby Skorpio » 25 Nov 2010, 18:05

I've put a video of the troll on our Youtube channel:

I still need to tweak the animations a bit here and there.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby Bodsda » 25 Nov 2010, 19:32

Skorpio {l Wrote}:I've put a video of the troll on our Youtube channel:

I still need to tweak the animations a bit here and there.

That is wicked!

Although, I always pictured Detritus as being slightly greener, what do you think?

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby Skorpio » 25 Nov 2010, 23:23

Hehe, I always thought he looks like the Alps. ;)
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby svenskmand » 26 Nov 2010, 11:21

It is nice :), very good model - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby andrewbuck » 14 Feb 2011, 21:33

I posted a video showing the gameplay in the latest build of the game. The video is here.

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby svenskmand » 19 Feb 2011, 12:29

Nice, at somepoint we should also get some 1080p videos up. Anybody knows of a good program for windows that can do this which is free? - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby oln » 19 Feb 2011, 19:32

Taksi maybe? If you have a powerful computer.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby svenskmand » 20 Feb 2011, 12:46

oln {l Wrote}:Taksi maybe? If you have a powerful computer.

Taksi Thanks I will try it out, and let you know how it goes. - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby andrewbuck » 28 Feb 2011, 00:19

I got another video posted on the youtube page. This one shows 48 orcs (24 vs 24) battling it out in a big arena. It shows the improved combat AI, as well as the new animations (both die and flee). Link is here.

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby Skorpio » 28 Feb 2011, 15:06

Hahaha, that looks great. An epic battle. :D

By the way what triggers the flee animation? And should fleeing creatures be faster than normally? I designed the flee animation so that it looks faster than the walk animation.

Regarding the team colors, is only the normal part of the texture affected and not the designated parts? Then you probably have to invert the alpha channel. When I played with the material settings I had to invert the channel a couple of times till it looked right.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby andrewbuck » 28 Feb 2011, 15:27

Just the transparent parts of the texture should show the team color. The team color is put down first and the texture then "covers up" anything which should not be that color. The orcs in the video have not had their material file changed to be like the one for the knight I showed you. Since all the material files are set up differently the engine interacts with them differently. For most models this means just covering the whole thing with the team color like it did for the orcs.

The flee animation is decided based on the value of the "battlefield" at the creature's location. Each living creature emits a field around it that falls off as 1/r^2 in strength as you get farther from the creature. Enemy units emit negative field allies emit positive (an a bit more strongly than enemies. In battle the creatures either advance (currently the walk animation) or retreat (the flee animation). When advancing they try to walk to the most negative part of the field, when retreating they look for the most positive. Currently they always move at the same speed although I had planned to make the "flee" movement happen faster, I just don't have the code ready for that yet (it is not difficult, just hasn't been done yet). I also plan to add other things like flying for the dragons, etc, where they will move at a different speed.

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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby oln » 15 Apr 2011, 12:58

Would be nice with a link to the actual homepage in the channel description, and not just a link to the sf project page once andrew get's back to fixing it.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby oln » 16 Sep 2011, 21:47

Would be cool with a new video if someone has some time left over.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby svenskmand » 17 Sep 2011, 10:13

I can do that. I just build the last release, it looks really good now that the bump/normal mapping and lights are working better :) Although the specular lighting is too high, there should not be used so much of it, everything looks very slick. - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby oln » 17 Sep 2011, 10:21

Yeah, it's probably a bit higher than needed, you can play around a bit with the materials if you want to find something that looks better. Also, if the game is too dark you can try changing the ambient light in-game by using the ambientlight command. (E.g ambientlight 0.2 0.2 0.2)
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Re: OpenDungeons Youtube Channel

Postby svenskmand » 17 Sep 2011, 10:55

Ok nice. By the way the console needs to support going left and right using the arrow keys, when you editing previous commands that is a must.

The password for the YouTube Channel that Andrew sent me a long time ago does not work anymore. Anybody who have the current password? - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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