Bug reports

Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 29 Sep 2013, 15:58

The spell building interface is a bit confusing. Reminds me of Morrowind/Oblivion (haven't used these systems there too much).

I noticed a few issues:
0. Disabling nudity does not work. I would like to request that character textures by default have underwear as part of the body texture and that the nudity texture is only loaded when nudity is turned on. It's likely that a "you can't take off underwear" feature fails, be it simply because of delays in 3d model loading or an inventory management bug.
1. Pressing W and then pressing E to open a chest will lead to movement continuing while interacting without the ability to stop moving. I see not trivial solution (except maybe stop movement when interaction starts) if WASD are to be used for in-game movement and in-menu movement.
2. Depending on unknown factors I am sometimes able and sometimes unable to move the mouse out of the game window. Sometimes when I want, sometimes when I don't. What I would expect is mouse-lock to be enabled in-game but not when a menu is open.
3. mouse-hovering a menu item destroys the ability to use key movement. Yet, the selection jumps and then back. What would feel more natural: either only use the mouse position if it has just been moved or the menu has been just created or prevent any key-movement in the menu while the mouse hovers any item.
4. A "burdened" icon (no time or infinite) might be helpful next to the blessing etc. icons.
5. I find the enchanting menu very different from the inventory and have a suggestion to re-design it.

This can probably only work if an item has constant enchantment slots and if enchantments only occupy one slot
I'm not sure there is a "disabled"-state for action buttons (like "enchant"). If not: the visual difference of having greyed out text might be enough. Also, the "information button-like element ("Stats required to use the enchanted item ...") could use a visual difference since it's non-interactive but active (greyscale bg?).
#5 might be more work than it's worth to implement. I'm not sure it's much more intuitive. :| It would be an advantage to know how many slots are available before assigning them all and knowing what spells are available in total without having to try out each of the target types (self, far, touch) but this can be achieved differently.
EDIT: current ui:
6. It'd be nice to see an item's enchantements, for example [EDIT] as an info 'button' at the end of the item-interaction menu (end of all items menu might be too far down?[/EDIT]
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 29 Sep 2013, 21:09

qubodup {l Wrote}:0. Disabling nudity does not work. I would like to request that character textures by default have underwear as part of the body texture and that the nudity texture is only loaded when nudity is turned on. It's likely that a "you can't take off underwear" feature fails, be it simply because of delays in 3d model loading or an inventory management bug.

A few more bits still need to be added to the character customization system before this can be done in a future-proof way. Will be done in either this or the next release cycle.

qubodup {l Wrote}:1. Pressing W and then pressing E to open a chest will lead to movement continuing while interacting without the ability to stop moving. I see not trivial solution (except maybe stop movement when interaction starts) if WASD are to be used for in-game movement and in-menu movement.


qubodup {l Wrote}:2. Depending on unknown factors I am sometimes able and sometimes unable to move the mouse out of the game window. Sometimes when I want, sometimes when I don't. What I would expect is mouse-lock to be enabled in-game but not when a menu is open.

I'd prefer it to work this way too, but the only way to change it would be to abandon the current input library (OIS) since it doesn't allow the application to control the input grab behavior. No idea if/when it'll be done.

qubodup {l Wrote}:3. mouse-hovering a menu item destroys the ability to use key movement. Yet, the selection jumps and then back. What would feel more natural: either only use the mouse position if it has just been moved or the menu has been just created or prevent any key-movement in the menu while the mouse hovers any item.


qubodup {l Wrote}:4. A "burdened" icon (no time or infinite) might be helpful next to the blessing etc. icons.


qubodup {l Wrote}:5. I find the enchanting menu very different from the inventory and have a suggestion to re-design it

Good ideas. I'll give them a try once spells and the enchantment table can actually be properly accessed in-game. Will likely be done in the next release cycle.

qubodup {l Wrote}:6. It'd be nice to see an item's enchantement

Yeah, would be nice indeed. Will hopefully get done in the next release cycle.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 05 Oct 2013, 10:35

On startup these errors get printed to the command line:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
$ ./lipsofsuna
ERROR: In spec "log", type "Itemspec", field "construct_tile": wood1 not in TerrainMaterialSpec
ERROR: In spec "ferrostone", type "Itemspec", field "construct_tile": ferrostone not in TerrainMaterialSpec
ERROR: In spec "soil chunk", type "Itemspec", field "construct_tile": soil not in TerrainMaterialSpec
ERROR: In spec "another log", type "Itemspec", field "construct_tile": wood1 not in TerrainMaterialSpec
ERROR: In spec "iron ingot", type "Itemspec", field "construct_tile": iron1 not in TerrainMaterialSpec

When trying to load my normalgame save, I get this:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
2013-10-05T10:47:48Z: Started global event "brigand camp"
2013-10-05T10:47:48Z: Started global event "random monsters"
ERROR: SQL prepare: no such table: quests
ERROR: core/quest/quest-database.lua:55: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
   system/core.lua:122: in function <system/core.lua:122>
   [C]: in function 'ipairs'
   core/quest/quest-database.lua:55: in function 'load_quests'
   core/quest/main.lua:14: in function 'hook'
   system/hooks.lua:35: in function 'call'
   core/server/game.lua:74: in function 'load'
   core/client/client.lua:227: in function 'start_single_player'
   core/client/init.lua:21: in function 'mode'
   main/game-mode-manager.lua:43: in function 'start'
   main/main.lua:147: in function 'start_game'
   ui/states/loadgame.lua:22: in function 'handle_event'
   ui/ui.lua:413: in function 'handle_event'
   core/input/main.lua:17: in function 'func'
   system/eventhandler.lua:72: in function <system/eventhandler.lua:72>
   [C]: in function 'xpcall'
   system/core.lua:122: in function 'safe_call'
   system/eventhandler.lua:72: in function 'event'
   system/eventhandler.lua:82: in function 'update'
   main/main.lua:107: in function 'main'
   main.lua:6: in main chunk

-A and new game work fine.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 05 Oct 2013, 15:45

Yay, hair is working for me now!

I feel like performance increased a lot (or stopped decreasing)
At 1:15 an enemy was really pacifist.
At 3:30 I find a floating spell table :)

Death by falling (more like jumping) feels very silly in LoS.
The post-death rotation also feels weird and silly. Wasn't there an FPS which used to make you keep your head's camera after death, even if your head flew all over the place?...
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 05 Oct 2013, 17:36

qubodup {l Wrote}:On startup these errors get printed to the command line:

Fixed. They were actually a reminder for me to reimplement some missing terrain things. I just did that today.

qubodup {l Wrote}:When trying to load my normalgame save, I get this:

Fixed, though there are probably more similar issues. However, this is a save game compatibility problem, and I don't think that it's particularly important to pay attention to them for now. The save file format are still evolving too much so it's better to just start a new game whenever I break them.

qubodup {l Wrote}:I feel like performance increased a lot (or stopped decreasing)

Yep, I fixed some performance issues recently.

qubodup {l Wrote}:At 1:15 an enemy was really pacifist.
At 3:30 I find a floating spell table :)

Will fix these two later.

qubodup {l Wrote}:Death by falling (more like jumping) feels very silly in LoS.
The post-death rotation also feels weird and silly. Wasn't there an FPS which used to make you keep your head's camera after death, even if your head flew all over the place?...

Fixed, at least sort of. I added a simple death camera and reduced the falling damage significantly.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 08 Oct 2013, 03:58

I was able to load my save but I'll just do new games from now on.


New things to report:

Using a black haze spell triggers:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
ERROR: spells/modifiers/black-haze.lua:45: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'timer' (a nil value)                                                       
stack traceback:                                                                                 
  spells/modifiers/black-haze.lua:45: in function 'update'                                       
  core/objects/actor.lua:756: in function 'update_modifiers'                                     
  core/objects/actor.lua:636: in function 'update'                                               
  core/objects/object-manager.lua:158: in function 'update'                                     
  main/main.lua:111: in function 'main'                                                         
  main.lua:6: in main chunk

It seems that the persistence of the fire effect does not match the time it is in effect. Fire particles remain alive very long and give the impression that something should happen but effectively just block the view. Which seems confusing as to what is going on.

It seems that some fire wall spell parts don't die, see end of the video. Perhaps it has to do with me running out of range while they were ongoing? (3:20)

The inventory seems to be stuck in key navigation mode if I open it while running away. It seems that I then can use LMB to act but not navigate with mouse movement
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 09 Oct 2013, 23:15

qubodup {l Wrote}:Using a black haze spell triggers:


qubodup {l Wrote}:It seems that the persistence of the fire effect does not match the time it is in effect. Fire particles remain alive very long and give the impression that something should happen but effectively just block the view. Which seems confusing as to what is going on.

Fixed, sort of. The particle effects are really placeholderish because all the particle system editors for Ogre are broken and/or don't work in Linux, and editing the particle scripts manually is hopeless. :eew:

qubodup {l Wrote}:It seems that some fire wall spell parts don't die, see end of the video. Perhaps it has to do with me running out of range while they were ongoing? (3:20)


qubodup {l Wrote}:The inventory seems to be stuck in key navigation mode if I open it while running away. It seems that I then can use LMB to act but not navigate with mouse movement

I couldn't figure out how to trigger this myself. It doesn't look like running would be causing it, or not alone at least. Even after watching the video for a few times, it's not obvious to me how to reproduce it.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 10 Oct 2013, 02:29

Thanks for all the fixes! Shame about the problems with OIS and Ogre. Do you know if the issues are known upstream?

Is there anything you would like to be tested in particular? Be it gameplay or technical.

amuzen {l Wrote}:
qubodup {l Wrote}:The inventory seems to be stuck in key navigation mode if I open it while running away. It seems that I then can use LMB to act but not navigate with mouse movement

I couldn't figure out how to trigger this myself. It doesn't look like running would be causing it, or not alone at least. Even after watching the video for a few times, it's not obvious to me how to reproduce it.

I can't reproduce it any more either both in the stuck and non-stuck state (which you earlier described as being due to OIS).
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 10 Oct 2013, 21:36

qubodup {l Wrote}:Is there anything you would like to be tested in particular? Be it gameplay or technical.

Not really. Anything from simple bug reports to more thorough gameplay testing works for me. Things that a hypothetical player would use frequently should be a good choice for testing since fixing them would be the fastest way to make the game feel less rage-inducing. Graphical issues are mostly known already so they are one of the few things that don't need a whole lot of attention.

If you want to do some in-depth gameplay testing, I'd generally prefer to receive some concrete ideas on how to improve things. I already know that a lot of things are badly broken, but I'm too used to the breakage to come up with good ways to fix it. :p
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Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 11 Oct 2013, 03:31

Thanks! I will just point out bugs and suggest improvements then.

I will try to make a suggestion for low health indication at some point.

1. It seems to me that the distant black haze spell causes a monster to be spawned next to the caster. Also the poison which seems to be given when hit by a black haze monster seems to never stop, which might be too strong an effect. I would suggest a timeout after... 15 seconds by default?

2. Revive feedback is needed. Often I revive and then take a moment to realize that something happened. A sound feedback would be appropriate, perhaps a (particle?) effect (for example a blue circle coming from under the position of the newly-spawned (revived) character). Even better would be an animation, for example standing up from sitting, lying or a dramatic "I am hurt and you can tell because I am kneeling/crouching down and have one hand on the ground to stabilize my posture while looking at the ground with my face lowered." But I imagine additional animations might be very expensive.


Animation of effect surrounding a character that was revived directly before the first frame. Arrows added just for indication.

2b. Similarly, as for visual effects, a black circle might be a good indicator of conjuration spells (like the rats created by black haze for example). Or - if possible and fun to implement- make the circles' color depend on the (average?) skin texture color of the conjured/revived character.

3. A menu-open sound is needed. Definitely for "you just pressed a key and opened a menu or changed the interface by that" (E, ESC, M, K, maybe T, maybe U). Could be noted in the wiki.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 12 Oct 2013, 17:30

qubodup {l Wrote}:1. It seems to me that the distant black haze spell causes a monster to be spawned next to the caster. Also the poison which seems to be given when hit by a black haze monster seems to never stop, which might be too strong an effect. I would suggest a timeout after... 15 seconds by default?

Fixed the spawning issue. I also tried to change the behavior of the disease to be more disease-like. It should now take 30 minutes or something to die to the disease alone, which should be enough to find either of the two ways to cure it.

qubodup {l Wrote}:2. Revive feedback is needed. Often I revive and then take a moment to realize that something happened. A sound feedback would be appropriate, perhaps a (particle?) effect (for example a blue circle coming from under the position of the newly-spawned (revived) character). Even better would be an animation, for example standing up from sitting, lying or a dramatic "I am hurt and you can tell because I am kneeling/crouching down and have one hand on the ground to stabilize my posture while looking at the ground with my face lowered." But I imagine additional animations might be very expensive.

Added to the bug tracker for now. I'll do this when there's a sane way to create particle system.

qubodup {l Wrote}:2b. Similarly, as for visual effects, a black circle might be a good indicator of conjuration spells (like the rats created by black haze for example). Or - if possible and fun to implement- make the circles' color depend on the (average?) skin texture color of the conjured/revived character.

Ditto, will do later.

qubodup {l Wrote}:3. A menu-open sound is needed. Definitely for "you just pressed a key and opened a menu or changed the interface by that" (E, ESC, M, K, maybe T, maybe U). Could be noted in the wiki.

Added some. Some might still be missing, but I'll try to add them as I notice.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby dimproject » 11 Nov 2013, 18:22

Good news, amuzen!
I was testing developing version on Windows!
MinGW for now - OK.

Bug with Video mode.
File options.cfg saves full screen, window_height, window_width - OK.
But on startup game ignored full screen, window_height, window_width.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 11 Nov 2013, 22:36

dimproject {l Wrote}:Bug with Video mode.
File options.cfg saves full screen, window_height, window_width - OK.
But on startup game ignored full screen, window_height, window_width.

Fixed. Thanks for reporting.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 12 Nov 2013, 06:44

I tested a bit:

I hope that video is a good form to show issues.

1. non-functioning buttons have no indication/feedback
at 3:00, the "create" button is not functioning, probably by design. It could be indicated visually that it is not working in this menu and when trying to use it, a "nope" menu sound could help.
The alternative would be to remove the button.
If the decision is to keep it, I would suggest that the spell building menu contains the "Enchant!" menu item is there by default (indicating how the interface is supposed to work). [I noticed that I already suggested that above in viewtopic.php?p=50808#p50808 sorry for the repeat]

2. I seem to sometimes be stuck walking up mountains. It doesn't seem clear why in some cases, neither shader mode shows a geometry or object blocker (6:00, 9:20).

3. I seem to fall through the ground at times even though I see it (8:04) and often I don't see it (13:40). But sometimes if I don't see it I still don't fall through it (14:35)

4. I'm a really suicidal jumper (8:40) But sometimes just walking hurts (16:55)

5. I... get stuck in walls? (10:05)

6. Grenade explosions seem to last too long 10:55 (not sure if that was affected by the lack of particle editor)

7. I fall through walls? And then take damage weirdly? (12:42)

8. I feel movement is slow and I found that diagonal (forward+sideways) jumping is faster (15:00) - to me it's a feature ;)

9. Fire elementals seem to be doing nothing and might be using the wrong model (22:10)

10. Shooting crossbows seems to work precisely but it doesn't seem to make difference to have the crosschair over the player body (26:15). Unfortunately I have no 3d space math knowledge to be able to make suggestions.

Many of these might be related to my bad, bad framerate. :) By the way, can I ask what kind of graphics card and which driver you develop on?
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 13 Nov 2013, 00:42

qubodup {l Wrote}:1. non-functioning buttons have no indication/feedback
at 3:00, the "create" button is not functioning, probably by design. It could be indicated visually that it is not working in this menu and when trying to use it, a "nope" menu sound could help.
The alternative would be to remove the button.

Yeah, I can see that it's pretty confusing. I just removed it in the Character subgame since it doesn't serve any purpose there.

qubodup {l Wrote}:2. I seem to sometimes be stuck walking up mountains. It doesn't seem clear why in some cases, neither shader mode shows a geometry or object blocker (6:00, 9:20).

This might have gotten a bit better due to the walking physics changes I made, but there'll always be a point when the mountain is just too steep for walking. The character keeping running without moving looks like standard behavior based on other games, but perhaps something different could be done too. I don't know what, though.

qubodup {l Wrote}:4. I'm a really suicidal jumper (8:40) But sometimes just walking hurts (16:55)

Yeah, you can get hurt if you run off a cliff or a steep hill and fall long enough as the result. I don't think that there's anything particularly wrong here, apart from the character respawning with 0 HP and thus dying from even the smallest bump. I made the character heal at respawn to avoid that.

qubodup {l Wrote}:6. Grenade explosions seem to last too long 10:55 (not sure if that was affected by the lack of particle editor)

I tried to improve the effect, but it's indeed a pain to do that with a text editor and trial and error.

qubodup {l Wrote}:8. I feel movement is slow and I found that diagonal (forward+sideways) jumping is faster (15:00) - to me it's a feature ;)

I tuned the speed a bit and also modified the walking physics some. No idea if it's that much better, though.

qubodup {l Wrote}:9. Fire elementals seem to be doing nothing and might be using the wrong model (22:10)

Yeah, they're broken and I'm not particularly excited about fixing them since there are no proper graphics for them. I just made them not spawn for now since they aren't doing anything useful.

qubodup {l Wrote}:10. Shooting crossbows seems to work precisely but it doesn't seem to make difference to have the crosschair over the player body (26:15). Unfortunately I have no 3d space math knowledge to be able to make suggestions.

In the options screen, there's a toggle for "Mouse smoothing". If you enable it, the camera will be displaced sidewards and the crosshair will make more sense. There are some caveats with that mode, though, so it's debatable which one is better at this point.

qubodup {l Wrote}:3. I seem to fall through the ground at times even though I see it (8:04) and often I don't see it (13:40). But sometimes if I don't see it I still don't fall through it (14:35)

qubodup {l Wrote}:5. I... get stuck in walls? (10:05)

qubodup {l Wrote}:7. I fall through walls? And then take damage weirdly? (12:42)

qubodup {l Wrote}:Many of these might be related to my bad, bad framerate. :) By the way, can I ask what kind of graphics card and which driver you develop on?

Yeah, these cases are partially related to the low framerate. Physics can glitch if the framerate is really low and terrain may also not load fast enough in that case. These are a bit trickier, though not impossible, to fix. I'll try to fix at least some of them a bit later.

I test the game on a Radeon HD 5700 series card and some old version of the open source drivers that shipped with the last Ubuntu/Mint LTS. It's an oldish budget card but generally good enough for the other parts of the game to be the bottleneck for me most of the time. By the way, if you're interested in why the game is performing poorly on your system, you can view some performance stats by pressing the T key in-game and typing "/client_stats" into the text field.

Also, thanks for the feedback! It's a great help for improving the game.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby dimproject » 13 Nov 2013, 14:22

I thinking some weapons is big for hero.
Need thinking about as hero holding
weapon (hands, fingers animations if possible).
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 13 Nov 2013, 23:32

qubodup {l Wrote}:3. I seem to fall through the ground at times even though I see it (8:04) and often I don't see it (13:40). But sometimes if I don't see it I still don't fall through it (14:35)

qubodup {l Wrote}:5. I... get stuck in walls? (10:05)

qubodup {l Wrote}:7. I fall through walls? And then take damage weirdly? (12:42)

OK, these should be fixed now, or at least less likely to occur.

dimproject {l Wrote}:I thinking some weapons is big for hero.
Need thinking about as hero holding
weapon (hands, fingers animations if possible).

Thanks for reporting. I added a ticket to the bug tracker for now so that I won't forget to fix it later.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby dimproject » 22 Nov 2013, 15:26

Some errors in file render.log.

Error loading texture caveenv1.dds. Texture layer will be blank.
Loading the texture failed with the following exception:
OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException):
Cannot locate resource caveenv1.dds in resource group temporary or
any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource
at ../../../../../OgreMain/src/OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 753)

OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Another thread failed
in resource operation in Resource::prepare
at ../../../../../OgreMain/src/OgreResource.cpp (line 79)
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 24 Nov 2013, 13:25

Thanks. Added to the bug tracker for now. I'll fix this an other non-fatal issues closer to the end of the release cycle and focus on adding new features in the beginning.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 26 Nov 2013, 10:41

There appears to be a non-critical issue with the inventory manager. The following error message appears when following these steps:

Assign a weapon to slot 1, press 1, die - losing the weapon, assign another weapon to slot 1

{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
              ERROR: core/shortcut/message-shortcut.lua:23: attempt to get length of local 'action' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
   system/core.lua:122: in function '__len'
   core/shortcut/message-shortcut.lua:23: in function 'client_to_server_handle'
   main/messaging.lua:51: in function 'client_event'
   core/shortcut/shortcut-manager.lua:65: in function 'clear_shortcut'
   core/shortcut/shortcut-manager.lua:42: in function 'activate'
   core/shortcut/bindings.lua:7: in function 'hook'
   system/hooks.lua:35: in function 'call'
   core/input/input.lua:96: in function 'func'
   core/input/binding.lua:120: in function 'handle_event'
   core/input/binding.lua:43: in function 'event'
   core/input/main.lua:18: in function 'func'
   system/eventhandler.lua:72: in function <system/eventhandler.lua:72>
   [C]: in function 'xpcall'
   system/core.lua:122: in function 'safe_call'
   system/eventhandler.lua:72: in function 'event'
   system/eventhandler.lua:82: in function 'update'
   main/main.lua:109: in function 'main'
   main.lua:6: in main chunk

I noticed that when I have full (20) HP and die from falling, the damage indicator shows "-19"
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 26 Nov 2013, 19:53

qubodup {l Wrote}:There appears to be a non-critical issue with the inventory manager. The following error message appears when following these steps:

Assign a weapon to slot 1, press 1, die - losing the weapon, assign another weapon to slot 1

Couldn't reproduce for some reason, but I wrote a fix based on the error message. If you still keep getting an error, let me know about it.

qubodup {l Wrote}:I noticed that when I have full (20) HP and die from falling, the damage indicator shows "-19"

Added to the bug tracker.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby ProzacR » 27 Nov 2013, 11:42

I have really enough good PC (4 cores, 4gb ram, gtx550ti), but game still lags on win7. I removed those black lines around everything it becomes better, but still hardly playable.
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 27 Nov 2013, 20:06

Yeah, the truth is that performance is still really far from being as good as it could. I have been improving it a bit since the release and will continue to do so, but other aspects of the game badly need work too. Because of that, it might take some time until things can be properly optimized.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2009, 02:49

Re: Bug reports

Postby qubodup » 28 Nov 2013, 01:50

Current git HEAD fails to build:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
[ 85/316] cxx: src/lipsofsuna/render/render-overlay.cpp -> .build/src/lipsofsuna/render/render-overlay.cpp.1.o
In file included from ../src/lipsofsuna/render/render-model.cpp:27:0:
../src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render.hpp:27:32: fatal error: OgreOverlayManager.h: No such file or directory
 #include <OgreOverlayManager.h>
compilation terminated.
In file included from ../src/lipsofsuna/render/render-overlay.cpp:26:0:
../src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render.hpp:27:32: fatal error: OgreOverlayManager.h: No such file or directory
 #include <OgreOverlayManager.h>
compilation terminated.
In file included from ../src/lipsofsuna/render/render-object.cpp:27:0:
../src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render.hpp:27:32: fatal error: OgreOverlayManager.h: No such file or directory
 #include <OgreOverlayManager.h>
compilation terminated.
In file included from ../src/lipsofsuna/render/render-light.cpp:27:0:
../src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render.hpp:27:32: fatal error: OgreOverlayManager.h: No such file or directory
 #include <OgreOverlayManager.h>
compilation terminated.
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build'
Build failed
 -> task in 'lipsofsuna' failed (exit status 1):
   {task 140375102396432: cxx render-model.cpp -> render-model.cpp.1.o}
['/usr/bin/g++', '-g', '-Wall', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build/src', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/src', '-I/usr/include/luajit-2.0', '-I/usr/include/bullet', '-I/usr/include/OIS', '-I/usr/include/OGRE', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Terrain', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Paging', '-I/usr/include/AL', '../src/lipsofsuna/render/render-model.cpp', '-c', '-o', 'src/lipsofsuna/render/render-model.cpp.1.o']
 -> task in 'lipsofsuna' failed (exit status 1):
   {task 140375102396688: cxx render-overlay.cpp -> render-overlay.cpp.1.o}
['/usr/bin/g++', '-g', '-Wall', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build/src', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/src', '-I/usr/include/luajit-2.0', '-I/usr/include/bullet', '-I/usr/include/OIS', '-I/usr/include/OGRE', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Terrain', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Paging', '-I/usr/include/AL', '../src/lipsofsuna/render/render-overlay.cpp', '-c', '-o', 'src/lipsofsuna/render/render-overlay.cpp.1.o']
 -> task in 'lipsofsuna' failed (exit status 1):
   {task 140375102396560: cxx render-object.cpp -> render-object.cpp.1.o}
['/usr/bin/g++', '-g', '-Wall', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build/src', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/src', '-I/usr/include/luajit-2.0', '-I/usr/include/bullet', '-I/usr/include/OIS', '-I/usr/include/OGRE', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Terrain', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Paging', '-I/usr/include/AL', '../src/lipsofsuna/render/render-object.cpp', '-c', '-o', 'src/lipsofsuna/render/render-object.cpp.1.o']
 -> task in 'lipsofsuna' failed (exit status 1):
   {task 140375102396304: cxx render-light.cpp -> render-light.cpp.1.o}
['/usr/bin/g++', '-g', '-Wall', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build/src', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/src', '-I/usr/include/luajit-2.0', '-I/usr/include/bullet', '-I/usr/include/OIS', '-I/usr/include/OGRE', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Terrain', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Paging', '-I/usr/include/AL', '../src/lipsofsuna/render/render-light.cpp', '-c', '-o', 'src/lipsofsuna/render/render-light.cpp.1.o']

Seems to be misplaced files on arch linux:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
ogre 1.9.0-1
$ pacman -Ql ogre | grep OverlayMan
ogre /usr/include/OGRE/Overlay/OgreOverlayManager.h

If I fix the include paths of the files in Overlay/ (manually using vim)
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
vim -p `grep OgreOverlay src/lipsofsuna/ -Rl`
vim -p `grep OgreFont src/lipsofsuna/ -Rl`

then compiling fails at
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
[ 96/316] cxx: src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render-model.cpp -> .build/src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render-model.cpp.1.o
In file included from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreHardwareVertexBuffer.h:34:0,
                 from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreVertexIndexData.h:32,
                 from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreRenderOperation.h:32,
                 from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreRenderable.h:34,
                 from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreNode.h:38,
                 from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreSceneNode.h:33,
                 from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreSceneManager.h:37,
                 from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreSceneManagerEnumerator.h:33,
                 from /usr/include/OGRE/OgreRoot.h:36,
                 from ../src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render.hpp:24,
                 from ../src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render-mesh-builder.cpp:28:
/usr/include/OGRE/OgreSharedPtr.h: In instantiation of ‘Ogre::SharedPtr<T>::SharedPtr(const Ogre::SharedPtr<Y>&) [with Y = Ogre::Resource; T = Ogre::Skeleton]’:
../src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render-mesh-builder.cpp:379:38:   required from here
/usr/include/OGRE/OgreSharedPtr.h:202:28: error: invalid conversion from ‘Ogre::Resource*’ to ‘Ogre::Skeleton*’ [-fpermissive]
             , pInfo(r.pInfo)
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build'
Build failed
 -> task in 'lipsofsuna' failed (exit status 1):
   {task 139862870774160: cxx render-mesh-builder.cpp -> render-mesh-builder.cpp.1.o}
['/usr/bin/g++', '-g', '-Wall', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-pthread', '-pthread', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/.build/src', '-I/home/qubodup/src/git/lipsofsuna/src', '-I/usr/include/luajit-2.0', '-I/usr/include/bullet', '-I/usr/include/OIS', '-I/usr/include/OGRE', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Terrain', '-I/usr/include/OGRE/Paging', '-I/usr/include/AL', '../src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render-mesh-builder.cpp', '-c', '-o', 'src/lipsofsuna/render/internal/render-mesh-builder.cpp.1.o']

FYI, arch's ogre file paths are http://codepad.org/PuzCYu7K
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Re: Bug reports

Postby amuzen » 28 Nov 2013, 17:16

Yeah, this is the expected outcome of upgrading to Ogre 1.9. I'll do the changes required to compile the game against it once I get Ogre downloaded and built from their repository.

Arch really should at least wait for Ogre to release their official source tarballs before updating the package. Chances of continuously keeping LoS compatible with their packages are rather slim when Arch time travels to the future in order to package stuff before it even exists. :p
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Joined: 05 Dec 2009, 02:49

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