My problems with this game

My problems with this game

Postby RandomDude » 20 Aug 2011, 09:04

You asked for feedback? Here you go!
I registered just to write this :)
I hope it might help you in some way.

1. The game flickers like hell... I can't see walls, I can't see items, I can't see nothing....
2. Characters all looks just ugly :) But it's okay. It's not related to gameplay.
3. Everything is not responsive, and I don't understand why would you add such movement and actions mechanics... just look at minecraft, everything is very smoth, no unnecesary animations, no "fidgeting" while standing still, nothing unnecesary. You should really try making it in different way. It will enchance gameplay a lot.
4. Everything is so dark...
5. And the last thing... in this game... really no money? I have to trade items? It's very very inconvenient. Add money system...

ps - sorry for my english :)

ps2 - good luck guys! I hope you can finish this project.
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Re: My problems with this game

Postby TheAncientGoat » 20 Aug 2011, 12:22

Thanks for the feedback!

1. What specs are your PC? Things usually don't flicker, maybe the game doesn't perform well on your hardware
2. A work in progress, they'll get nicer when we get more modelers aboard.
3. Responsiveness, again, is a hardware thing. Also depends on whether you have connected to a remote server or not. We're always working on improving performance, but we can't over optimize while all the gameplay features aren't implemented
Also, Minecraft is abstract, there isn't really anything to animate, more detailed characters standing still would look /really/ wierd, and if we adopt the minecraft aesthetic we'd have to redo all of the models, and we'd be accused of cloning minecraft and get tonnes of trolls attacking us like what happened to MineTest and that other one..
4. It's supposed to be set underground :P But yeah, lighting needs work
5. Well, we plan to add coins, that you can use in the trade system, and a skill that lets you see what "price" items are.

Your English is fine, no need to apologize for it :)
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Re: My problems with this game

Postby RandomDude » 20 Aug 2011, 13:20

1. No, no. The game runs just fine. No lags or anything like that at all. Also all drivars and libraries updated to latest versions. (and yeah, I have hi-end laptop, HP Envy 17 3D)
2. Yeah. That's no problem, but I pointed that out just in case :)
3. I will try to explain what I meant by that. Okay, first as I said it has nothing to do with hardware, it runs just fine, but what I meant is... hm... okay, imagine quake 1, 2 or 3 - when you press forward you immediately start moving forward, no starting animation, no pause (you have abouy 100-200 ms lag before character starts moving and it's HUGE lag, and no, I was playing _local_ i.e. on my pc), then the movement itself in quake games is like "floating forward", but your movement based on animation and I hate when modern games do that :( It creates obstacles for gameplay! :( It's like a wall between player and the game that crushes immersion. When in first person mode all movement and all actions should be like in old shooter games or like in minecraft. Notch know what he does. You should make it like that too. It will be much better.
4. Yeah. I understand, but still... I can't see nothing :)
5. Nice!

Also sorry if my feedback seems like rambling or complains, but I really want to help and hope that game will be finished.
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Re: My problems with this game

Postby TheAncientGoat » 20 Aug 2011, 15:07

1. Well, maybe it runs /too/ fast then :) We have limited hardware to test/develop on, and stuff like this seems to be very hardware specific.
3. I see.. It's something we're working on, the communication between server (even local) and client isn't optimal, and neither are the animations.
4. We'll tweak it when we implement global illumination.

And no, you're not rambling, it's feedback and its good. The more people give feedback, the more people think the game is worth giving feedback on, and that encourages the devs.
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Re: My problems with this game

Postby patlefort » 21 Aug 2011, 13:07

#3 is just about adjusting the acceleration/deceleration when moving, the delay before jumping and I'd add the delay for mining and placing blocks. I think it's better to have more responsiveness even if it means less realism and adjust the game to it.
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Re: My problems with this game

Postby TheAncientGoat » 21 Aug 2011, 14:14

If you play the game for long, you'll see the server/client desyncs, until we fix that, we can't make the game less stable by increasing the fidelity
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Re: My problems with this game

Postby Mu » 03 Jan 2012, 19:03

I have to say that I like a lot the barter system. It's very original and since there are not really valuable items, I don't miss the coins too much.
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Re: My problems with this game

Postby Miek » 13 Sep 2012, 15:23

Sry for the thread necromancy but I wanted to add to this thread (plus I think the latest update came after this discussion and the points mentioned obviously haven't been included in the update). I think that this game has huge potential but I agree with the points mentioned by RandomDude. There is way too much random animation in the game, it feels like every character is constantly fighting an urge to pee, and it isn't any useful. Also when walking my arms/spear move way too much, balancing from one side to the other like it weights nothing (and like the character isn't concerned about hitting anything nearby).

The movements are slow and again this is not caused by low hardware but by the animations which are, most of the time, unnecessary. The game has to be fluid to be playable.

Also the camera moves way too much. I haven't played much with the options so there might be a way to correct this, but the view keeps swinging from one side to the other, often bypassing walls and obstacles and almost giving me a headache. First person view would be much better than 3rd person IMO for a dungeon crawl but if you want to stick to 1st person I think that the camera has to be tweaked.

Still I'd like to say that the idea for this game seems awesome and I'll definitely follow its development!
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