Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 06 Apr 2011, 13:20

Ok great :-)
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby richardjames13 » 09 Apr 2011, 11:34

Here is the artwork

4 Frames of movement

An animated GIF of the movement

The ram broken single frame.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby qubodup » 09 Apr 2011, 12:02

Great broken frame!
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 11 Apr 2011, 11:42

Thanks a lot!
It looks great ingame, the walking animation is way better that way.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby svenskmand » 27 Apr 2011, 18:16

So what is the current status? What is missing? - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 27 Apr 2011, 19:48

Sprites for the horseman and the soldier. Can't find someone that knows how to use glest g3d files, I asked on the mailing list, they simply linked me the importer for blender, but they did not answer me if the importer imports texture and most importantly animation, as I don't know at all how to see animations in blender, I cannot test it myself.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby svenskmand » 27 Apr 2011, 22:31

It is a shame Skorpio is not around :(, do you by any chance have his email as he did some stuff for FreeSiege for you? - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 27 Apr 2011, 22:36

I used this to email him.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby svenskmand » 27 Apr 2011, 23:45

Ok I tried that, but he is not responding, and he has not visited the forums since the 17th of March :S - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby svenskmand » 02 Aug 2011, 15:07

So any news about FreeSiege? What is missing now? Still sprites for the horseman and the soldier?

Does the game have a icon for the executable/binary? If not then I would like to make one :D - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby svenskmand » 02 Aug 2011, 23:17

I made this icon for FreeSeige, hope you can use it :)
Icon, License CC-BY-SA 3.0
(49.97 KiB) Downloaded 477 times
Render of Icon, License CC-BY-SA 3.0
FS.png (58.22 KiB) Viewed 18998 times - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby svenskmand » 02 Aug 2011, 23:39

I now need to do this to compile the game:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git libsdl1.2-dev  libsdl-net1.2 libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
git clone git://
cd freesiege
cmake .

So you have linked libsdl-net1.2, have you begun on implementing network play? - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 03 Aug 2011, 16:15

Yeah, I began working on it and then stopped.
I think I did the server part and did not find motivation for doing the client part.

FreeSiege is still missing the soldier and the knight, no news about that.
I was thinking about contacting OpenGameArt, see if they could speak about that on the blog or to their artist see if someone could help, but I did not found any email address on the website. Maybe I should open a topic about freesiege on the OpenGameArt forums.

I don't think freesiege never had any icon, I'll need to look into how to add that to the installation process, thank you for the contribution ;-)
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 03 Aug 2011, 18:01

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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby svenskmand » 03 Aug 2011, 20:34

I just recently learned to make debian packages, so I know how to make the icon thingy :)

You can see the details here, you just need to add a "menu", a "*.install" and a "*.desktop" file to the debian folder and edit them properly (see my link).

I hope you finish the network part, it would be awesome to play it through the network :) - The best music store on the net, uses CC licenses.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby qubodup » 04 Aug 2011, 15:12

FS24.jpg (1.07 KiB) Viewed 18934 times
(1.77 MiB) Downloaded 476 times
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby Scribe » 08 Aug 2011, 21:01

Hi there,
I just read through most of the topics for this game and joined up as it sounds like a really fun project
my concept for a freeSiege logo: ... gelogo.png

I'll probably do some more ideas later when I have some more time hope you like it :)

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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 09 Aug 2011, 11:59

Hum, it seems you based your logo on the old datas, which are non-free.
Look here :

qubodup's logo is not bad, svenksmand's logo seems too "glossy" imho.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby Scribe » 09 Aug 2011, 12:22

ahh ok my bad,
I just drew up a possible cavalry sprite, I'm going to attempt to animate it later: ... -freesiege

hopefully you could find a use for it
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 09 Aug 2011, 12:32

Wow, that's great!

I was going to say it would be better if he had a lance instead of the sword, because the old non-free sprite had a lance, but the new free icon for the knight has a sword, so your drawing match it, which actually kind of good.
I'm just not sure about how to animate a knight with a sword on a horse, but feel free to try something ^^

PS : Do you prefer to continue the discussion here or on OpenGameArt forum?
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby Scribe » 09 Aug 2011, 12:41

Thanks :) I'm glad you like it
I can change the sword to a lance quite easily but I drew it with a sword as that was what your picture showed

I'm not great at animating but i'll give it a go, I don't know quite how the attack would work with a sword as it is too short to reach infront of the horse, the way i could think of it working would be if the horse overlapped with the attacker (behind) and then they would fight whilst the knight was next to his oppenent but i guess that would require different scripting.

I'll try the animating now :/ don't know how it'll turn out though


we should talk here because the subject is more related to your game than opengameart :)
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby Scribe » 09 Aug 2011, 14:36

just updated it so it has a running animation: ... -freesiege

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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 09 Aug 2011, 14:38


Your other option is to draw a lance and redo the icon so that it's coherent. I think it's easier to adapt the icon than to try to do an animation with a sword.

For the horse animation, see ... imated.gif for instance.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby MCMic » 09 Aug 2011, 14:41

Scribe {l Wrote}:just updated it so it has a running animation: ... -freesiege


Hum, the gif seems weird :
- a part of the horse and knight doesn't move
- the animation is jerky (not sure it's the right word, it's what my French->English dictionary told me for "saccadé")

The old non-free animation use 8 steps and is a lot more fluid.
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Re: Help freeSiege to rebirth! Artist needed.

Postby Scribe » 09 Aug 2011, 15:43

okay thanks for the gif you sent me, I'll add an extra step between each one when I next have a chance and I'll make it move more, jerky is the right word, je comprends :)
I'll change the sword to the lance and attempt to do the same to the icon but I'm obviously not as good at drawing as the person who did that
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