Wish: better handling of scripting-errors while experimentin

Wish: better handling of scripting-errors while experimentin

Postby Turblib » 29 Jan 2010, 18:17

Problem: If i have an error, server goes down, things go uugly. server down, special/upload last, re-request, lots of windows-switches.

Suggestion: integrate browser more.
(disable damned mouse-capture while editing ;)
Fire up browser with http://www.syntensity.com:8888/tracker/ ... _log/view/?
Have the special/reupload in main menu, where upload is.
Open the request-page for the current project after special/reupload (like http://www.syntensity.com:8888/tracker/ ... 04edff277/ )
Load some feedback after some seconds in the browser. Still alive? (at least server-instances) else error-log.

Switcharound down to one extra window-switches.

Also: Most editors can call "make" or something. Can you make the client upload-only, so it can be called from the commandline? I think the client can be already started with a init-script, if that just does what special/reupload does. (but must do auto-login to the same account and such?)
Then i can stick in the editor for a few tries.

Also: Can you reload the last successfull map insted of crashing? No, that would overwrite the local changed data..
Teleport to the lobby, in the room with the user-servers? (But special/last-reload has a bug, it will then upload to the lobby.)

Also: can you add a "browse"-command so that i can set "bookmarks" to click? To launch external browser. then you could add some like "restart this crashed server", "spawn other game" in the lobby. Maps can have helptexts etc. (on linux needs an (automated) fullscreen-toggle more present than in the config).

Wish for "christmas" (bigger changes): Can you make a splitscreen with half 3d/ half integrated browser? I would love that with bespin/etherpad. click on an entity, open a page with a real editor. in case you get etherpad running, that is great to explain, because chat is inline.
Both see the same code, master writes:
//no, works like that:
changes some code
learner happy.
And could be used with the inworld-browsers, no problem with finding a good view-position, just click on it and browse it on the 2d-side.

PS: I am not a good api-reader. To understand apis i need a good overview and then trying with lots of of logging and reading examples/source. The overviews and sources look good, but the trying..;)
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Re: Wish: better handling of scripting-errors while experimentin

Postby TheAncientGoat » 30 Jan 2010, 08:14

Yes, I've been persuading kripken to do something along these lines for a while, I like your suggestions :)
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Re: Wish: better handling of scripting-errors while experimentin

Postby kripken » 30 Jan 2010, 09:06


These are very good suggestions. I certainly intend to do stuff like this.

The current status is as follows: The first goal was to get the games working. Making development easier is the next important step. As part of that, I will be doing web integration. Aside from putting a browser in the client, another option is to put the client inside a web browser, as a plugin. I am currently investigating that. Assuming it is convenient, then after that is complete it will be easy to add features like 'restart last activity' and so forth, in a nice way.

So development might be a little inconvenient in the near future, but it will improve.

Note that by running a local server (see the wiki for how), you can already make things more convenient as well.

- kripken
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Re: Wish: better handling of scripting-errors while experimentin

Postby Turblib » 30 Jan 2010, 18:05

Writing a plugin sounds like lots of work. Assuming i am right:

Did you check out second lifes slurl:// ?
They "grab" a protocol-name and tell the browser its handled by their client. So i can publish a slurl in the browser and with a click the users "browse" in 3d. Scripts can launch the external browser, if real text is needed.
IMHO that gives a good enough feeling for browser-embedded.

And there are other Problems to solve. (All IMHO).

Partly dev, except if you want to stay with fps. Casual games are about curiosity, and I like more things to explore and less things to shot down. So i would mimic other gameplays. Pacman, space invaders, tetris, settlers as first person multiplayer? RoR with cube-landscapes? (one can dream :) ) And that needs early and easy trying things out.

Partly finding the games. Being in the browser is one thing, the other is about linking. Click on something and be in the game. Send someone an im with a link and have him join the game with a click. Clone the current game and have all jump in the new, ready for edit.
So start the right server with the right world, autologin and stuff, from an url. Can be figured out without plugin.

About the local server, thats true. Bad thing is its working alone, and i like chat like "can you make that water?". Would like a "can you make that turn slower?" too.

But, using local, can you make an commandline-exe which can control the various stuff? Maybe by embedding an webserver in everything?
I would like to edit serverside, send it a reload/launch, and send the client a reconnect. And request the current log from the exes.
I think we have two votes for that. ;)
I am still lost in all the source, am slow, and have an confusing style with coding, so if i try it, its only usefull for me..
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Re: Wish: better handling of scripting-errors while experimentin

Postby kripken » 31 Jan 2010, 08:31

Yeah, I am familiar with slurl:// I think it wouldn't be too hard to get a real browser plugin, though, which would be better. I am already in the process of making a proof of concept plugin, so I hope to know soon how difficult it is.

If it is too hard, then yeah, an slurl approach, with the features you mention (joining a game in a click, etc.), would be the way to go.

- kripken
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