[Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

[Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby Alayan » 06 Apr 2024, 18:49

SuperTuxKart is seeking to get a new main music theme for its 2.0 release, to get some change after a decade using the same one. The main menu music is one of the first things new players are exposed to, so it's important to make a good impression on new players.

Here are some general guidelines and indications about what we seek:
- A music with a generally good mood (nothing gloomy), and more something energetic than a peaceful discrete background sound.
- Clean looping, and at least 90s of length (although it's expected a significant portion of the track's length would be variations on the main melodic themes).
- Regarding instrumentation, there are many acceptable possibilities so there is no strict requirements. We are open to different possibilities regarding the music style, but at the same time there are a lot of style which clearly wouldn't fit (jazzy, heavy metal, probably not classical either although that's very wide so some elements of it could fit, etc.). If you are considering a specific style and are not sure if it fits what we seek, simply share a music with a similar style, and we'll tell you. Generally speaking, the music needs some depth, and drum sounds, if any, should be rather discreet.
- Something that has recognizable elements. As a game's main theme, it will be a big part of the game's identity, so it should not feel completely generic.
- Bonus : reusing some melodic elements of classic STK menu themes.
- Bonus : having two or three variants with different intensities, instruments ; so different places in the menu can have a calmer or more energetic feel

Time frame : We are seeking to get a new theme (or ideally, 2 or 3 related themes to be used in different menus) by spring 2025.

Selection : As the project lead for STK 2.0, I will take the final decision if we get multiple entries, but it will be heavily based on general feedback from active community members.

Licensing : The music track must be licensed under one of the acceptable licenses for artistic works listed here: https://supertuxkart.net/Licensing

How to enter a submission : If you are interested to submit a music for consideration as STK 2.0's theme, please share it by answering this post, by answering on the related issue on GitHub (https://github.com/supertuxkart/stk-code/issues/5046) or through our IRC (https://web.libera.chat/?channels=#supertuxkart) (please tag @Alayan if you use IRC as I might otherwise miss your message) ; you can also use these channels to ask questions or to comment on submissions.
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Re: [Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby Typhon » 07 Apr 2024, 11:01

Dunno if you saw this:

IMO there already is some potential there, especially this one:

It wasn't done by me, I just thought it'd be worth mentioning here.

Best regards,
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Re: [Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby fracture » 09 Apr 2024, 16:28

Typhon {l Wrote}:Dunno if you saw this:
IMO there already is some potential there, especially this one:

I like that new theme, a good mix of funk, rock, and orchestra, and it sounds far more modern and less like something heard in an early 2000s kids computer game.

IMO a lot of the music tracks in this game could use reworks like this, especially the race summary music.
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Re: [Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby eltomito » 30 Apr 2024, 07:06

Typhon {l Wrote}:IMO there already is some potential there, especially this one:

As I've already said, I love this one! It could use some extra work as the main game theme, though: IMO the guitar solo is too long and about half way through, it should pick up into another string section like the one earlier in the piece or something else that feels just as uplifting and glamorous.
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Re: [Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby wrongway » 12 May 2024, 15:50

this demo is a bit of a headache but has 2 variations that would be made separate https://files.catbox.moe/gz5s58.ogg

probably won't stick with these exact sounds (the drums are all stock etc), can provide the .flp if anyone's interested in making changes :?

for reference here was my original concept for the melodies https://files.catbox.moe/8bn1p2.ogg

will use cc-by-sa
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Re: [Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby Alayan » 15 May 2024, 22:00


Thank you for reaching out to us and trying to make a music for SuperTuxKart's menus. Much appreciated. :)

I find the catchy part of your melody interesting, but I also get "mysterious" and somewhat "gloomy" vibes from your tune, whereas I think something a little more "happy" and either "energetic" or "peaceful" (depending on which menus it would be used for) would be more suitable.

I can't give you much more accurate feedback unfortunately, there are some other elements beside the general mood (and perhaps the use of stock sounds) that I would say are not quite right, but I don't know why I feel that way.
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Re: [Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby Polo10 » 26 May 2024, 09:39

Hello wrongway,
Thanks a lot to have posted an idea.
IMO the song is too repetitive and I still wait when it begin really. Rn in introduction that can be good but it be too soft to be the entire music of the main menu.
So ok this song in introduction but more short. And after a less soft part and plz with less repetitions.
Thanks again and have a nice day !!!
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Re: [Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby QwertyChouskie » 26 May 2024, 23:37

I don't know what level of donations STK receives, but if funding is sufficient, I would recommend commissioning 0zone0ne to finish https://github.com/qwertychouskie/SuperTuxKart-extra-stuff/blob/main/Music/menutheme_modern.ogg. I may even be able to pitch in a bit to the project in a couple months, as I just started a new higher-paying job (a programming job!) so once I have a bit more in the coffers, I can afford to give back a bit to the project that motivated me to finally sit down and read "C++ For Dummies" all those years ago. Man, 2017 was 7 years ago, how the time flies.......
Contributor to/fan of STK (Upstreamed Cartoon theme, numerous random big fixes/tweaks)
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Re: [Help needed] New Main Music Theme for STK 2.0

Postby NickerAban » 27 May 2024, 01:59

I was thinking the same thing
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