The Decent Escape

The Decent Escape

Postby forty_sham » 03 Nov 2022, 05:22

Copied over from the original post on New FreeGameDev.
Screenshot from 2022-11-02 23-40-51.jpg
Screenshot from 2022-11-02 23-40-51.jpg (10.34 KiB) Viewed 2247 times

Plot: Get past the enemy (who moves from left to right trying to catch you) by using the W, A, S, and D keys, get to the car and win.

Background: This was an old game I made in a computer science class that I decided to upload to Codeberg. It's written in Java and was exported from a program called Processing. The game itself is relatively finished in terms of the basic concept (I don't really have any plans to make additions to the basic gameplay), but I might still make certain improvements, and I am open to suggestions on how to make it better.

Dependencies: One thing to note is that since it was exported from Processing as an application, you will need Processing's core.jar library to make it run. The file discusses some ways you can achieve this. It also states that I eventually might do some things to make things easier in this regard.

Q. Why didn't you just include core.jar with the rest of the code?
A. Well, it's under LGPL, while my code is being released under the 2-Clause BSD license. From what I've researched, I'm able to link to the library, but I've shied away from including the library in the repository since I'm not so sure how that would fare in legal terms. Also, from what I've researched, including a dependency library with the code doesn't seem to be something that's always done, since there are a lot of Pygame repositories that don't distribute the Pygame library along with it (although that could be because lots of people have Pygame already.) Let me know if I'm mistaken about something here, though. I'll do what I can to resolve certain issues.

Code: The code can be found on Codeberg.

Feedback: Like I've said a couple times before, I am open to feedback on how to make this better. I could also accept some contributions if appropriate. In any case, if you have anything to provide, let me know. If not, that's okay too.
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Re: The Decent Escape

Postby forty_sham » 19 Nov 2022, 03:33

Thought I might post some updates from the original thread, just to keep this one going. Some details which I felt didn't need to be included have been omitted.
I've been trying to experiment with some shell script stuff to see what things I can do (with) them. Meanwhile, some updates in the repository are already happening as the "Finalproject" shell script has been renamed to "TheDecentEscape" and the .pde files have been moved into a "Finalproject" folder inside the "source" folder so people don't have to manually create a folder in order to use the files for playing in Processing or exporting into applications...In the meantime, I'll probably also be doing some revision in the README in order to make it more helpful, among some other changes.

EDIT: Inserted missing word.

I haven't done many updates with this for a bit, but things are still being done to improve some things. Hopefully, with updates I've made in the past, people shouldn't have any issues playing the game, but nonetheless I'm experimenting with ways to make some processes simpler. I've also considered the possibility of splitting the Java and Processing versions of the game into separate repositories, but I don't think I'll attempt anything like that unless I become convinced such a move is ultimately better. I'm also currently developing other projects, such as [a] collection of Python games I've mentioned in other [New FreeGameDev] posts, so not all my energy will be going into tweaking this project. So yeah, I'm saying this just to let anyone who is curious know where things are currently at in certain terms (and also to just get activity on this site going again because it seems to have hit a sort of awkward silence as of late.)

Reminder: I'm open to suggestions and contributions, so it would be good to let me know if anything in particular can be done to improve certain things.

So that's where things are more or less at.
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Re: The Decent Escape

Postby forty_sham » 04 Mar 2023, 00:24

Well, some things have changed, so I'll repost some stuff from the New FreeGameDev version of this thread over to this one.
It's been a while since I've done something with this, but recently I've been restructuring the repository, specifically dividing the Processing files and the Java files into their own labeled folders. Still figuring out what else I should change. Again, if anyone would like to help me improve anything, their contributions are welcome.

Also, at some point soon, I think I will upload an older version of the code (from around just after it was made public) to my Internet Archive account for preservation, so if anyone is interested, I will eventually provide a link to that.

So yeah. That's where things are at now.
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Re: The Decent Escape

Postby forty_sham » 09 Apr 2023, 03:45

Ight, so I'm gonna provide this old forum thread with more ported information from the new forum thread.
Ok, so I've been going back and adding tag stuff and whatnot because I hadn't been doing that earlier. Also continuing to update stuff, though at this point I'm starting to wonder if there's really anything more I should do. [F]or right now I guess things are okay. Of course, if there's anything that's not okay, it would be good to tell me so I can work on fixing it. Feedback and stuff is appreciated for all the things I do, though it is not mandatory.

Later, I made an update which changed some stuff ingame. A particular issue the previous version had was that the keyboard input ignored the countdown sequence, as pointed out by Modanung.
Modanung {l Wrote}:Did you know input ignores the countdown?

forty_sham {l Wrote}:Thank you for your input. I have recently done something that basically fixes this issue. There have also been some other slight changes I've made, which will soon be documented in a changelog file I plan on making.

It seems the old forums might be closing soon, so I'm not sure whether or not any new updates will be coming to this version of the thread. This might be the last post to this thread for all I know. The new forum thread will still get updates whenever there are any to make, though. In any case, this forum had a good run and it'll be somewhat sad to see it go whenever it does. All things must pass, though, I guess.
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