SuperTux 0.6.3 released

SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby Tobbi » 23 Dec 2021, 01:38

The SuperTux team is excited to announce the release of SuperTux 0.6.3 after approximately 1.5 years of development. This release introduces many new features; perhaps the most new features in a long time!

Some of the most significant changes include:
- WASM compilation! SuperTux nightlies can now be played directly in the browser (thanks to Semphris). See below for a link to an online version.
- Added swimming (thanks to Daniel and Zwatotem)
- Added walljumping (thanks to Daniel)
- Autotiles (thanks to Semphris)
- Updated animations (thanks to Alzter, Daniel and RustyBox)
- Refreshed many contrib worldmaps (thanks to Servalot)
- Many updates to paths, with easing, bezier curves, path sharing between objects, and more (thanks to Semphris)
- Remade the crystal tileset (thanks to Alzter and RustyBox)
- Many new snow tiles (thanks to Daniel)
- Many new objects, like the sideways bumper and falling blocks (thanks to Daniel)
- Custom particles (thanks to Semphris)
- A new rublight object (thanks to HybridDog)
- Official binaries for FreeBSD, Linux 32-bit and Ubuntu Touch (thanks to Semphris)
- Added in-game progress statistics (thanks to Semphris)
- New color picker based on OKLab (thanks to HybridDog)
- Add-on creator, to easily create add-on packages with your world (thanks to Semphris)
- Rework of the Revenge in Redmond worldmap (thanks to RustyBox)
- Added timeshift ambience in the worldmap (thanks to Semphris)
- Skippable cutscenes (thanks to Semphris)
- Editor auto-saves at regular intervals (thanks to Semphris)
- Optional integration with Discord (thanks to Semphris)
- Updated translations, of course (thanks to translators)

And these are just the most significant changes; there are plenty of other small features and bugfixes for you all to explore :)

You may be wondering, “If there are so many changes, why not release 0.7.0?” The SuperTux Team would like to make significant progress on the story mode, including things such as finalizing the first two worlds and beginning work on the final two, before 0.7.0 is released. If you would like to help expedite the development of 0.7.0, you can contact us and help develop from there.

Source tarballs and builds for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), OS X/macOS and Linux (via AppImage) are available on the Downloads page, or via GitHub. Additionally, you can play SuperTux 0.6.3 online at

Thank you, Merry Christmas, and happy SuperTuxing!!
SuperTux developer.
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Re: SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby prodiga1 » 24 Dec 2021, 07:14

I feel that I owe the developers a debt of gratitude. Thank you for this release. I want to compliment the new version, the performance and browser version of SuperTux. I have been playing the game for years. So nice to be able to share levels more conveniently with others.

I don't know much about CORS/COEP (I only game), but I feel the need to share an apache2 configuration file for the shared buffer array error. </etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf>:

<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /var/www/html/cert.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/html/key.pem
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Header set Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp

To locally sign key and certificate for the HTTPS requirement (using mkcert which is like openssl) and enable headers for the other two:

cd ~/Downloads/SuperTux-v0.6.3-WASM/
npm install mkcert
~/node_modules/mkcert/src/cli.js create-ca --cert cert.pem
~/node_modules/mkcert/src/cli.js create-ca --cert key.pem
cp * /var/www/html/
a2enmod ssl
a2enmod headers
systemctl restart apache2
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Re: SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby GunChleoc » 25 Dec 2021, 15:09

I missed the translation deadline by 2 days, because guess what - I have tons of RL commitments around Christmas time.

It would help a lot if you could push updates to Transifex more regularly and not just for string freeze. Then still announce the string freeze when it's time. This way, translators can manage their own time and decide for themselves when to translate. Thanks!
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Re: SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby Semphris » 28 Dec 2021, 23:33


Heya! I'm the dev who made the WASM port. Let me help you!

> To locally sign key and certificate for the HTTPS requirement (using mkcert which is like openssl) and enable headers for the other two:

A self-signed certificate won't work, unfortunately. Browsers require a valid certificate from a trusted store. I recommend Let's Encrypt, it's 100% free and easy to run and all: That's what I use for

As for the headers, I'm not sure how that is done with Apache (I use Nginx), but you can check if it works by looking from the browser in the dev tools, in the network tab:

Let me know if it works!
Screenshot from 2021-12-28 17-32-12.jpg
Screenshot from 2021-12-28 17-32-12.jpg (20.91 KiB) Viewed 17143 times
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Re: SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby Oliver_Buo » 28 May 2022, 09:42

T H A N K Y O U :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :D :D :D :cool: :cool: :cool:
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Re: SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby Good13 » 30 May 2022, 11:18

THANK YOU for releasing 0.6.3!!
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Re: SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby Oliver_Buo » 04 Jun 2022, 22:53

Then change the "Restart level" option so that Tux can restart the level as he entered the level before.
If Tux previously had the super power (red cap) then Tux should also have the new start level again.
If I end the game and start it again, it's like this... it's a shame that it's not possible directly.

thank u
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Re: SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby HallowedTux » 11 Jun 2022, 18:10

Tobbi {l Wrote}:The SuperTux team is excited to announce the release of SuperTux 0.6.3 after approximately 1.5 years of development. This release introduces many new features; perhaps the most new features in a long time!

Some of the most significant changes include:
- WASM compilation! SuperTux nightlies can now be played directly in the browser (thanks to Semphris). See below for a link to an online version.
- Added swimming (thanks to Daniel and Zwatotem)
- Added walljumping (thanks to Daniel)
- Autotiles (thanks to Semphris)
- Updated animations (thanks to Alzter, Daniel and RustyBox)
- Refreshed many contrib worldmaps (thanks to Servalot)
- Many updates to paths, with easing, bezier curves, path sharing between objects, and more (thanks to Semphris)
- Remade the crystal tileset (thanks to Alzter and RustyBox)
- Many new snow tiles (thanks to Daniel)
- Many new objects, like the sideways bumper and falling blocks (thanks to Daniel)
- Custom particles (thanks to Semphris)
- A new rublight object (thanks to HybridDog)
- Official binaries for FreeBSD, Linux 32-bit and Ubuntu Touch (thanks to Semphris)
- Added in-game progress statistics (thanks to Semphris)
- New color picker based on OKLab (thanks to HybridDog)
- Add-on creator, to easily create add-on packages with your world (thanks to Semphris)
- Rework of the Revenge in Redmond worldmap (thanks to RustyBox)
- Added timeshift ambience in the worldmap (thanks to Semphris)
- Skippable cutscenes (thanks to Semphris)
- Editor auto-saves at regular intervals (thanks to Semphris)
- Optional integration with Discord (thanks to Semphris)
- Updated translations, of course (thanks to translators)

And these are just the most significant changes; there are plenty of other small features and bugfixes for you all to explore :)

You may be wondering, “If there are so many changes, why not release 0.7.0?” The SuperTux Team would like to make significant progress on the story mode, including things such as finalizing the first two worlds and beginning work on the final two, before 0.7.0 is released. If you would like to help expedite the development of 0.7.0, you can contact us and help develop from there.

Source tarballs and builds for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), OS X/macOS and Linux (via AppImage) are available on the Downloads page, or via GitHub. Additionally, you can play SuperTux 0.6.3 online at

Thank you, Merry Christmas, and happy SuperTuxing!!

Yoooo, I have the version!!!
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Re: SuperTux 0.6.3 released

Postby afoh » 05 Jul 2024, 06:48

In my humble opinion, 0.6.3 will be the last and definitive edition of the classic game style of SuperTux, which was firmly established at 0.1.3, and afterwards became known as SuperTux 2. Version 0.6.3 is the maximum development of classic SuperTux. What we may be seeing in 0.7.0 is something else, a new, faster style. You might as well call it SuperTux 3. So I will keep version 0.6.3 as the maximum refinement of classic style SuperTux, and 0.1.3 as the real milestone of original SuperTux, because 0.1.4 has different sounds. Congratulations guys, you're making history. This is great stuff, pure fun.
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