So there's not much new in 0.3.0-testing1 except the "xjump" mechanic replacing the existing re-jump mechanic. The current xjump implementation should only be considered a protoype, but here's how it works: If you hit the jump button, it sends out rays around your CAT to check for solid surfaces. It then adds up all the rays that hit something to determine the direction of the jump (basically imagine the CAT jumping off every surface around it). The strength of the jump is determined by the CAT's speed. The rays are not exactly long, but long enough to allow jumping 2-3 times off the same surfaces if you hit the jump button fast enough.
It will probably feel weird at first but in the meantime I've kinda warmed up to it. So I'd be happy if people experimented with it for more than 5 mins before rejecting the idea