fr1tz {l Wrote}:Looking back TOL could be considered dead since March 13 2015. That's when the last
play session was scheduled and nobody showed up. I actually don't remember ever having played any 0.7.x release with human players. The change from MIT to GPL happened months after this and is probably partly a consequence of TOL's death rather than the reason for it. I don't remember any drastic gameplay changes either so I don't really know what killed it.
So the license changed because the game was really just dead at that point?
fr1tz {l Wrote}:Depends. If you have an engine that's simpler than Torque3D, open-source, popular and is suited for TOL then yes. Problem will be getting there

Yeah--that's why I think about starting out simple.
What's the earliest version of TOL? And did it have minimal features? If so, I could start out from there.
If not, should I just go all the way back to RoTC? Will that be simpler in terms of how many features/data the game supported?
fr1tz {l Wrote}:I'd love to see that. But I'm not in a position to make it happen. Well... maybe a port to the doom engine?

Well look, this may probably sound dumb but I've been playing a game for a pretty long time that underwent the doom engine treatment--Sonic Robo Blast 2.
Initially the whole game was gonna have an engine of its own, but that was scrapped since it was so much work and the guys chose to take SRB2 on the Doom engine(Legacy). At first things seemed to work fine, but as time progressed the whole game just got more and more resource intensive. The codebase grew really large, and there were features being added that made the game get more and more alienated from the initial legacy doom engine, which as a direct result made it so that adding new features would be more or less incompatible with what was already there, and giving way for more
awkward workarounds. Of course you could say the developers were probably too lazy to just take the game's engine at the time and change it up, but do note that it was all for free, and no one had all the time of the world in their hands.
The obvious factors to note here is that this was supposed to be a sonic game--not a first person shooter, though the fact that it was Doom and that you
had to have any form of first person gameplay prompted SRB2 to have its very own unique match system from the beginning.
If you look at SRB2 in the present, the difference is day and night; There are many new things in regards to both code and assets, but the many glaring issues are still there and SRB2 is hella unoptimized and prone to issues, like for instance the game can just crash out of nowhere--this is very common.
Basically, if it's not going to behave like doom in the long run, then it may not be a good idea to use the doom engine. I think going through the trouble of creating a whole game engine, as troublesome as it may sound, may be more worth it in the long run. Though take it with a grain of salt--I was not directly involved in the development of SRB2, I just mostly saw how the developers reacted to things through time.