The Dungeonheart - too similar?

The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Flipflop » 10 Feb 2013, 17:04

Hey Guys,

You already saw the new DungeonHeart maybe in the new Videos or new Demo.

It is created by a Friend of me (also from Hamburg) some Time ago.


The Model is nice, just the Question is: Is it to similar to the original Dungeonheart from DungeonKeeper2?

If not, we also want to Post it on OGA and use it in the Game (of Course).

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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby charlie » 10 Feb 2013, 20:53

Too similar? It looks like a direct copy: ... _heart.JPG
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Flipflop » 10 Feb 2013, 21:11

Hm that could cause some Licencing trouble or?
The dimensions are different but besides that, I have to agree, I dont realize its that similar.
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Flipflop » 12 Feb 2013, 14:45 expert for licencing here? Okay, so I better make a new one anyway ^^
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Julius » 12 Feb 2013, 15:18

Well I guess no-one replied because it was obvious (even though unlikely that anyone would ever sue about that).
A different version taking updated gameplay in mind (stealing energy crystals Defense Grid like for example) would be nice to have at some point though.
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Obsdark » 07 Apr 2013, 04:42

In fact you don't need to create a new one entirely, just transform it a little bit, maybie reduce the pilars, put a roof, and put the energy center stronger and in a bigger altitud, i don't know, is just one idea.

Just transform it, it's not that close to the Heart of DK2 than to need make it a new one from 0, but if you remove/put more stuff and alter significatebly the shape, it can work.

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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby dusted » 08 Apr 2013, 11:50

How about an actual heart, maybe in a cage ?
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Skorpio » 08 Apr 2013, 18:13

Wasn't there an actual heart inside the structure in DK 2?
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Flipflop » 09 Apr 2013, 07:53

I think its more or less a 1 to 1 copy, the guy who made this is the same creative as me, almost zero, also more a coder... needs some transforms before this project gets (maybe) a little bit more popular :)
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Danimal » 09 Apr 2013, 11:03

What aboud OD heart?
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby ArgNoCoffee » 07 Jan 2014, 22:27


currently i have some fun to play around and try some ideas of a new dungeon heart, cause the current is a little to near to the origin dungeon heart.
So here are some first impressions:

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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Julius » 08 Jan 2014, 12:31

Heh, that could make for some interesting game-play too, like sacrificing minions or heros by dropping them into that mouth for various bonuses. Could be even a "crafting" mechanic by combining different sacrifices to get extra special effects (like sacrifice a dragon and a virgin to get an extra pile of gold or so).
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Danimal » 10 Jan 2014, 20:42

its not bad, i like the idea, but those two circles make it look ugly. Just and idea, change them for two hexagons (or octogons), and use a darker texture so you can put glowing runes along the hexes edges and spikes, also animating the teeths would look quite cool (i also think there are too many of them, put less and bigger for better vision).

Also, yeah, i know KISS, but now its the time for changes, not when its almost ready
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby ArgNoCoffee » 12 Jan 2014, 12:13

Hi Julius. Hi Danimal,

Thanks for your ideas, i tested some darker textures, but for now i have some blender => orge => jmonkey problems to solve.

My next step is to get the following object with the animation in AgentKeeper. At the moment i can't export it with Orge, cause it says that i use alpha in textures. If i use the blenderfile direktly with jMonkey engine it is far too big, and don't get the right uv mapping. ^_^ ''
If i solve the problems, i will test some improved concept arts from my girlfriend.

To say somethink positiv at the end, now i know how to export to svg and work with vector based image, which is really nice for me.

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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby riidom » 12 Jan 2014, 12:37


The second version is really an improvement. For your alpha problem: Here (RGB vs RGBA), this is after uv/image editor -> image menu -> save as, you can make sure no alpha information is inside.
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby ArgNoCoffee » 12 Jan 2014, 19:26


Thanks riidom, but it not work :-/
So i use the blender file (still bad at all, but works).

First ingame preview:
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Danimal » 12 Jan 2014, 22:31

Feels too weird witout the spires or something sticking out, please consider adding them again
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Vandar » 26 Mar 2014, 14:32

How dark and cruel do you want the game to appear?

The dungeon heart structure in DK 1 was made like a jewel, it had a much more positive and light attitude to the open beating heart with the teeth that is shown in this thread. I've not played DK 2, so my experience is a bit limited when I say that I liked the appearance from DK 1.
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Danimal » 26 Mar 2014, 15:07

Dk2 heart:


minus the theet, plus some stone arcs
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Flipflop » 03 Apr 2014, 11:38

hm.....ok, thats almost the definition of "similar" :)
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Elvano » 12 Apr 2014, 07:00

No offence, but why should you care if it's similar?=p

1) You're obviously inspired by Dungeon Keeper
2) Are you trying to say all the other models and textures aren't similar to the ones in DK?

Personal Opinion:
I like the first one. (all I wanted to say about it)
I also think that the teeth would look better not-white (on the last)
It might look better not giving the inside a red color, but to make use of a (dimmer) red light (on the last)

Edit: In all my hurry I forgot to mention (I have troubles staying logged on for more than a minute on this forum at times)
At first I thought the blackish gave it too much of a fancy modern look.
Though looking at the screenshot it integrates just nicely.

I can't say I agree entirly with your interpretation of the KISS methodology here.
Keep in mind that the Dungeon Heart is the most important building in your entire dungeon and has to represent the presence of the evil keeper within the realm.
There for it should be solid as well as reflecting power, evil and evil power. >=D

Ofcourse, I do agree with KISS in the way of, "don't overdo it".
I'd say you have a very strong base here (so much better than the discoball we use at OD <.<)
A few details really wont hurt. ;3
(I think at DK2 they even have a couple of little gargoyles nested in the pilars)

Keep up the good work!
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Nikita_Sadkov » 30 Jul 2015, 17:19

The organic teeth/spikes growing out of concrete walls just don't look right. And how are they supposed to chew on things? Making them growing out of the heart would make them more usable at defending against attack.

Is there a way for the heart to restore it's health or it is just a tower defense game, where last to lose all health wins the game? Maybe sacrificing prisoners to the heart would restore it's health?

ArgNoCoffee {l Wrote}:Hi,

currently i have some fun to play around and try some ideas of a new dungeon heart, cause the current is a little to near to the origin dungeon heart.
So here are some first impressions:
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Re: The Dungeonheart - too similar?

Postby Vandar » 28 Aug 2015, 13:57

If I rememebr correctly, in Dungeon Keeper 1, the dungeon heart just healed over time, i.e. it grew back to the original strength.
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