Hey Guys,
I already have a time-based Status Update. Every Creature has his own Status controller.
The hole game is based on "simulation-rounds". So every Round this controller can do something.
At this moment it decreases the Fed-status (Hunger) and the Awakeness (Sleep Need).
The Agent then itself triggers some actions if some of his status is under a specific value. Like going to sleep oder find a hatchery with chickens.
So what I should do then, cosidering your Ideas:
I can simply add a Moral-Value. That is decreased for any kind of possible condition. Like you mentioned @danimal if the hunger is above 25 and so on.
I want to make a "smiley" system to make the moral visible to the player. I already have the HP, Hunger and Sleep bar so I think its better then just another Bar.
If the Moral is too long 0 the monster go back to the portal and disappear. Or starts attacking other monster....we´ll see
- Flipflop