[NewsThread] current status of development progress

[NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 08 Feb 2013, 10:59

This Thread is intend to be the News-Thread to keep interested people up-to-date.
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 08 Feb 2013, 14:35

I cleaned up the Code and fixed some Bugs that the LevelEditor is now 100% Working.
So I made a Video-Tutorial how to use the Level-Editor: Forum Link

And I set up a new Promotion Video, mainly to find new Contributors:


I am very happy if everyone who see this share and post it everywhere :)

So maybe lots of People will find this Forum :)

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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 12 Feb 2013, 10:14

Hey Guys,

I made good progress in cleaning up the Code and refractor the IMPs to out new Annotation based BDI System BDIv3. Basicly its easier to code (and to understand for third persons) and 16x faster in calculating. Because we have besser reasoning system and every Agent dont have his own Thread anymore. Because of the Asynchron-Programming pattern with Futures there also don´t block Ressources anymore.

But I have now this and next Week some examinations (yes I am still a Master Student with some duties... ;) ).

So not much communinty and code-work from me until end of next Week I think.

I hope you guys don´t forget this Project and I still have the hope to find at least one or two contributors. But I think when I implemented more Gameplay its easier to find people.

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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 17 Feb 2013, 13:03

Ok....Programming is soooo much more fun then learning for Examinations..

Anyway I do LOT of to clean up the code....but that is almost invisible for the "player". But I also implement the lair-occupy logic.

The Goblins and Warlocks walk now to the Lair-Places and occupy a random bed.....yeah :) (I still need the Troll for pure Patrol-Logic-Testing, thats why he dont "get" the OccupyLair-Goal).

If you check out the newest version or download the latest Build from Today you can test it...but yeah, it is not "that" spectacular... :)


*EDIT:* Ok now with more Goblins and the Troll occupy Lairs too....its cooler :)

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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Kardananaal » 18 Feb 2013, 21:43

Flipflop {l Wrote}:....but that is almost invisible for the "player"

Yeah because clean code that simply works and is extensible is not observable. All the not crashing and fun is nothing the player will see :cool:
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 20 Feb 2013, 15:09

I made some Quick-n-Dirty Statusbars.

So its easier to understand the Agent-Behavior. When they are not-awake (the Blue-bar is "awake" status) they should sleep (working but still buggy ^^ ).
And when they not feeded enough anymore (the third bar is hungry status) they are hungry and should look for chickens (not implemented jet).

Status - HP, Awake, Fedstatus

It is not that beautiful, but very usefull for this stage of progress for coding.

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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Danimal » 20 Feb 2013, 18:44

So as the bar empties they need to satisfy it?
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 20 Feb 2013, 19:39

exactly....now it is 100% working if they are tired (blue bar) they go to their own bed and stay there until they are "awake" enough.

Too bad,I dont have any Sleep-Animation....would look MUCH better :)
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 21 Feb 2013, 12:44

So, I am not in Hamburg for several days so no updates from me for that time
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 27 Feb 2013, 11:10

Back for several Days :)
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 27 Feb 2013, 14:42

Sleeping and Eating behavior-Video:

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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 11 Mar 2013, 19:53

I am moving right now from Hamburg to Frankfurt these days.

Thats why there are no updates from me, sorry for that :( . Its not that I dont want to. I dont have time & and no Internet right now.


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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby fraang » 12 Mar 2013, 17:35

No problem. Your progress so far is amazing.
Too bad that my Intel graphics chip doesn't support DDS textures with DXT1 compression. :shock: Otherwise I would have played it already.
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 13 Mar 2013, 19:33

Thanks for your small reply....even such small thinks give me more fun and motivation doing all this. Thank You.

I think I have "real" Internet end of the Week... :/
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 21 Mar 2013, 09:32

Seems I got my Internet back after this Weekend.... O_o Yeah
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Danimal » 22 Mar 2013, 18:38

Any cool advance to show us?
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Kardananaal » 23 Mar 2013, 09:24

I doubt that one can do really productive work without internet using svn;)
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Danimal » 23 Mar 2013, 12:36

He uses his downloaded version of svn to work, sure he cant upload, but doesnt mean he cant advance at all (unless im terribly mistaken)
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 28 Mar 2013, 00:55

I dont have Time right now just moved to a new flat today. With Internet :)

If you download the newest nightly you can see now Skorpios Chickens. So only small update.
But this will be back alive soon. Its the coolest think I can imagine to do. But there a lots of other thinks right now around, so stay tuned. ;)

Thanks for the interest btw!
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 04 Apr 2013, 21:54

So...finally...next Week I have some time for this Project, stay tuned (if there is somebody left... ^^)
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Julius » 04 Apr 2013, 21:58

Very much still interested!
I wonder though if the deal of you working full-time as an university employee on AgentKeeper was somehow canceled with you moving away from Hamburg and all that?
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 09 Apr 2013, 07:55

Nono, thanks to SVN and stuff I can keep my Job there....I am also still at University Hamburg, @Master Thesis but just support my relationship in frankfurt. So I am traveling a lot these days
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Julius » 09 Apr 2013, 18:25

Ahh, ok. I hope you have a laptop with a good battery to do some AgentKeeper coding on the boring Frankfurt-Kassel-Hannover-Hamburg ICE trip then ;)
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 11 Apr 2013, 07:44

Julius {l Wrote}:Ahh, ok. I hope you have a laptop with a good battery to do some AgentKeeper coding on the boring Frankfurt-Kassel-Hannover-Hamburg ICE trip then ;)

nope...I spend all my money to a super fast working-machine (desktop-pc).... :)
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Re: [NewsThread] current status of development progress

Postby Flipflop » 18 Apr 2013, 15:07

Working on the Chicken generator....


...maybe I need to set limit ^^ :p
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