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Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2023, 21:21
by CryHam
Thanks guys.
Hi Wuzzy, it's been a long time.

So SR 3.0 is simply a continuation of SR 2.7 using newest Ogre-Next.
And let's just say, it did change in so many areas, it feels like redoing half of the game (and editor) again. Just a bit faster, but with less help (I miss the year or so when programmers contributed). Fortunately I get my questions answered on Ogre forum, otherwise I would probably get stuck few times.

We have already new features in SR3 too. Details on changelog
But yeah still few key things missing (like 5) until I'll think of making a release. Marked bold on roadmap

Now for an update.
It's going a bit slow since there are mostly bugs to fix, and more difficult topics left like terrain and water todo.
I got a track with 5 terrains, looks cool, like having 4 tracks at once in some parts. Only downside is the hard edge between them, no blending.
Still early and I need to fix stuff to work. Here's a screen:

Terrain on Space and Crystal sceneries is now reflective, just as road.

I did update some tracks with more wet reflective roads, mainly all rainy tracks and some with ice too. Looks cool and more interesting.


Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 08 Apr 2023, 10:14
by Julius
Looks amazing :)

On a side note: would you be willing to move this thread and future discussions to our new forums? Our plan is to archive this old forum sooner or later and projects with low activity like this one could get a custom tag on our new forums like this: (the invite code for the new forum is currently: P6KY4V5X but Oauth2 sign-up should hopefully work without it.)

I am also looking into hosted dedicated Flarum forums for more busy projects like ST and STK, but I think that would not be necessary for Stunt Rally for now.

Oh and do you have a chat channel somewhere that we could bridge?

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 08 Apr 2023, 18:22
by CryHam
Yeah I am okay.
SR Forum and SR activity now are rather minimal, so I think it'd be an okay time to move.
We had 4 subforums here, do I see it right that this won't be possible there? I guess it may not be that needed as before. I also don't see how to make SR topics there sticky, not possible? We had few sticky here with info.
I don't have a chat. IMO there are already enough ways for contact for those who'd like to contribute to SR3. So I don't need another distraction. I can rethink that after a release or if anyhow interest in SR gets higher, but somehow I doubt it.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 08 Apr 2023, 18:56
by Julius
No, it would be more integrated with the rest of the forum, but if indeed activity picks up it would be relatively easy to migrate to a dedicated Flarum forum that we could probably host as well (multi-tenant option under investigation).

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2023, 13:56
by CryHam
I've restored options for (cube) reflections (for vehicle, and more). Got back faces at once, frame skip and such. Turns out those were really good options in old SR. I also added 2 new here that were available.
Now I have more Fps, and can use higher size like 1024 (2 at once, updates slower but okay). Default was 256 and was already very demanding (all 6 at once).

So here is GlassStairs with its iconic mirror road. Now looking great with size 1024 and smooth high 80 Fps, in that nice, middle place with view at many roads.

And this is already with 2 vehicle (front) lights, casting shadows too.

Here with size 256 and 1 light, in an also complicated place.

I even wanted to make a video of it but sadly all that smooth 113 Fps drops below to chaotic 60 Fps due to CPU also recording. Fps seems smoothest if CPU isn't doing anything else than SR3.

Now in SR3, all tracks have smooth, above 60 Fps for me. I get now 90 Fps in that place on Tropic posted earlier in Dec.
Those cases of Fps drop on some tracks with >7000 vegetation, I mentioned earlier are also working fine (like Taiga, Tropic, Beach, SandyMountain).

BTW Vegetation and Reflection tab options have now Apply buttons so it's nicer to check them in same place, without track reload.

We also have a partly working terrain triplanar now. Diffuse textures only, looks different but cool. Obviously still many things to fix for terrain(s).

I also updated Building (from sources) guide.
Should work fine on Debian based, not sure about others. So I'd recommend trying it out. But fails on Windows most likely.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 30 Apr 2023, 17:30
by CryHam
I continued those color changing paints and added Gui with sliders etc.
And a huge collection of 458 paints now :shock: :lol:. Yeah this puts a shadow on old 118.

I made a new video this time.
It shows mostly the coolest paints on few vehicles with few tracks in background.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 13 May 2023, 14:30
by CryHam
Recently I had some good progress with SR3 Track Editor, let's say it's 85 % complete. Has few bugs still, and tools crash. But otherwise I am using it constantly and I renewed many tracks, and added horizons. Some make a big difference (bold below).

I've set up website tracks browser to tracks3 repo for SR 3.0. Currently WIP, some tracks aren't even there (still look bad), and many have old SR 2.7 previews.
You can also easily switch between SR 3.0 and SR 2.7 (new vs old) look in browser, with link on top.

Most notable horizon updated tracks (best look in bold):

Grc2-Coast, Grc6-Halfpipes, Grc9-Oasis, For9-MadMntn

Jng20-JungleMaze, Mos5-Factory, Mos6-TaraMosses, Jng5-Pipes

Sav7-HighMadness, Sav3-Loops,
Sur5-FreshBreeze, Uni4-Pipeline, Uni7-GlassStairs, Aln4-EjeloOutpost

Wnt11-Glacier, Aus3-Canyon, Aus7-MiningCity, Aus2-PipeCoil

For12-HighPeaks, For16-Clew, For13-Castle, WIP not yet: For18-MountCaro

Des2-Mntn, Des1-Dunes, Des17-NileCity, Des5-LowJumps, Des6-HighJumps, Des7-CrossJumps

Rest is just some wet road look improvements or less notable horizon etc
Atm1-Autumn, Atm3-Orange, For1-Slippery, For4-OSquare, For6-Banked, For8-Stain

Grc7-Spider, Isl2-Sandy, Isl3-Islands
Jng14-Muddy, Jng18-Tiny, Wnt7-LJs-Mntn

In other news, we got freshly put concrete pavement (and horizon) on Aus7-MiningCity. But yeah it was too tricky. Concrete is done as a new terrain, but the old still has road lying on it, but has to drop right after, so grass doesn't go through concrete. And yeah it isn't straight line it's random.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 25 May 2023, 18:49
by CryHam
So the list of terrain brushes got an update, has 115 now, and it is dynamic (just like vehicle paints, but can be even zoomed), users can change. There are brush parameters with sliders on own tab, and buttons to make them Random.

HighPeaks got a horizon rework.
Finally I have a basic implementation for emissive light from terrain, so Crematoria, Craters, Wild, Radioactive etc look decent now. Surely brighter (than in 2.7) though.
I think all tracks are now in repo (maybe 1 not).
Closer looks:



Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2023, 21:29
by CryHam
Small updates to brushes list, it now has groups and image size depending on rating (same like for paints), text color and size depend on brush size, and names can be edited too.

List is also dynamic, saved in user's dir, you could add more, delete, change rating, names etc.
Only problem is that loading all or even adding/deleting brush etc takes 1.5 sec to regenerate all previews here (by 1 CPU).
There are now 169 brushes total available.
Screen is also showing new brush feature, that can repeat Ngon type brush, making a 5x5 grid here. Easier to do fake buildings now etc.

I added horizons to few more tracks, from coolest looking to meh:
Can6-Abyss, Wnt15-SkiJump, Vlc13-BorVolcano,
Isl5-Shore, Can1-Hairpins
Des14-JumpCrazy, Des3-Passage, Sav5-LoopBasic,
Des4-SBridge, Des15-CityWall
Isl9-Web, Isl12-Beach, Grc3-Butterfly

Well on last you can see how bad water still looks, it's the most pressing todo task.
There are still plenty on roadmap. All changes listed on top of changelog. Sadly I'm not getting much help on Ogre forum so it's going even slower now.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2023, 19:41
by CryHam
A quick update with horizons.
For18-MountCaro got a 2nd horizon. But tiling issue shows too much.
I also added particles size to editor, clouds far are good.
Sur6-AkkaPadre, looks really cool now. But terrain doesn't shadow itself yet :(
Vlc6-Crematoria got few more volcanoes
Atm7-Industrial also opened on borders to show more. Fog needs work too, here it doesn't even look close to original.
Des8-Technical, Sav4-Hills, Sav6-PipeCrazy

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2023, 21:15
by CryHam
Okay screenshot time. I can finally show MountCaro. Now with 2 horizons, so 3 terrains total, 1st has 1.8 km on side, 2nd has 14 km, and 3rd has 43 km. This also means much higher scale for later terrain layers (e.g. 140 and 600), so we can still use same textures and don't repeat them way too much.
On screen there is a info bar with camera pos, terrain hit pos and distance, here showing this new highest peak of 4891 m tall, 24 km away.
I'm also quite surprised that Caro has still 60 Fps as usual. This is with those 3 terrains, max vegetation and grass distance, max road distance / quality (without it wouldn't even show that far), normal road columns, and in SR3 editor which still has all minimap RTTs rendering every frame (normally it should skip).
I remember back when EP made MountCaro, it was a hit on Fps in old Ogre, even after many changes Fps was bad as usual, and almost 22 km of road was a bit terrifying.
Well then, this is now normal in SR3. I hope we will have more such big tracks in future :cool:. Ah I didn't make a track in ages, I'm tempted to reach the new limits :lol:. Anyways time counter shows this track already needed 59 hours to edit.


PS. It's been a while without any comments, feels a bit like talking to a wall.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2023, 04:24
by scratchi
CryHam {l Wrote}:PS. It's been a while without any comments, feels a bit like talking to a wall.

No way dude, I check this thread regularly, I like to follow all the updates you are making to the game. Can't wait for the first stable SR3 release, keep posting if you have time, it's great work!

I tried to reply sooner but forgot my password to this forum and their password reset doesn't seem to work...but I remembered it now :)

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2023, 10:05
by rubberduck
while not working on the code itself, I got some Ideas, especially when working on my latest tracks, some related to the editor and to features.

First when terrain sculpting it would be cool to enable masking where roads are on terrain

Then at least with SR 2.7 I noticed that particles are not affected by either ambient or diffuse light (I don't remember, which one it was, probably diffuse). I noticed it with my new jelly waterfall particles in a test track that has rivers of that kind. They had just the right brightness compared to the rest. But in my other track the rivers and the environment were darker, and the particles too bright.
Maybe there is a way to change how particles are affected by specific lighting conditions, I don't know. At least I haven't seen anything like that used by other particles, something like that would be cool.

The last thing is, I haven't seen a way to play a replay without rewind. If it is not already possible, it would be cool to have it and watch without "fails", especially on the hardest and longest tracks. At least when it looks good

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2023, 12:34
by CryHam
Okay cool.
@rubberduck This isn't the best place for ideas, I think it'd be best to split your post and reply e.g. in those topics for game and for editor (I'm okay if not).
I agree, but I'll have to postpone any longer feature tasks after SR3 release.
IDK when it'll happen, but if I had to guess (wildly) then October, but with tolerance of +-2 months.

SR3 is mainly missing: water/fluids (WIP), terrain shadowmap (need to fix), few fog features, multiplayer (need to restore), tree wind, road blending, then in editor: 2d and 3d previews.. and lots of other smaller things, some could be done after 1st "beta" release (full list of these here OFC).

Anyways here is a new screen of FreshBreeze which got even more into SurrealSpace recently, mostly stuff near/in horizon area.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2023, 13:02
by Julius
hehe, that's bonkers.

Reminds me a bit of those 90ties cyberspace pre-rendered images.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2023, 07:00
by rubberduck
CryHam {l Wrote}:Okay cool.
@rubberduck This isn't the best place for ideas, I think it'd be best to split your post and reply e.g. in those topics for game and for editor (I'm okay if not).

yeah, you're right. I don't know why I got the idea this could be the right place.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2023, 23:39
by CryHam
Okay it's been a while.
I made a simple material editor in SR3 track editor on Tweak tab, just like in old SR. But for completely different PBS shaders. Still WIP. But already with new Find material and color by name features.
I'm thinking of making it more common for editing and saving results, not just for tweaking and then writing it again in material scripts, like it was before too.

And slowly look of materials improves.

Few tracks with new horizons:
Refinery, StuntPark
Refinery also shows how much less saturated all colors are in SR3. I want to fix it with postprocessing but that's likely for next SR 3.1 not SR 3.0 beta.
Bumps, Fun

Still need to fix fog more but at least 2 color fog and darkening almost work, e.g. on Industrial.
Here is also the view on the other side of Industrial:

And CrystalMoon, I've been trying like a day to get it close to what it was but yeah it's just different due to WIP fog and old textures, not real PBS ones.

Waiting for some help with Ogre-Next reflections for water IDK.

I also restored our multiplayer code, still need to test (and fix). This also means that now sources need Boost and ENet again to build.

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 09 Aug 2023, 19:49
by CryHam
All right it's been too long without an update post. Well I had holiday and then started my blog, updated projects etc.
But I'm back and finally have some progress with water, the biggest missing thing in SR3.

I got the animation in shader somewhat ported, and reflections are working okay now. I'm still not too happy about the Fps drop (this is anyways in editor which drops more than game due to its minimap RTTs going still every frame). But for sure I will do more Gui options for all this, at least new on Water tab will be: lod bias for its camera, hope to have less distance slider, and frame skip too. Fps goes higher with more skip but Fps is then not smooth. And yeah already each water/fluid has its own reflection rendered. This is less than half done of what's needed for water etc.


Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2023, 22:22
by CryHam
A different kind of screens now. I've been having this weird, odd looking bug recently.
Reminds me of that Anomaly scenery I wanted to create. I have it on roadmap since a while.
So yeah I want this to be its own scenery someday in future (after SR 3.0 beta) with terrain broken too.
Kind of like Sur10-Glitchy but different ideas too, would be same scenery then.

I made a new doc in SR3 repo:
Should be helpful for SR3 contributors (has materials comparison and syntax)
and developer(s) (me included) with general info about SR3 code, and Ogre-Next details.
I'm still learning from that long Ogre-Next dev Q&A topic, started for SR3 last year.

Slowly progressing with water animation, I hope we'll use some of its old params.
I added gamma which made SR3 colors more saturated and quite close to SR style.


Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2023, 23:43
by Julius
Looks awesome. Maybe a Bifröst themed map would be cool?

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 25 Aug 2023, 00:23
by CryHam
Lol, kind of.. Maybe this should be a mod or something :D


Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 25 Aug 2023, 08:09
by rubberduck
CryHam {l Wrote}:A different kind of screens now. I've been having this weird, odd looking bug recently.
Reminds me of that Anomaly scenery I wanted to create. I have it on roadmap since a while.
So yeah I want this to be its own scenery someday in future (after SR 3.0 beta) with terrain broken too.
Kind of like Sur10-Glitchy but different ideas too, would be same scenery then.

I made a new doc in SR3 repo:
Should be helpful for SR3 contributors (has materials comparison and syntax)
and developer(s) (me included) with general info about SR3 code, and Ogre-Next details.
I'm still learning from that long Ogre-Next dev Q&A topic, started for SR3 last year.

Slowly progressing with water animation, I hope we'll use some of its old params.
I added gamma which made SR3 colors more saturated and quite close to SR style.


I am surely making such scenery some time.. I really really like this idea

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 27 Aug 2023, 12:15
by CryHam
Cool. Would be a great scenery someday if we both add to it.

Okay last one, while I debug and I need to fix this damn bug:

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2023, 06:46
by rubberduck
heh, looks really strange :lol:

Re: Stunt Rally 3 with Ogre-Next 3.0 progress - help welcome

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2023, 01:06
by CryHam
I'd say it's about 90% ready of game and 90% of editor now.
I've fixed plenty of bugs recently, a few still left.
Split screen and multiplayer are working now. I also added info of game mode in window title, with players count and colors.
Water and mud don't look too bad (apart from one bug, need to finish rest), just basic: has only reflection, no refraction yet, no depth, no smooth border. Roads also still have hard edge between materials.

I'm also adding recently made new tracks to SR3. Need some sun,fog adjusting, and sometimes still aren't looking the same.
I renewed Surreal and added horizon.