I had some good progress recently.
Ogre-next (now 3.0 on master) is way better than Ogre 1.13.
Currently I'm having smooth about 70 Fps with 3M triangles (faces) and 10k models. And like 127 Fps with 1,7M (on screens: f 1727k) and 6400 models (i instances), with only 15 draw calls (d), amazing.
I'm on Debian 11 with Radeon RX 570 and amdgpu drivers.
No freaking lags, nothing. Feels like butter compared to that ancient paged-geom with lags. Also there are no impostors here.
I have already more vegetation models than we could in SR: tree, palm, 4 rocks, 2 ferns close, plant. I'll probably even add a big tree and a bush.
Terrain has 4 layers already but no triplanar yet. It is 1024 (not 1025 ugh) and I've tested 2k and 4k, work quite well (would be 16MB and 67MB big though).
No grass at all yet, no reflections, no water etc. Fog is from Atmosphere component in Ogre-next.
Screenshots in
gallery here.
here, Windows not tested, Linux should work.
I'm attaching 1 below.