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Career game mode

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2014, 20:33
by dimproject
I thinking about Career game mode.
Only 2 cars and 3 tracks available on the start.
RP (respect point) or the other need to unlock new car, track.

Re: Career game mode

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2014, 21:00
by CryHam
Hmm. Good idea. Would be a new entry in main menu.
I could use the challenges code for Career events and stages.
Career events would go in order (just 1 list on Gui),
from easy cars on easy tracks to probably extreme cars in the middle and on end most difficult stunt tracks.
Should have probably all or most tracks used, so about 3,5 hours to complete Career, right ?

Re: Career game mode

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2014, 21:58
by dimproject
Maybe try tracks also in order from past (D11-PersianCity, dirt3) to future (R1-Mars).

Re: Career game mode

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2015, 00:41
by tuyga
When I introduce family and friends to the game, I want them to get excited about the game quickly. So I always select the easiest car: ES. Then I chose the same first few tracks in order:
1 - brands: an easy, wide and clearly visible track to get used to the controls.
2 - Sandy: a prettier easy first offroad track.
3 - Air: the first "stunt" track with some water (nice, I can drive in water!) and an easy jump (wow, I can jump!) that succeeds at almost any speed. First "fun" track, some want to play this for a second time just to jump again.

Then these two fun, but difficult tracks. They would be great to introduce early for the fun-factor, but more as optional bonus tracks because they are difficult to finish. I wouldn't omit them early either, because these tracks really motivate people to keep playing if they like stunts or crazy fun jumps.
4 - JumpCrazy: having had the taste for jumping, now going all-out with it. These jumps often go wrong and the player most likely doesn't finish the track. But he/she is having a lot of fun with all the crazy situations.
5 - ShortFun: now adding loops and more driving in water to the mix, now they know what the game has to offer in terms of fun.