still can't import meshes

still can't import meshes

Postby rubberduck » 01 Dec 2023, 22:28

Since I updated the exporter to export for SR 3.0, I can't import meshes at all, even meshes from 2.8, which worked perfectly, before I updated to the 3.0 exporter
I get the same error, no matter if it is from SR 3.0 or 2.8

While generally I try tu use blend files, there are some cases, where there is only a mesh file.
In my case now I want to import the cave models, I made a long time ago (to rework these, improving UVs, find or pick better textures, or create new variants)

I recently sorted the blend files, but for these I didn't find any. Actually when I made objects for 2.8 I often imported meshes where I didn't find a blend file, including the crystals and rocks, when I made anomaly version.

You also said something about converting mesh files to xml files, how do I do that, if I need that? I never done that before, only imported directly from blenders import menu.
I also doesn't matter right now, if I get it to work to import the newer or older mesh files, especially when I need it for older objects without blend files. For newer I now always keep and upload them, that I don't need to do it.

In case I won't get the importer to work, I will just start doing new cave elements from scratch, though then there is definitly some replacement work needed. With importing I can get the rough shapes right and textures, so that it looks quite to the old, that everything should be fine, maybe checking some tracks, where cave tiles are used, if I see something.
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby CryHam » 01 Dec 2023, 22:39

Yes I understand. Can we please put this on hold for now.
We were barely able to do it in old SR, maybe you could try importing using old Ogre 1.x tools for this, then just opening blend file in new blender?

I made 2 issues, for this problem, I will try to handle it to work for me too..

But for this weeked I need to finish SR3 video, get a hold of what's needed to finish SR3 beta,
I need new tracks grouped for challenges.xml etc, then finish with resources. Build full installer and I hope to release it this weekend. Also look through and put together SR3 screens.
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby rubberduck » 01 Dec 2023, 23:05

ok, no problem, I try the old 1.x tools tomorrow, and if it doesn't work, I create some cool new from scratch, or do something other, I have some cool new track ideas again
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby rubberduck » 02 Dec 2023, 11:49

I tried it here now from blender 2.79, where it worked first, but then suddenly also from blender 3.6, though a bit later, after I restarted blender and maybe did something other, it didn't work again.

But then I installed it under linux, and there it works. So I have now a solution, and if it is a bit complicated. And I just don't know what is wrong here under windows, under linux it works :D :D :D
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby rubberduck » 02 Dec 2023, 15:06

I actually found out what happens at least here under windows, and it is uglier than I thought.
Trying to import a file using OgreMeshTools are corrupting them, except if it is a v2 mesh imported with the import setting v2 in blender.
Whenever I try to import a mesh file using OgreMeshTools, it gives an error when trying to import, but when it is either a v1 mesh, or a v2 mesh and the importer is set to v1, the mesh file gets overwritten.

I then tested it, if these work in SR, with 3.0 and 2.8, using the files with the right format for each version. And the result was, that v1 mesh files that I tried to import with OgreMeshTools (both v1 and v2) crashed the editor, and for SR 3.0 the v2 mesh file I tried to import with v1 was corrupt, but not the one with v2.

Just as a comparison I tried to import a v2 file with the old v1 only exporter, while clear that this won't import, but that didn't change anything on the file. While using import with OgreMeshTools on either v1 or v2 meshes and v1 or v2 import setting, windows shows that all 4 files are modified when I try to import them, but in 3 of 4 cases the files are corrupted, so SR editor crashes, or in case I try to import one of the 2 v1 mesh files with old importer, they suddenly fail to import
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby CryHam » 02 Dec 2023, 16:52

Argh that's ugly indeed.
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby rubberduck » 02 Dec 2023, 18:40

yes, and to figure this out it took me several hours, I tried multiple blender versions, this includes the upbge, to create bullet files, an older version of ogre sdk. Or checking the blender2ogre config, meaning that the paths are set up right.
In the end a few random occasions, like that I always tried to import the same file, in my case the atomic_barrel, and then one time a different file, I got stunned, that it actually worked.
Or things like that I looked into a directory with various mesh files, I looked at the date they changed last, and suddenly the atomic barrel was one of the "newest"
When I made tests later, I had put them into a separate folder, even the file size changed, in some cases they were bigger, other smaller, whenever they were corrupted.

v2 mesh files with v2 importer failed, but didn't corrupt the file, but still showed the file as changed, but the file size was the same too
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby CryHam » 02 Dec 2023, 19:23

Well IDK why you did that. I surely wouldn't spend hours on this. Like I said, this never worked (only partly once for me).
So I'd rather wait this out until we possibly fix importing. If we manage to do it, and I test it. Only then getting back to it.
I understand it's important for you and for some old meshes but, well honestly there are many things that you can do like skies, tress, tracks etc. And just replacing od meshes (like e.g. shrooms, rocks) with completely new CC stuff is also an option.
Also I'd really like if you emailed me and you could test out the new forum :)
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby rubberduck » 02 Dec 2023, 19:45

ok, not that much hours, but maybe like an hour or a bit more.
And with the new forum I tried it yesterday, entering my email there, and else I didn't found or knew your address, though I have sent it to you directly over this forum now
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby CryHam » 02 Dec 2023, 19:50

Ah, okay.
Yeah I think the only way is to email me, then I will reply to you with a link that will make it possible to you to post on new forum. The is no other way I believe.
My email is possible to get easy on about me page
I'm not putting it anywhere plainly (on purpose).
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Re: still can't import meshes

Postby rubberduck » 02 Dec 2023, 19:58

yes makes sense, and even there isn't that easy for <stob< to figure out the email, so only a human can read it
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