[MOD] RedQuake v.1 (W.I.P)

[MOD] RedQuake v.1 (W.I.P)

Postby ballist1c » 21 Nov 2012, 23:52

Exactly what it sounds like.
I will be releasing the whole package with movement and impulse mods when I have completed all weapons.
~Pictures coming soon~

Pistol --> Machinegun
Primary: Spawnweapon. Shortrange automatic hitscan weapon
Secondary: Primary with more spread and less damage.
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
// RedQuake Mod: Machinegun
// by ballist1c
// License: CC-BY-SA

// Machinegun
pistolname Machinegun
pistoladd 100
pistolmax 100
pistoladelay1 100
pistoladelay2 100
pistolrdelay 1500
pistoldamage1 10
pistoldamage2 5
pistolfullauto1 1
pistolfullauto2 1
pistolkickpush1 2
pistolkickpush2 2
pistolrays1 1
pistolrays2 3
pistolspread1 0
pistolspread2 1
pistolcritmult 0.0

SMG --> Rocket Launcher
Primary: Slow, guided projectile weapon with medium splash and huge hitpush. Yes, you can rocketjump =)
Secondary: unmodified, plans for grenade launcher or nailgun
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
// RedQuake Mod: Rocket Launcher
// by ballist1c
// License: CC-BY-SA

smgname Rocket Launcher
smgcolour 0xff0000
smgpartcol1 0x969696
smgpartcol2 0x969696
smgexplcol1 0x96320A
smgparttype1 8
smgadelay1 500
smgcollide2 117
smgcollide1 117
smgspread1 1
smgspread2 1
smgadd 25
smgmax 25
smgfullauto1 0
smgfullauto2 0
smgextinguish1 0
smgextinguish2 0
smgspeed1 500
smgexplode1 48
smgdamage1 25
smghitpush1 250.0
smgpusharea 1.0
smgselfdmg1 0.5
smgguided1 2

Sword --> Gauntlet
Primary: Close-range melee weapon, press and hold.
Secondary: Primary but with wider spread and less damage.
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
// RedQuake Mod: Gauntlet
// by ballist1c
// License: CC-BY-SA

swordname Gauntlet
swordcolour 0xff6400
swordpartcol1 0xC8C8C8
swordpartcol2 0xC8C8C8
swordparttype1 10
swordparttype2 10
swordexplcol1 0x0
swordexplcol2 0x0
swordadelay1 20
swordadelay2 20
swordfullauto1 1
swordfullauto2 1
sworddamage1 10
sworddamage2 10
swordexplode1 24
swordexplode2 24
swordresidual1 0
swordresidual2 0

Rifle --> Railgun
Primary: Long range hitscan sniper weapon with massive damage, long recharge.
Secondary: Scope with higher damage.
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
// RedQuake Mod: Railgun
// by ballist1c
// License: CC-BY-SA

riflename Railgun
riflecolour 0x006400
riflepartcol1 0x007D00
riflepartcol2 0x007D00
rifleexplcol1 0x0
rifleexplcol2 0x0
rifleadd 10
riflemax 10
riflespeed1 20000
riflespeed2 20000
rifleadelay1 1600
rifleadelay2 1750
riflerdelay 1500
rifleexplode1 16
rifleexplode2 8
riflerelativity1 0.0
rifledamage1 75.0
rifledamage2 175.0

Upcoming Weapons:
Shotgun --> Shotgun Launcher: Shotgun/Grenade Launcher combo; almost done.
Flamer --> Lightning Gun Progressing well but I need to figure out how to lengthen the distance the shots go.
Rocket --> BFG 10K
Grenade --> Health Globe
Plasma --> Plasma Gun

1. What is the var for adjusting the length a projectile from a weapon can go? (want to use for flamer --> lightning gun)
2. Can we have an explanation of the buttons on the right side of each weapon's var page? (bounce geom, destroy, etc.) Would be helpful for future reference.

Thanks for reading
Image Joseph "ballist1c" Calabria

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Re: [MOD] RedQuake v.1 (W.I.P)

Postby ballist1c » 22 Nov 2012, 02:16

Don't hesitate to post questions, comments, or critics (from those who have already seen me testing this mod for a couple days).
Image Joseph "ballist1c" Calabria

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