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About the flamer jump

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2014, 13:58
by BioHazardX
Hi, I was playing the 1.5-dev version these days and I found a thing about the next gameplay that I strongly believe it's unfair. The secondary attack of the flamer was changed into a sort of gas that pushes away your enemies, but you can also do a "flamer jump" (that stands for a rocket jump in Q3) if you shoot to your feet, it's a nice feauture ok, but you can't hurt yourself and don't take any damage back while doing.

This is so unfair, I foresee players will abuse this trick in CTF to get away easily without any problems. My suggestion is not to remove this trick, but to add about 15-20% of damage everytime a player uses the flamer jump.

Do you agree?

Re: About the flamer jump

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2014, 15:02
by Jamestonjes
If you don't touch an enemy directly it appears they don't take damage, just like how the gas hits the floor you don't damage your self

Also I'm fairly sure sliding goes at more or less the same speed as using the flamer as a boost, so Id say its not really unfair as some one who cant really use parkour (new people) can (possibly) use the flamer instead

Re: About the flamer jump

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2014, 19:39
by unixfreak
Personally, i love little things like this that add strategic perks to a weapon. It makes a more interesting match.
You can already run up walls as it is though, so rocket jumping (etc) doesn't really add an unfair advantage in RE. Having said that, i don't think it's unfair, as anyone can learn to utilise things like that.

Re: About the flamer jump

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2014, 21:00
by Unnamed
The flamer has quite low range and damage, but the secondary attack can be used instead of impulse launch/impule boost now. So you have more impulse left that can be used to get close enough to other players.
If you think it is a great advantage for ctf games you can use the flamer as your second weapon in ctf.

Re: About the flamer jump

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2014, 23:35
by Silux
The flamer is outclassed at close range by shotgun. And it's intended to be a close range weapon.
Flamer's secondary deals less damage and fire slower than the normal fire of the shotgun.
The flamer jump could be a welcome tactic, but it's easier to point up and wall jump.

Re: About the flamer jump

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2014, 20:48
by BioHazardX
I never said to remove the new secondary fire to the flamer and the special jump, I like it and it's a good choice.

The point is now with the flamer you can jump for unlimited times with unlimited ammos without deals any self-damage. But have you ever played with arena shooters like Quake 3 or Xonotic? Have you seen how a rocket jump works? You'd prefer to be invulnerable after shoot an explosive projectile in a part of your body? There is no sense.
So what I wanted to told you is to add a specific self-damage to this attack.