Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby CancukTux » 21 Apr 2013, 04:01

Though all of the features of 1.4 are quiet polished, I feel some things can be done to easily improve things overall. I hope you shall also find my vision of this game to be something you can entertain to yourself as a thought.

One of the oddities I've noted with the addition of mines is that holding the fire button does not trigger any remarkable action, something inconsistent with the many other weapons of RE. I believe we allow someone to throw mines greater distances via holding the mouse button. This would provide a sense of unity to the game that both the players and developers yearn for. In comparison to even the rapid-fire clicking of the pistol or constant holding of M2 for the rifle, mines seem comparatively bland. I don't think an addition like this has any possibility to detract from gameplay. It would help those who have that compulsive muscle memory to have explosives be launched when they release the mouse button. than have them be instantly be launched out from their hands.

Likewise I feel that the scoring of the gauntlet game mode could be markedly improved via the implementation of different scoring methods. Following the teams switch, many players have noted, that once blue exceeds them in points or has beaten their time, there is nothing they can do to win. I feel both these issues have many plausible ways they could potentially be solved.

Regular mode could introduce a broader scoring mode, probably as a mutator. If we allowed each run through the Gauntlet to award 10(or more, this variable should be balanced later) points, but allow other methods of scoring it would improve red teams outlook past half-time. Since we want to discourage an unruly brawl, allowing only red team to be awarded these kill points would be beneficial. This would force blue players to play for the goal. Granted that only solves the problem for non-timed modes, so onward that issue.

Nevertheless, Timed mode becomes bothersome as soon as one teams record is beaten, as there is nothing that red team can do about it. I propose that we switch the teams as soon as any record is beat, having a constant back and forth pattern. This may cause problems in some situations, such as when someone is coming in on their way to beating a record. I request that we set the game to wait for the duration of the time the record took(and possibly more) to allow anyone in-run to complete theirs and beat their team-mates record. Anyone who is not mid-run (and thus spawns after the current record holder) will not be able to utilize any more time than that anyway. This will also I solicit of you any opinions or critiques you have of these ideas? Possibly a thirty-second buffer would be easier to implement and should easily be enough time to complete a run. :)

Edit : I have a much simpler idea for gauntlet mode. Rather than modifying or using the scoring system to alter the game, allow the use of a the survival mutator. If we let the Survival mutator be selected as normal, and make teams switch whenever all of blue dies (Red can keep respawning possible, or be gone for good). Either way Blue team members either make it to the goal or die trying. making it perma-death(except maybe hard-mode) would encourage Blue members to kill as many Reds as possible.
I'll probably add more ideas to this post as time goes on, for know I give you only these two.

Edit 2: After playing forced-arena for a while, I have noticed some situations become infuriating when you can not switch weapons on the field. During Classic-Mode, upon reaching a sniping location you can easily pick up the rifle and take some pot shots at enemies and the like. You could do this without constantly hauling around the rifle. The ability to constantly swap weapons provides another dimension of play. When the number of players on a server is very low, many weapons are never used in arena mode. Introducing a method wear by we allow weapons to be chosen pre-round per the way Arena mode works together with the weapon pick-up system used in classic mode.

I think this mode would encourage the usage of some of the more situational weapons, keep people on their toes, and make the game more fun. I think it will be a very happy middle ground between the two modes that will improve upon them both. If you can think of any optimizations for this mutator or other comments, feel free to reply with them.
Last edited by CancukTux on 22 Apr 2013, 02:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby TheLastProject » 21 Apr 2013, 10:42

As someone who likes gauntlet mode, I feel like I have to add my two cents to this:

Currently, I believe the main issues with gauntlet mode is the fact that you, as you stated, the match continues even after the scoring is infinitely clear. Gauntlet has the, either pro or con, depending how you look at it, that at a certain time a team just wins, and the other team can't stop that anymore. The other issue I find is that the timing on (re)spawning is slightly incorrect. A third issue is that most people don't seem to understand well what they're supposed to do in gauntlet. Apparently, an arrow on the screen which says "goal" is still too confusing.

About the ending of a match: Personally, I would go for "just end the match if one team clearly wins". Switching the teams after the second team would beat the first team's time in timed gauntlet seems unfair to me. After all, the first time got 5 minutes to get a good time, and as soon as the others beat that time, they have to stop and give the others another try? This would cause the team which starts attacking to be able to get a lot more opportunities to get a better time, which seems quite unfair to me. Here as well, I would say "just end the match when the second team beats the first one".

About the survivor mutator, I would expect this to work best if red could die as well. The only thing I worry about is that, if a team is winning, they will purposely start to run away to stall the match. I am also not sure if players should be able to respawn if they "die" because they score a point, but I expect it would be best if they do?

About the timing issues, which you didn't name, I would request the following tweaks:
- Add the 15 seconds delay (which you have in survivor) before the match starts to gauntlet (and to all gamemodes, really). Allowing people to join and have a team of both sides ready causes balance improvements
- One of the following:
1. Also add the 15 seconds delay after the teams switch
2. Get the 15 seconds delay to not actually take a part of the 10 minute time limit (in this case, cause all players to instantly be switched at half-time, and not having a respawn delay)

Last but not least, I wonder how to make the gauntlet objective more clear. For starters, I think the TAB screen could show the current objective (as it is different depending on the team you are on at the moment). Alpha would get "Run into the goal to score points" or "Try to reach the goal in the shortest time possible" and Omega would get "Prevent the enemy from reaching the goal". How else to make it more clear is something I'm not sure about. Perhaps we could have a "newbie instructions" notice level, which would add gamemode-specific instructions below the part which says "You are on team ???". Something like "run into the goal" on gauntlet for the attacking team, "take the enemy flag to your base" in capture-the-flag, etc, etc.?
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Re: Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby Jamestonjes » 21 Apr 2013, 21:06

what about an assault (unreal tournament) type mode aswell (with way points for reaching certain places/using certain triggers) where one team infiltrates and the other defends(while onslaught adds turrets to the defenders base to help them defend) but like time trial needs its own maps (or modified multi purpose ones)
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Re: Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby derper » 12 May 2013, 22:33

I have been playing for almost three weeks, and here are my ideas:
I believe that everything in red eclipse seems more balance, but I believe they should do more with the mutator: medieval

There can be a lot done with this mutator, but first: NEW WEAPONS!

Crossbow: This should be a very futuristic crossbow with cocking animations and 6 shots to a clip.
primary fire: shoots bolt that inflicts electrical shock damage (whatever mines infect you with), and is fairly powerful itself
secondary fire: shoots LIMITED RANGED bolt with weak splash damage, the bolt itself is less powerful

Shield: This shield is a PICKUP:
left-click to raise shield, left-click again to lower. When you have the shield raised, you are as slow as you are when you are crouching. When your shield is raised, 80% of attacks you take FROM FRONT BODY-SHOTS are blocked, and replaced with knock-back to you
Right click to bash with the shield: minimal damage, but includes knock-back to your target


When you select the Medieval mutator, a "mutator specific" menu should come up. the two options are: Pickups On; Medieval Pickups; (possibly) Pickups Off

Medieval pickups:
In medieval pickups, all pickups are replaced with these things:
Grenade and mine: replaced w/ shield
Rocket launcher: replaced with crossbow

In Medieval Pickups, the crossbow only has 1 shot, but still has the option of shooting primary or secondary fire.

NOW: to quickly cover movement:

If you press Q when crouching, you will do a forward summersault. If you are crouching, moving sideways and press Q, you will do a sideways summersault.
If you crouch in the air and press Q, you will dive to the ground and do a summersault.

If you press Q in the water, you will do a special swimming animation, and you will go slightly faster. You will automatically switch to your pistol if you do this, and then it will automatically switch back when you stop holding Q.

I REALLY WANT TO HERE MORE IDEAS FROM OTHER PEOPLE. If one of the RE creators are reading this, can you please consider putting this idea into the game? Thank you.
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Re: Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby BruceW » 24 May 2013, 21:53

One suggestion:

Can we disable the combination of multi AND coop in the next release? It is so insane to play this muts together. If there are 5 humans in one team, there will be 10 (!) bots in the 3 teams left (depending on the botlimit var though).


I hope you understand that this is insane. :D
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Re: Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby qreeves » 24 May 2013, 22:17

Isn't half of RE fairly insane? I see your point though, would suck on a smaller map.
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Re: Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby greaserpirate » 25 May 2013, 03:47

BruceW {l Wrote}:One suggestion:

Can we disable the combination of multi AND coop in the next release? It is so insane to play this muts together. If there are 5 humans in one team, there will be 10 (!) bots in the 3 teams left (depending on the botlimit var though).


I hope you understand that this is insane. :D

Lol, that match :D

I think a better system than banning this would just to have a warning show up saying "Warning: Chaotic Gameplay Imminent". Or just trust people will chose sane combinations :p

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Re: Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby quintux_v » 25 May 2013, 05:31

possibly a fun change for bomberball/ctf matches, maybe an "accelerate" button that temporarily increases movespeed? Impulse-dependent, of course.
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Re: Small Game Suggestions/Requests

Postby BruceW » 25 May 2013, 16:00

qreeves {l Wrote}:Isn't half of RE fairly insane? I see your point though, would suck on a smaller map.

Hm, I think coop+multi used at the same time suck on every map.

Why would someone play against bots that are in 3 different teams. If yes, he / she is a noob who does not know about this yet :D

Although this combination is rather played seldom, what about avoiding this in general by excluding this combination? :think:
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