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POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 28 May 2011, 22:08
by fluxord
This Poll will last for EVER :!: , and you can choose only one.
So... What's your favorite weapon?
Vote it & tell us!

---EDIT 2---
Ok, this poll will now officially NEVER end.
Also you can change your vote too. This is for the people that misclicked & voted wrong,
or maybe you've changed your mind and want to change your previous vote :)

---EDIT 1---
Only official weapons count (sorry no modded stuff).

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 28 May 2011, 22:11
by fluxord
Ok, I :heart: the SMG.

Particularly because:
1. it has lots of ammo (= fewer reloads);
2. it is effective for targets at different ranges (close/middle/long range);
3. it's secondary fire mode is quite useful in close combat;
4. it's bullets ricochet the walls, so you can literally fire around corners with it;
5. it doesn't feel cheap when using it (= you need to have a good aim to score).

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 28 May 2011, 23:04
by abacab
That was a hard decision, Because i like the sword since a few days more and more... But also the Plasma thing is pretty powerful especially with a right click.

However ive choosed the smg, because Rifle on deathmatch is nothing for and the shotgun is just not so, well I can't hit the enemys so good with a shotgun. A smg is easier and has a better distance.

The Pistol is not really bad, I like it more than the flame's, shotguns or a rocket.

But the most powerful version to kill :

1. Sword, Right Click in face direction and kicking with Q at the Same Time
2. Taking a Grenade, go to an enemy, stand behind him and explode yourself in kamikaze style, looks funny and it makes fun, at least for me :D

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 30 May 2011, 04:25
by fluxord
abacab {l Wrote}:That was a hard decision, Because i like the sword since a few days more and more... But also the Plasma thing is pretty powerful especially with a right click.

However ive choosed the smg, because Rifle on deathmatch is nothing for and the shotgun is just not so, well I can't hit the enemys so good with a shotgun. A smg is easier and has a better distance.

The Pistol is not really bad, I like it more than the flame's, shotguns or a rocket.

But the most powerful version to kill :

1. Sword, Right Click in face direction and kicking with Q at the Same Time
2. Taking a Grenade, go to an enemy, stand behind him and explode yourself in kamikaze style, looks funny and it makes fun, at least for me :D

Yeah, totally agree with that. Some weapons are better in certain modes than in others... i.e. like the flamer's normal fire or the plasma's secondary fire for defend the flag.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 30 May 2011, 04:31
by Kitsune
that would be because there are some basic cvars in servexec.cfg that change the explosion settings for weps based on mode, namely insta is reduced by .7 to avoid killing by splash damage, dtf increases them for better defence???

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 30 May 2011, 04:38
by fluxord
Kitsune {l Wrote}:that would be because there are some basic cvars in servexec.cfg that change the explosion settings for weps based on mode, namely insta is reduced by .7 to avoid killing by splash damage, dtf increases them for better defence???

Didn't know about that, gives me a good excuse to look into serverexec.cfg :lol:

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 31 May 2011, 00:06
by Caceous
I picked shotgun even though it's bugged because it does serious damage with primary, and secondary can be great for close range or campers due to the one hit kill.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 31 May 2011, 00:59
by Kitsune
Its also good if ya can ricochet well around corners cause of its residual bleeding, but thats what smg is for also.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2011, 23:08
by ZeroKnight
Shotgun all the way <3 I love using that thing. The alt-fire is great for OHKO's, and lobbing them into narrow passages and around corners is so useful.
For instance, on Echo, when the rocket launcher spawns in the tunnel under the center of the map, and EVERYONE crams into there, I just spam the Alt-Fire. I usually kill everyone that goes in and take the Launcher for myself :P

If you do it right, and you're near a wall in a firefight, it's great for lobbing shrapnel off to your side. I do that all the time, and it usually hits. The same concept on Darkness CTF. On the lower catwalk, I'll shoot at the edge of the lowered ceiling and nearly always hit the guy chasing me.

Another thing it's great for is stopping sword-swingers in their tracks. A well-timed shot as they charge you and all is good :P

My other two favorites would be the sword and the SMG, though I'm pretty bad with aiming the SMG :P

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2011, 16:59
by mido_13
I like flamer

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2011, 13:36
by Someone64
The animation for the smg reload is a little boring, but that did not hava nything to do with my vote. Just saying. The shotgun reminds me of the tactics I used to do in quake 2.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2011, 18:04
by Remilia Scarlet
Sword for me!

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2011, 14:01
by Calinou
Flamer is obviously the most powerful weapon, never add more than one. If there's no flamer, plasma :
Lots of ammo, can be used at any distance, great secondary fire for closed areas (and defend the flag).

But flamer still FTW. Image

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2011, 16:47
by NetMassimo
I like the flamer. It's really powerful but it has a limited range so you have to know how to use it.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2011, 16:17
by Remilia Scarlet
Flamer is overpowered. The limited range does not really make up for the damage output (it's wide ranged enough). Also, the flame particles are rather large, making it easy for anyone, including people new to the game, to hit.
The plasma I would consider an expert weapon. I think it's really easy to dodge, making it effectively useless. Also impulsing across walls allows you to travel fast enough through (alt-fire)plasma not to get sucked in. You will only receive a small amount of damage this way. I also suck at hitting with it so...

I like the sword due to it's high damage. It allows you to kill effectively, even if that means getting close to the enemy. The pistol, with it's low "adddelay" (variable name, means time in-between shots), also makes for a good weapon. It's also OK accuracy wise(pri-fire), so rather useful for distanced combat.

Sword is WIN, your argument is invalid.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2011, 09:14
by fluxord
Remilia Scarlet {l Wrote}:Flamer is overpowered. The limited range does not really make up for the damage output (it's wide ranged enough). Also, the flame particles are rather large, making it easy for anyone, including people new to the game, to hit.
The plasma I would consider an expert weapon. I think it's really easy to dodge, making it effectively useless. Also impulsing across walls allows you to travel fast enough through (alt-fire)plasma not to get sucked in. You will only receive a small amount of damage this way. I also suck at hitting with it so...

I like the sword due to it's high damage. It allows you to kill effectively, even if that means getting close to the enemy. The pistol, with it's low "adddelay" (variable name, means time in-between shots), also makes for a good weapon. It's also OK accuracy wise(pri-fire), so rather useful for distanced combat.


Totally agree with you. Flamer is very powerful. The Plasma gun is nice for spamming, if you do it in conjunction with another teammate it can be very effective.
Also I still think like this:
SMG owns:
[ x ] close targets.
[ x ] far away snipers.
[ x ] targets that cowardly hide behind the corners...


Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2011, 19:12
by inpersona64
The best weapons if i were to articulate would be SMG and Flamer. Apparently alotta people dislike the flamer though. Saying its cheap. To be honest, if it were the most powerful, it wouldnt be in the game. I personally choose the Shotgun because I'm good with math, specifically geometry. Using the secondary fire on the shotgun is like the grenade launcher in Halo Reach. You have to know what surfaces to bounce it off of to effectively use it. It is a great weapon when you figure out how to use it in all situations. Yes, I'm still learning but it's fun to use as well. The arc is something you have to get used to when shooting the secondary fire in the air.

The flamer of all weapons would be the most powerful. So the way i see it, you should own a flamer whenever you get the chance. Or someone on your team should. But the flamer isnt for everyone. Because there are some people who teamkill with it when they use it because they have no skill with it, hence, it takes skill to actually use it effectively without teamkilling.

I wish the rifle would kill faster. I'm not talking about body kills. I mean when you hit a surface near a target. Four of those should kill the target, not 6 or 8. That would make the rifle more popular. The Red Eclipse team did a great job on the SMG which is why it's such a popular weapon. But from my perspective, it i were to go into an Arena Deathmatch, my two weapons would be Shotgun and Flamer. Why? Because i like to keep things close quarters, and I stay quick enough to keep it that way. Lol.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2011, 21:56
by fluxord
inpersona64 {l Wrote}:The flamer of all weapons would be the most powerful. So the way i see it, you should own a flamer whenever you get the chance. Or someone on your team should. But the flamer isnt for everyone. Because there are some people who teamkill with it when they use it because they have no skill with it, hence, it takes skill to actually use it effectively without teamkilling.

The same can be said for plasma's secondary fire. You have to be very careful when launching the big blue light :)
Even if you are skilled, there's always a chance that a teammate appears out of the void and runs into the flames or the lightball.

inpersona64 {l Wrote}:I wish the rifle would kill faster. I'm not talking about body kills. I mean when you hit a surface near a target. Four of those should kill the target, not 6 or 8. That would make the rifle more popular.

+1. Also if the target could be knocked-back if hit directly, making the plasma rifle work more like the "Shock rifle" from the UT series. Which would be cool.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 10 Aug 2011, 02:55
by Kitsune
inpersona64 {l Wrote}:+1. Also if the target could be knocked-back if hit directly, making the plasma rifle work more like the "Shock rifle" from the UT series. Which would be cool.

You can, it was like that on my UT server for 1.0 for a while that recreated UT99.[/color]

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 10 Aug 2011, 19:02
by qreeves
One thing is obvious here, nobody likes the plasma all that much, haha. Good thing it has received considerable tweaking upstream for the next release :)

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2011, 01:49
by Kitsune
Nobody likes it? it was one of the most spammed weapons in 1.0 and is still used quite a bit in 1.1, i'm really beginning to question if you even bother playing with your community on at least a once a month basis.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2011, 03:54
by Stiva
To be honest Kitsune-of-the-blue-posts, I haven't ever really seen anyone "like" the plasma gun and I've been playing fairly frequently for the past 6 months.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2011, 04:14
by inpersona64
No one wants to like it because there are better weapons that people rather choose, Like the SMG. But I have had my fair share of deaths derived from use of the Plasma. Usually the secondary fire because when your stuck between a rock and a hard place, there's no escape lol. Rock=plasma; hard place=wall.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2011, 04:56
by Kitsune
Stiva {l Wrote}:To be honest Kitsune-of-the-blue-posts, I haven't ever really seen anyone "like" the plasma gun and I've been playing fairly frequently for the past 6 months.

I try as much as possible to play for at least 1 - 2 hours a day.

Re: POLL: What's your favorite weapon of Red Eclipse?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2011, 12:41
by qreeves
Kitsune {l Wrote}:i'm really beginning to question if you even bother playing with your community on at least a once a month basis.

I play Red Eclipse online every single day (more when I'm working on new features), under an alias nobody knows so I don't get harassed by people.