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Re: Is it possible to make money?

PostPosted: 06 Dec 2012, 19:46
by Julius
Naa, I think he really means selling FOSS code. In fact it can work too, some time ago, I can across some printer accounting system for CUPS and the guy was selling it with FOSS code and all that. He put a big disclaimer on the sales page asking people who buy it and get the link to the download should please not share it further even though legally there would of course be nothing to stop them. But basically that boils down to good will of the buyers and isn't much different from taking donations or selling binary versions.

Re: Is it possible to make money?

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2012, 15:15
by Evropi
Yes, what Julius said. I guess cheapskates will always publish it or executable versions (what passive users really want) somewhere else, like with XChat (though that's a slightly different story).

I've been drinking the open source kool-aid a long time Charles, please don't try to educate me on such matters. The GNU Project's website is littered with statements saying you can sell the source code, though as long as it is equal or less than the price of the executable version.

Additionally, the :gpl: at least doesn't say you need to have your source code publicly available. It's only if people ask for it that you have to send it to them. This will definitely throw a lot of people off forking, actually. And besides, in 1984, there was no such thing as source code being easily made publicly available!

Re: Is it possible to make money?

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 21:02
by qubodup
New piece: become tax-deductable to make it attrative for donators to chose you: ... -donations