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Welcome to Simon's World

PostPosted: 10 May 2018, 09:59
by WLpenguin
Hello all, my son has created Simon's World. Please try it out.

Feedback welcome :-)

Re: Welcome to Simon's World

PostPosted: 13 May 2018, 14:17
by DevonST
The levels have a simple design but look good. They just could be a bit more diversified and longer. They were definitely not too hard – I had fun playing these levels. My favorite might be level20 “Climb!”. You could make so great levels with this idea (choosing between normal mode and climbing mode).

Re: Welcome to Simon's World

PostPosted: 14 May 2018, 14:04
by the shapeshifter
they were a bit short but my fav was the maze

Re: Welcome to Simon's World

PostPosted: 17 May 2018, 23:26
by Digital
I've worked through the first few levels. It's good so far, but I agree with DevonST. It would also be nice to see more themed levels. For example, the flame object doesn't fit in with a snowy background.

Being a bit silly, I didn't notice that "Climb!" was climbable. I spent a while getting through the spiders at the beginning, then went through some tricky manoeuvres only to reach a dead end with an impossibly high jump. The level reminds my of Climable Wall in Hume's Rainbow Cave, but explores more use of platforms. That is a great idea with lots of potential :)

Re: Welcome to Simon's World

PostPosted: 20 May 2018, 11:40
by Oliver_Buo
Lieber Simon

Also die Level gefällt mir Grundsätzlich gut.
Zum teil ein bischen Kurz aber das ist OK.
Bitte vermeide das Blinde springen, das kommt oft vor in deine Level.
An manschen Stelel ist der Level nicht möglich z.B bei Schiff ganz nach oben kletter geht nur wenn man klein ist. Wenn man gross ist geht das nicht. Die Idee mit dem übers Wasser laufen fand ich cool.
Beim Level wo man die Steine nehmen muss ist es auch ein bischen schwierig, da man leicht sterben kann wenn man nicht hochsrpringt und ein Stein von oben nimmt.
....und beim Level Zig zag geht das nur weiter wenn man gross ist..... und das mit dem Windkanal am schluss ist ech fies.
Alles in allem gefalle mir aber deine Level auch die Idee mit deinem Name war kreativ.
ps. vieleicht mal unisolid ausprobiere oder der Schnee mit Position 50 oder höher.
pps. der Klettern Leve war auch mein Favorit :cool:


E: Dear Simon

Basically, I like the levels well.
Sometimes a bit short but that's OK.
Please avoid the blind jumping, that often happens in your level.
At some Stelel the level is not possible, for example, with ship all the way up the climb only if you are small. If you're tall, that's not possible. The idea of going over the water was cool.
At the level where you have to take the stones it is also a bit difficult, because you can easily die if you do not jump up and take a stone from above.
.... and the level Zig Zag that goes on only when you're tall ..... and the wind tunnel at the end is really nasty.
All in all I like your level but also the idea with your name was creative.
ps. Maybe try unisolid or the snow with position 50 or higher. ;)
Thank you.
pps. The climbing leve was also my favorite :)

Re: Welcome to Simon's World

PostPosted: 20 May 2018, 12:19
by manuel
In my opinion, the section in the level "Zigzag" shown at the screenshot by Oliver is perfectly fine. I agree, normally, levels should be designed to be solvable for every size of Tux. But this section is directly at the beginning of a level and you get an egg there. So it's nothing else than a good challenge.