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Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2017, 14:06
by Oliver_Buo

Hallo Tobbi, Hallo Supertux Fans
Ich glaub ich bin jetzt fertig mit meiner ersten Welt.
"Oliver's World" :cool: . Total 27 Level + ein Willkommens Level.
Die Reihenfolge der Levels enspricht der Reihenfolge wie ich die Levels erstellt habe.
Level 01 "warm up" ist mein aller erstes Level, welches ich mit dem neuen Editor 0.5.0 erstellt habe. ;)
Ich hoffe man sieht auch die Fortschritte und Erfahrungen, welche ich beim Level erstellen gesammelt habe.
@ Tobi Kannst Du die Levels prüfen und uploaden - besten Dank!
....also dann Viel spass beim Spielen.
Und lasst mich wissen, welches euer Favorit ist, :heart: und welche Level Ihr nich so toll findet. :oops:
Meine Favoriten Nr. 7, 14, 23 und natürlich Nr. 27 :-) :heart:
Nicht son gelungen sind Nr. 1 + 11 .....

Gruss Oliver Buo :)

----E ----

Hello Tobbi, Hi Supertux fans
I think I am now finished with my first world.
"Oliver's world". Total 27 Level + a wellcome level. ;)
The order of the levels corresponds to the order as I created the levels.
Level 01 "warm up" is my first level, which I created with the new editor 0.5.0.
I hope you also see the progress and experiences that I've gathered with the level-editor. ;)
@ Tobi Can you check the levels and upload - thanks a lot!
.... so then have fun while playing. :) :cool:
And let me know what your favorite is, and what levels you do not like.
My Favorites No. 7, 14, 23 and of course No. 27 :-) :heart:
Not so successful are No. 1 + 11 .....

Greetings Oliver Buo

Re: Oliver's World (27 Level)

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2017, 14:12
by Oliver_Buo
.... Here the Background Pic to Oliver's World ;)

zip 1 - 4

let me know if a background pic sould be missing.
I guess that's all ;)

Re: Oliver's World (27 Level)

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2017, 14:18
by Oliver_Buo
Impression of the Game

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2017, 20:40
by VNS
It's finally here!! Gonna go try it out right now :DDDDD

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2017, 15:38
by Peter_1973
Hallo Oliver,

meine Kinder sind große Fans deiner Videos bei youtube. Jetzt möchten sie unbedingt deine neue Welt spielen.
Leider kriege ich es nicht hin, das addon zu installieren. Ich habe dein zip-file heruntergeladen und in das addon
Verzeichnis gelegt. Leider kann ich deine Welt nicht sehen.
Was muss ich tun, um deine Welt zu installieren?

Viele Grüße,

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2017, 16:29
by Peter_1973
Hallo Oliver,

wie kann ich das zip-File installieren?


Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2017, 01:23
by Tobbi
@Peter: Approved your posts now!

@Oliver Buo: Your add-on contains some tiling issues, aka, sharp tile edges etc. I know it might be straining, but please, try to remedy the issue and improve the design a bit.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2017, 01:26
by Tobbi
@Peter_1973: Das ZIP-Archiv ist noch nicht als Add-on gepackt. Vielleicht kommt einer der Entwickler in den naechsten Tagen dazu.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2017, 01:47
by VNS
I have lots of free time, I could do it to save his struggle.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2017, 19:12
by Oliver_Buo
@ Tobbi

What u man with:
"tiling issues, aka, sharp tile edges" :? If the background would be a problem - replace it.
What else could be a Problem ? - if i know what exactly it is - I can reduce it. ;)

Was genau meinst Du ? Wenn ich weiss was Probleme Verursacht kann ich das beheben ...
und vor allem bei weitere Levels vermeiden. ;)
- Danke für die Rückmeldung!

@ VSN Thanks if u can do that.... :)

@ Peter
Ich glaube Tobbi kann dir da eher weiterhelfen.
Evtl. könntest Du im Editor ein eigenes Level erstellen und meine Levels dort
hinein kopieren. Wo Du Deine Eigenen Levels findest siehe auch: :?


Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2017, 00:50
by VNS
Ok, I'll go right ahead.

Quick notice: On some levels you might find the default tilemap (It's z-pos is 0) will be missing. Don't worry, it isn't! I just went into the game files so the extra tiles such as the grass or snow, would be in the foreground.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2017, 22:26
by Oliver_Buo
d: kann man das jetzt noch hochladen oder nicht ? :think:
e: Can you upload it now or not? ;) :)

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2017, 00:44
by VNS
Working on it. I may have to REBUILD the snow mountain tiling on the level "Doors" as the spaces are very thin, and the tileset is meant for very large chunks (Think of it as a 4x4 area for one block). Other that that, I am fixing the english in the world (English is my main language) and that's pretty much it. I'll probably have it ready in the next few weeks.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2017, 18:22
by Oliver_Buo
Thank u very much.
I hope u don't have to much work.....i will make it better in my next Level, so that u have less work :)

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2017, 00:42
by VNS
No problem. And here's a great tip for building:
Instead of using the default tilemap at z-pos 0, use a tilemap that is solid, and make sure the z-pos of the tilemap is above 50. For example, I would use the default foreground tilemap and make it solid.. That's what I've been doing for my previous levels.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2017, 00:59
by VNS
Less objects, and less work! \(^_^)/

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2017, 21:23
by Oliver_Buo
If you should not drawing on the Tilemap 0, why is it offered as a standard?
I do not understand the sense? :? :!:

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2017, 21:31
by VNS
I'm not too sure. Likely carried from the 0.1.3 editor.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2017, 21:41
by VNS
Here's a compare between the layers (Notice the grass above the dirt)

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2017, 20:04
by Oliver_Buo
OK I see the differenz.
But It it wrong or is there any other Problem, if the grass is behind Tux ?

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2017, 20:34
by brmbrmcar
I just use it because it has less tiny glitches and secrets are better hidden.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2017, 01:01
by VNS
Tux is on the layer 50. So, if any tiles have a layer bigger than 50, they will be above Tux.
Everything will be the same whether it's higher or lower than 50, it will only look different.

What do you mean by that?

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2017, 21:07
by brmbrmcar
Some tiles don't look right, especially when near object tiles, as you can see the different layers, and secrets are less well hidden sometimes because you can see the layer changes.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2017, 21:15
by VNS
Yeah, this is also why I like the 50+ tile layer thing.

Re: Supertux 0.5.0 "Oliver's World" (27 Level)

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2017, 18:16
by Oliver_Buo
Did somebody allready play the game and can give me a feedback ? ;)