Welcome to the ST Levels & Add-ons forum, where you can find user's levels and worlds they have created themselves!
This place is for submitting your finished works ONLY and finding other finished works to play on your own.
Discussion about add-ons, such as gathering people for a project, asking about ideas or solutions to problems, work in progress maps, shall take place in ST Add-on Discussion. Discussion under someone's completed work about their map is also allowed.
Messages must be on topic, or users will be warned. 3 Warnings will warrant a ban.
Plagiarism is not allowed, and may even have consequences that extend beyond the forums. It can damage your reputation, but also may result in a forum ban, or your add-on may be removed from the manager if its believed to have been plagiarised. If you're unsure what plagiarism means, please check out this resource: https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/ ... wledgement. which is also beneficial to read if you want to go into academia in the future.
Happy level making!