Ideas for the next release?

Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Alzter » 04 Dec 2018, 11:36

@BlasterMaster OH MY GOD THAT LOOKS AMAZING. Awesome idea, even better than the walrus. I'd love to see this in-game.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Alzter » 04 Dec 2018, 11:43

darkhog {l Wrote}:Maybe we could just throw physic code away and replace it with Box2D for all stuff that needs collision/gravity? Not only this would allow for more complex interactions, but it'll be easier to work with as you would only specify masses and forces applied to things (rigid bodies) and likely won't need to change actual physics code.

Of course replacing the physics code is a tall order that will probably break a lot of things before appropriate values for mass and forces will be found that are roughly equivalent to the current physics, but if seriously no one understands the code and the guy who wrote it isn't coming back, it's the only solution to have successful long-term development.

Just to be clear: There's nothing wrong with the current physics, but if they stand in the way of new features...

To be honest the current physics feel really slippery. You can't really turn in-air, there's very low friction and a lot of collisions involving blocks are very broken and usually give out unfair crush deaths. If we were to change the physics I would prefer if we made them a bit more tighter akin to Milestone 1. (Not to the point where letting go of jump in air instantly cancels all your vertical momentum but you get my point)
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Masterghar » 01 Jan 2019, 12:47

It would be nice to better track progress in levels. When you stand on the world map, current level's best highscores should be displayed in the corner of the screen so you quickly see what you have to improve. Also, when touching the exit, the target time should be displayed so that you don't have to memorize it when going for it.

Also, is it just me or are highscores lost when quitting the game (only levels completed are saved)?
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby BlasterMaster » 01 Jan 2019, 19:17

Wouldn't it be awesome if launched ice cubes would have rigid body physics. It could have a proper ark when sailing off a ramp, or instead of changing direction as soon as the ground is too steep, it could keep going until it slows to a stop, then slide back down.
Ice cube phys 2.png
Ice cube phys.png
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby WeLuvGoatz » 01 Jan 2019, 20:59

@BlasterMaster: I like your idea but I really adore the little ice cube sketch with his tongue sticking out :) :) :)
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Alzter » 09 Jan 2019, 12:11

BlasterMaster {l Wrote}:Wouldn't it be awesome if launched ice cubes would have rigid body physics. It could have a proper ark when sailing off a ramp, or instead of changing direction as soon as the ground is too steep, it could keep going until it slows to a stop, then slide back down.

It would be awesome. Imagine a SuperTux where slopes work and are incorporated thoughtfully into levels to make exciting and fun gameplay incorporating sliding and other fun mechanics for an even more enjoyable and more original experience.

EDIT: I found some sliding mockups on the SuperTux wiki. See below:
slider.jpg (3.66 KiB) Viewed 101597 times

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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby WeLuvGoatz » 13 Feb 2019, 05:38

It would be nice if leafy enemies (such as walking leaves or posion ivys) glided down, rather than fell. It would make them seem more leaflike, and they could play a special falling animation.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby manuel » 13 Feb 2019, 09:35

WeLuvGoatz {l Wrote}:It would be nice if leafy enemies (such as walking leaves or posion ivys) glided down, rather than fell. It would make them seem more leaflike, and they could play a special falling animation.

That's a really good idea. This would make them less of a clone of the Snowballs.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby sinisa3games » 14 Feb 2019, 19:59

what about wall-jumping with wall-jumpable blocks
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Oliver_Buo » 14 Feb 2019, 20:17

A moving / flying ladder.
Is not possible that in the environment "climbing" is always assigned in one place and can not move like a tilmap
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby WeLuvGoatz » 18 Feb 2019, 21:20

We should be able to magnify tilemaps. I know it's an out-there idea (and could really be abused by level designers) but it would prevent the need for parallax tiles. Just resize the tilemap's tiles to 50% of the size, 10% of the size, even 200% of the size for foreground parallax, etc., then change the tint and you have a parallax tilemap. It might not work with the current resources available (maybe?) but I highly suggest considering it.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby GunChleoc » 19 Feb 2019, 17:08

An idea worth pursuing, but they would need to be redrawn if we want to add them at 200%.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby theXman63 » 09 Aug 2019, 05:28

Here are 5 reasons why sirwillperkins is my archenemy.

1. His design on tux is exessively cringeworthy. It looks more cartoony than realistic. sirwillperkins' design was 75% cartoonier than tux's 25% cartooniness. cartoon penguins wear a bowtie, a scarf, some mittens, a pompom toque, a tuxedo (detailed on stomach) and other peices of winter clothing.
2. sirwillperkins, if you are reading this, your design for nolok is perfect for League of Legends, and too much for an infamous mario clone. by the way, i love your nolok design to be shown to riot games!
3. his take on the supertux logo is alright, but blastermaster's edit was better. You should know that.
4. flowers exist as powerups, but its an injustice to see flowers as a backround object appearing in pingus, another grumbel game
5. to top it off, he is a person that should be punished for not reflecting the design of tux's original design by Larry Ewing.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby WeLuvGoatz » 09 Aug 2019, 17:43

theXman63 {l Wrote}:Here are 5 reasons why sirwillperkins is my archenemy.

1. His design on tux is exessively cringeworthy. It looks more cartoony than realistic. sirwillperkins' design was 75% cartoonier than tux's 25% cartooniness. cartoon penguins wear a bowtie, a scarf, some mittens, a pompom toque, a tuxedo (detailed on stomach) and other peices of winter clothing.
2. sirwillperkins, if you are reading this, your design for nolok is perfect for League of Legends, and too much for an infamous mario clone. by the way, i love your nolok design to be shown to riot games!
3. his take on the supertux logo is alright, but blastermaster's edit was better. You should know that.
4. flowers exist as powerups, but its an injustice to see flowers as a backround object appearing in pingus, another grumbel game
5. to top it off, he is a person that should be punished for not reflecting the design of tux's original design by Larry Ewing.

Are you kidding? Can you stop complaining and personally attacking certain areas of the game, let alone shitting on an entire person?? Do you have something personally against him or are you just being a troll because you can? What has he personally done to you? Hmm? I'm sick and tired of seeing you personally attack people and areas of the game, and it needs to stop.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby BlasterMaster » 10 Aug 2019, 05:18

Actually, I quite liked Sirwillperkins Tux design. Now, it might be to much of a hassle to change all the animations to match, but from what I've seen, he's got a nice style. So, calm down man.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Alzter » 13 Aug 2019, 05:18

Since when did sirwillperkins draw Nolok
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby WeLuvGoatz » 21 Aug 2019, 22:05

By the way, I've been somewhat practicing implementing small programming changes, such as being able to carry frozen spikies, and leaf enemies falling slow. I have it working, but since it's not fully done, I will not yet make a pull request for it. Anway, here are my ideas for what would make SuperTux good again:

1) Fix the horrible lag. My computer isn't necessarily a low end computer, but God frick does the game lag way too much. If I play any version before 0.6 the game runs smoothly and bug free but as soon as I played 0.6 the problems started. The game also takes up a horrible amount of CPU and battery on my computer now.

2) Physics. 0.6 worsened the game physics by making objects fall way slower than they should, and it freezes up the game when they do this. Rocks and rock-like objects now phase through the ground and anything that is going downwards or to the right of the screen now move so much slower than something going up or to the left of the screen. This has caused snowballs to infinitely gain momentum causing them to skyrocket into the air on flat terrain.

3) Menus. The menus of the game are unintuitive, nonsensical and ugly. I suggest some small details to fix in the menus, but since they aren't really a big issue, they get a small section.

4) Graphics. The majority of graphics in this game are absolutely awful to look at and don't match the game's art style in any way. Animated sprite images are even worse with choppy 3-frame animations on newer enemies such as the Igel.

5) Storage. The new music of SuperTux causes the download size of SuperTux to go from 90MB in 0.5.1 to 300MB in newer builds. This is a horrible idea for people with poor or slow internet like me.

6) Level Editor. The level editor is glitchy, buggy, and has an unintuitive interface. I suggest redoing it, Alzter has been working on a Godot reimplementation called Tux Builder.

7) Levels. The levels of the story mode are bad and the "improvements" made in 0.6 didn't really improve things I thought needed updating. Still, it's better than before, but it could still need some tweaking.

8) The Story. The cutscenes of SuperTux make no sense as of the 0.6 update, possibly because their writer wasn't a native English speaker. Everything does not have an explanation. Why does Tux know to go to the Forest? Why does he know Penny is kidnapped? Why does he know it's Nolok that was in the ice bush? Why the frick is the Yeti attacking Tux? These things need explaining.

The Forest, however, is a clusterfrick of all these horrible game implementations because almost every thing on this list applies to it. Levels? Poorly and unfairly designed. Story? Not even finished! The ghost forest was postponed which is a huge step back and shouldn't have been included in 0.6. Mechanics? Buggy and broken, like rocks, and duplicative, like Poison Ivies. Shouldn't they be... uh... poisonous? Graphics? Absolutely horrendous, with red dirt, copypasted trees, and undetailed enemies with 3 frames.

Even after all of this, the game still manages to become boring with uninteresting bosses/enemies/gimmicks and very limited amounts of levels, along with the horrible lag.

I was originally going to turn this into a video rant but Tobbi convinced me it wasn't worth my time. :D

Anyway, this is what I believe should be updated at least before 0.7 or 0.8.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Serano » 22 Aug 2019, 07:46

WeLuvGoatz {l Wrote}:4) Graphics. The majority of graphics in this game are absolutely awful to look at and don't match the game's art style in any way. Animated sprite images are even worse with choppy 3-frame animations on newer enemies such as the Igel.

Well, finish your new Forest Tiles, then we will have nicer graphics. ;) The music size will soon be normalized, when the switch from the music folder to the subfolders has been made. It was an awful job, but considering the many different songs for the several worlds, some structure should be helpful for choosing the right track for each level.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby WeLuvGoatz » 22 Aug 2019, 18:16

Thank you serano
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby w_laenger » 11 Sep 2019, 14:48

WeLuvGoatz {l Wrote}:Fix the horrible lag.

I also think that this is very important.

6) Level Editor. The level editor is glitchy, buggy, and has an unintuitive interface. I suggest redoing it, Alzter has been working on a Godot reimplementation called Tux Builder.

It would be nice to have a programming interface so that it is possible to create a script which converts image files to levels or level parts. Then I could draw a level in the GIMP with Perlin noise, discretise the image to a dedicated palette and import it to the level. It would also be possible to create a wand tool which places snow tiles according to neighbouring tiles; you wouldn't need to manually place the matching tiles.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Alzter » 30 Oct 2019, 09:49

w_laenger {l Wrote}:It would be nice to have a programming interface so that it is possible to create a script which converts image files to levels or level parts. Then I could draw a level in the GIMP with Perlin noise, discretise the image to a dedicated palette and import it to the level. It would also be possible to create a wand tool which places snow tiles according to neighbouring tiles; you wouldn't need to manually place the matching tiles.

So like a randomly generated level? How exactly would that be playable? Also Tux Builder has autotile, so you don't have to manually put together the tile pieces.
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby w_laenger » 01 Nov 2019, 14:21

Alzter {l Wrote}:
w_laenger {l Wrote}:It would be nice to have a programming interface so that it is possible to create a script which converts image files to levels or level parts. Then I could draw a level in the GIMP with Perlin noise, discretise the image to a dedicated palette and import it to the level. It would also be possible to create a wand tool which places snow tiles according to neighbouring tiles; you wouldn't need to manually place the matching tiles.

So like a randomly generated level? How exactly would that be playable? Also Tux Builder has autotile, so you don't have to manually put together the tile pieces.

The randomly generated level would be only material to build your level; for example, you could use the Weierstraß function to generate caves and then manually build a way through the caves with the level editor.
Where can I find Tux Builder?
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby DevonST » 01 Nov 2019, 18:22

Where can I find Tux Builder?

On GitHub:
I made a worldmap, see “Puzzles or Platforms?
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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Nickerson Romero » 10 Nov 2019, 18:06

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Re: Ideas for the next release?

Postby Nickerson Romero » 10 Nov 2019, 18:08

I'm thinking to do the 5 bonus levels
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