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Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT) [LOCKED]

PostPosted: 14 May 2012, 08:38
by 165your4
Supertux is the second game that I can remember playing. For a long time, I only thought there was 0.1.3, then I discovered 0.3.1, I saw that this had moving platforms, level height and all this cool stuff. I downloaded it so that I could make levels with all this new cool stuff in them. When I saw that there was no level editor, I realised that this was a "development version" of Supertux, and that there would be a "new tux" that I thought would probably come in about 2009. Did that new tux ever come? No. I knew there was this thing called subversion and that it had an editor and new stuff, so I got my friend to try and compile SVN about 3 times, each time he failed because the Supertux Team thought it was a great idea to make Supertux in C, not something user-friendly, easy-to-modify-and-compile like Java. Every time he failed to compile SVN, I lost interest in tux for a while. After the 3rd failed compiling attempt, I realised that I could never get SVN and that Supertux was dead. When I saw that Supertux had moved to GIT, I decided to try and get my friend to compile it for a 4th time. Did it work? What do you think? :x

The Supertux Team made a great game, but this greatness is small when you compare it to the slow development and unfriendliness to people who just want to make levels.
You should not be proud of the game, you should be ashamed...

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 14 May 2012, 10:27
by KroArtem
each time he failed because the Supertux Team thought it was a great idea to make Supertux in C, not something user-friendly, easy-to-modify-and-compile like Java

Soooo fat. ;)

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 14 May 2012, 10:37
by Knitter
Focusing on you're compilation problems, what were they exactly? I honestly found it to be one of the easier projects to compile and I don't have much experience with it, following the instructions is easy and everything just worked the first time for me. So, what were you're errors and what is the OS you want to compile too, maybe someone with more experience can help you by providing a binary.

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 14 May 2012, 14:23
by ctdabomb
165your4 {l Wrote}:Supertux is the second game that I can remember playing. For a long time, I only thought there was 0.1.3, then I discovered 0.3.1, I saw that this had moving platforms, level height and all this cool stuff. I downloaded it so that I could make levels with all this new cool stuff in them. When I saw that there was no level editor, I realised that this was a "development version" of Supertux, and that there would be a "new tux" that I thought would probably come in about 2009. Did that new tux ever come? No. I knew there was this thing called subversion and that it had an editor and new stuff, so I got my friend to try and compile SVN about 3 times, each time he failed because the Supertux Team thought it was a great idea to make Supertux in C, not something user-friendly, easy-to-modify-and-compile like Java. Every time he failed to compile SVN, I lost interest in tux for a while. After the 3rd failed compiling attempt, I realised that I could never get SVN and that Supertux was dead. When I saw that Supertux had moved to GIT, I decided to try and get my friend to compile it for a 4th time. Did it work? What do you think? :x

that kind of stinks about not getting to compile, but to help you with your problem, we will ned to know more about the errors and issues you are having.
Some topics that might help you some. try reading them:
165your4 {l Wrote}:The Supertux Team made a great game, but this greatness is small when you compare it to the slow development and unfriendliness to people who just want to make levels.
You should not be proud of the game, you should be ashamed...

:( yes development is slow right now :( life happens. but some changes are happening (viewtopic.php?f=67&t=2968#p29137) I am sorry that we are unfriendly, but you should be grateful that you still have a fabulous game that although not devoloping very quicky, it is still quite popular and pleasing to people everywhere. and If you want to make the game better, there are ways you can help:


PostPosted: 14 May 2012, 16:09
by Sauer2
easy-to-modify-and-compile like Java

Now that was a good one. :)
Your friend would probably either end up not being able to compile the game because of missing bindings or not working Eclipse project file or being out of RAM or getting a Java-based virus on his computer.

Tcha-Tching, daily flame bait submitted.

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 14 May 2012, 22:33
by 165your4
ctdabomb {l Wrote}:
165your4 {l Wrote}:Supertux is the second game that I can remember playing. For a long time, I only thought there was 0.1.3, then I discovered 0.3.1, I saw that this had moving platforms, level height and all this cool stuff. I downloaded it so that I could make levels with all this new cool stuff in them. When I saw that there was no level editor, I realised that this was a "development version" of Supertux, and that there would be a "new tux" that I thought would probably come in about 2009. Did that new tux ever come? No. I knew there was this thing called subversion and that it had an editor and new stuff, so I got my friend to try and compile SVN about 3 times, each time he failed because the Supertux Team thought it was a great idea to make Supertux in C, not something user-friendly, easy-to-modify-and-compile like Java. Every time he failed to compile SVN, I lost interest in tux for a while. After the 3rd failed compiling attempt, I realised that I could never get SVN and that Supertux was dead. When I saw that Supertux had moved to GIT, I decided to try and get my friend to compile it for a 4th time. Did it work? What do you think? :x

that kind of stinks about not getting to compile, but to help you with your problem, we will ned to know more about the errors and issues you are having.
Some topics that might help you some. try reading them:
165your4 {l Wrote}:The Supertux Team made a great game, but this greatness is small when you compare it to the slow development and unfriendliness to people who just want to make levels.
You should not be proud of the game, you should be ashamed...

:( yes development is slow right now :( life happens. but some changes are happening (viewtopic.php?f=67&t=2968#p29137) I am sorry that we are unfriendly, but you should be grateful that you still have a fabulous game that although not devoloping very quicky, it is still quite popular and pleasing to people everywhere. and If you want to make the game better, there are ways you can help:

I posted in the bugtracker here

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 15 May 2012, 10:27
by Knitter
It looks like you don't have the needed Visual Studio version installed or are using a wrong compilation template. Who generated the cmake files? What were the steps you took to compile SuperTux?

Also you can probably use one of the binaries found in, maybe this will help.


PostPosted: 15 May 2012, 11:28
by NNemesis
Sauer2 {l Wrote}:
easy-to-modify-and-compile like Java

Now that was a good one. :)
Your friend would probably either end up not being able to compile the game because of missing bindings or not working Eclipse project file or being out of RAM or getting a Java-based virus on his computer.

Tcha-Tching, daily flame bait submitted.

Alrighty-then. Let's compare the amount of viruses written in C to the amount of viruses written in Java.

(I am 165's friend btw).

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 15 May 2012, 14:32
by ctdabomb
lets keep the ranting and raving down a bit this is about trying to improve the game of Supertux, and debating about weather java or C is better is not for here. We will try to help figure out your bug about compiling the game, but yelling at each other will not help anything and instead hurt. also, do not yell at the devolopers. they work on the game when they can, but LIFE HAPPENS. if you want to make the game better try contributing something other than a soapbox to rant on.

please keep the anger levels down or I will lock this thread.

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 15 May 2012, 15:27
by amuzen
Allow me to support ctdabomb's request a bit.

Back when the first version of SuperTux was written, using C looked like a good idea. Java was not widely considered appropriate for games back then. Furthermore, the original author did not know Java back then, from what I understand, so in practice the game could either be written in C or not be written at all. Take your pick out of these two options.

Generally, end users are not supposed to compile from the repository. Because of this, the version in the repository can be hard to compile. There is also no guarantee that things will work at any given time, because the development version is unstable by definition. There is no reason to be upset beyond reporting a bug if you are having trouble with it.

It is usually a good practice for a game to release new versions frequently so that end users can enjoy the new features. Frequent releases render the programming language debates moot since end users have no need to compile the game then. SuperTux does not adhere to this practice at the moment, so likely the course of actions that would satisfy you the most would be to encourage the developers to release more frequently.

However, destructive criticism and outright badmouthing the developers is unlikely to motivate them to get releases out faster. At best, a thread of this tone achieves nothing, and, at worst, it is plain counterproductive. Based on your tone, it is hard to tell if you are just upset or trolling intentionally, and that is a bad sign if you are trying to encourage positive changes. You should remember that people are sacrificing their spare time to develop the game, and they get no compensation other than feelgood. Hence, you should keep a polite and encouraging tone if you wish to see faster progress.

(Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with SuperTux or its developers.)

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 15 May 2012, 19:59
by Sauer2
@ctdabomb, amuzen: You take this too serious, i hope...
@NNemesis: Okay, i win. In the last two years, the majority of commercial, serious non-scriptkiddie malware for the people was based on java. But thats a hollow victory, because it's based on statements of Microsoft, Sophos and Symantec, which i don't trust either.
But I guess, the problem is not Java-Viruses, but the VM itself. E.g., the blackhole exploit, whis is very common at this time, makes heavy use of it. But you are right to say, C++ developers are still a problem, because blackhole also uses Adobe products.

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 16 May 2012, 07:15
by 165your4
I will stop trying to be a member of the supertux community now. If Supertux really wants to be a crap game made only for people who use Linux, then that is fine, go and make games where you have to compile something by sitting at a computer entering tons of crap into command prompt to allow yourself to be able to use a function of a game that has strangely been removed for no particular reason. To all you Linux people: Don't even bother trying to help other people if your game is just to good for us normal humans, instead, go and do what you always do, hang around in small groups and talk about how all other operating systems except Mac are trash.

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 16 May 2012, 10:41
by Knitter
So, you completely ignore those that are trying to help you and just tick off about not being able to run the game? There have been other users in here that have tried to help you, I even pointed you to a page with ready to use binaries that you don't have to compile, have tried to understand what the problems so that I could offer some solutions (and you have properly ignored me so far), and that thing about Linux is just nonsense...

Re: Supertux Team (WARNING, RANT)

PostPosted: 16 May 2012, 13:48
by qubodup
This thread is now locked.
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