Arcade Mode suggestion, pls bring back Lifes.

Arcade Mode suggestion, pls bring back Lifes.

Postby Klunky » 24 Dec 2022, 01:47

I hate that modern plattformers try to make you care about pointless collectibles therefore restrict the way how you actually would want to play an level, you just collect the coins so the game tells you "you collected all the coins", not because they could be useful because... well you know obtain a life if you collect hundreds of them...? The life system was removed and now it no longer feels good to collect coins overall.

It saddens me to see that an old game removes its life system because it's not longer deemed as modern enough.

So why not including an arcade mode for us old veterans who don't care about defeating all the enemies and collecting all the coins and so on.

It could be managed the following way:

- Life System is added again, 100 coins give you 1 life, as well as the Tux Doll
- It's not possible to replay an finished level
- If you lose all lifes you beginn at the start of the world or you can set Checkpoints in the level editor for the world map, if you reach them you start at the latest checkpoint when losing all lifes, starting with the minimum amount again.

It's unfortunate that a whole system was removed without turning it optional. Lifes are motivating, they enhance the exploration and score ascept of an game without forcing you to become an completionist. They also add tension by making every try more meaningful it feels good to rack up lives by playing good.

Cause it sucks beating a level while it's telling you, you still haven't defeated all the enemies. It forces you to play slow just for the sake of completion without any bigger purpose.

But I play SuperTux because I don't want to play an modern plattformer I want to be taken back to the old days of Super Mario Bros. 3 when plattformers wheren't afraid to demand consistency of skill.
So an Arcade Mode would be an must IMO.
Don't misunderstand it would be optional and the modern way to play would be still accessible. It would just make it waaaaay more better for people like me.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2022, 01:42

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