Logo and sounds of Free Hero Mesh

Logo and sounds of Free Hero Mesh

Postby zzo38 » 09 Jul 2022, 18:58

I don't know what is the origin and copyright status of the built-in sound effects in the MESH:Hero Hearts, so I do not know if it should be included in the Free Hero Mesh. I also looked at the OpenGameArt; they have sound effects there but is not quite right and is a higher quality than I wanted (I wanted a lower quality and not too long duration, that will not take up too much disk space if stored as WAV format).

Also I wanted that if someone might make logo of Free Hero Mesh (there might be more than one and then we can see which one is good), which is a project which does not currently have a logo.

See also: https://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=18809
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Re: Logo and sounds of Free Hero Mesh

Postby PeterX » 09 Jul 2022, 20:56

Hi, here are three suggestions for a logo. But I'm ok if they aren't perfect one (or three ;) ) and aren't chosen.




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Re: Logo and sounds of Free Hero Mesh

Postby mdtrooper » 27 Aug 2022, 23:49

I love the first.
And I have a Patreon in https://www.patreon.com/migueldedios.
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Re: Logo and sounds of Free Hero Mesh

Postby bzt » 28 Aug 2022, 10:59

mdtrooper {l Wrote}:I love the first.
Yeah, looking great! Looks like zzo38 got themselves an icon! :-)

zzo38 {l Wrote}:I wanted a lower quality and not too long duration, that will not take up too much disk space if stored as WAV format
Why don't you use ogg? It's easy, SDL_mixer can use it out-of-the-box. But if you don't want dependencies at all, then Sean has written a single header file vorbis decoder (see here), which can take an ogg file in memory and return the equivalent in wav (minus the wav file header ofc). After that there's no difference if you've loaded the wave from a wav or from an ogg, but the latter is MUCH smaller on disk.

The stb_vorbis library has a very sophisticated API with lots of options, but basically all you need is one function:
{l Code}: {l Select All Code}
int stb_vorbis_decode_memory(const uint8 *mem, int len, int *channels, int *sample_rate, short **output)

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Re: Logo and sounds of Free Hero Mesh

Postby zzo38 » 29 Aug 2022, 03:10

If you like the first icon, then perhaps I might use that one, although probably I would crop it, since I think it is too big as it is.

The sounds from the MESH:Hero engine in the Hamster archive file is 213625 bytes in total (that includes RIFF headers, etc, for all fifty sound effects; and these sounds are uncompressed). I didn't really want higher quality files than that, nor very long duration sound effects, regardless of the file format. (Also, these sound effects should be mono instead of stereo.)
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