There were problems with OpenGL version compatibilities (extensions) which initially led away from windows binaries. That's one reason why I added GLEW (OpenGL extension wrangler) to the equation. The current (?) or at least the next version should be able to compile flawlessly on windows using mingw (let's hope it still works). It may even be possible to use the mingw cross-compiler on linux. There is a makefile that should autodetect the platform and do the right things to build the game.
Basically the support is the same: You get the source and have to compile it yourself. That's only less common and supported on windows. Ie setting up an development environment takes more time and manual steps than on linux: Visit several homepages, download zips extract them into several directories (after you found out which where), compile. And then you need to package the program with the right DLLs (there may be hidden license issues, maybe you have to ship the whole redistributable installer package like windows games do).
If somebody wants to volunteer, here is a page that may ship your package: (if they are still alife)
Anyway there is hope.
Right now I can't tell whether/why LinWarrior would not run on Windows 7.
Well I know a lot old games don't do but that's probably a DirectX issue.
From what I know there may be (solved?) OpenAL issues according to Creative.
And OpenGL is considered harmful by W7...? but should work after installation.
Apropro OpenAL, on windows there is Creatives official OpenAL implementation which sounds good but does not manage as much soundsources as a simulation game may need - you will get silence from most of the sound sources (tested with XP).