Another Mech (Cyclops)

Another Mech (Cyclops)

Postby Skorpio » 03 Jun 2012, 12:24

I'm working on a new mech which I'll probably call Cyclops because of the one "eye". Actually I had planned to give him an eye similar to that of this old Construct concept, but the oval cockpit fit better. Some parts still need to be improved and I'm also trying to figure out how functional joints have to be constructed. I think my older mechs wouldn't be able to turn around because the legs need more degrees of freedom.
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Re: Another Mech (Cyclops)

Postby qubodup » 03 Jun 2012, 13:30

It is a beautiful render.

The hand with fingers seems to be a strong change in style/function compared to other LW mechs.
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Re: Another Mech (Cyclops)

Postby Julius » 03 Jun 2012, 15:03

I agree with q, the hand seems quite useless in this context, and will be hard to animate well also. But it is a really nice mech design again!

Otherwise, the right shoulder rocket-pack is nice, as it can also be dropped off after use, the cannon one on the other hand looks graphically a bit overloaded, and is also structurally probably not very realistic as the resulting recoil effects would likely rip it out of it's sockets or result in the mech falling over.
I know mechs don't need to be realistic... but it is all about "beliveability", and that usually shows when you try to animate something.
Last edited by Julius on 03 Jun 2012, 22:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another Mech (Cyclops)

Postby qubodup » 03 Jun 2012, 21:12

Bah! Realism! Get the Tricorders! ;)

Captain, my Tricorder readings indicate following possible explanations:
  • It's a weapon that has no recoil.
  • Dampeners are built-in.
  • The arm is built in a way (which we can't see) that dampens the recoil.
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Re: Another Mech (Cyclops)

Postby NaN » 03 Jun 2012, 22:24

Really beautiful mech Skorpio. Is the blend available somewhere? :)

A few humble remarks:
I think it would look great with a bit more compact twin cannon on the shoulder, 40mm twin flak maybe.
About the left hand. What do you think about a flame thrower? Much more practical in close combat, hehe.
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Re: Another Mech (Cyclops)

Postby Skorpio » 04 Jun 2012, 13:22

Hmm, the mech is so massive I doubt recoil would be much of a problem for him, but I think I'll make the barrels a bit shorter anyway. BTW they are connected to the torso not the arms.
Hands could be useful in close combat, to pick up a telephone pole and beat on the heads of some enemy mechs, and of course to climb on buildings. :) I'm not sure if melee combat is planned for LW, though.

I'll make the blend available on Opengameart when the mech is finished. That'll probably take a while ... retopo, unwrapping and texturing will be a lot of work.
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Re: Another Mech (Cyclops)

Postby hc » 05 Jun 2012, 13:25

Looks great - what else to say. :)
How expensive is it in terms of vtx?
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Re: Another Mech (Cyclops)

Postby Skorpio » 06 Jun 2012, 08:26

Oh, only 560.000 vertices at the moment, but don't worry I'll add some more here and there. :)
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