I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a volunt

I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a volunt

Postby norman001 » 18 May 2023, 11:55

Good afternoon friends
I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a volunteer level for a new and interesting game
For details please contact me:
Discord: yoron#2972
thanks, I'm waiting.........
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby Julius » 18 May 2023, 16:31

I actually disapproved your previous posts as they are totally void of information.

Unless you provide more details, no one is ever going to contact you, especially not on a closed platform like Discord.
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby norman001 » 18 May 2023, 21:30

I want to make a game of the sea merchant when I am in a certain port in the world and I buy goods in the bastas in the market in the fruit and vegetable port I put the cargo on the ship and sell it in another port for more money in another port
There will be an option to enter a bar inside the port and choose soldiers to fight against pirates there will be an option to buy a bigger ship for more money in the port
It will be possible to take other people's goods at the port to another port for money
If I forgot something please let me know
Note: I want to make the game in high graphic quality with bots for people to move in the port in the market stalls, etc
Can you do this voluntarily?
I also have an old game though, but it illustrates what I want to do, the intended concept
what are you saying?
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby Julius » 18 May 2023, 22:26

What game engine, which license for code and assets?

What can you contribute yourself?

You know... vital information for people to know to even start considering this :)
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby norman001 » 19 May 2023, 11:17

I want to make the game through Unity graphics engine
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby dulsi » 19 May 2023, 14:32

We are free/open source software group. If you want to recruit people here, you need to be releasing the source code to your game. While some people make open source games which use Unity, it is basically useless to the community as you are restricted by license of Unity. Since you didn't really answer all of Julius's questions, I suspect you aren't even interested in making an open source game.

If you do want to make an open source game, there are open source game engine you can such as Godot.
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby norman001 » 21 May 2023, 06:40

What is the best open source game engine?
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby PeterX » 21 May 2023, 10:37

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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby dulsi » 21 May 2023, 14:12

norman001 {l Wrote}:What is the best open source game engine?

There isn't a "best" open source game engine.

Godot is the closest to Unity. It does 2D and 3D. It has a nice UI and has stores with content for it. Godot 3 is the well tested version but Godot 4 was recently released and has improved 3D capabilities.

Love2D uses lua for the programming language and is fairly simple to get started.

Ogre3d and various other 3D engines exist but I have no experience with them. There are also various game engines or frameworks for 2D. Since you haven't said anything about your needs it is hard to advise on possible choices.

You also never answered "What can you contribute yourself?". Are you a programmer and intend to develop the game? Are you just the game designer and need programmers, artists, etc. to get this done? Open source developers tend not to contribute to a project that hasn't shown some viability. You will need to bring the game forward enough to prove viability. That doesn't mean you need good graphics but you need something. Maybe you could get people on board with a good design doc or paper prototype but I can't think of any example of that in the past.
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby norman001 » 22 May 2023, 02:23

Actually, I'm also looking for programmers for my new game. Can anyone help me with this?
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby PeterX » 22 May 2023, 11:02


You constantly ignore questions about you from Julius and dulsi. I get the impression you actually want people doing all the work for you and you want to do nothing.
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby Peter » 23 May 2023, 07:13

dulsi {l Wrote}:We are free/open source software group. If you want to recruit people here, you need to be releasing the source code to your game.

I'm not judging here, but if this is not understood I think it's worth spelling it out...

The name "FreeGameDev" is not referring to the fact that we develop games without getting paid (that is often the case but it has nothing to do with it).

Instead the word "free" has to do with "freedom". See https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html for more information.
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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby PeterX » 25 May 2023, 20:09

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Re: I'm looking for a computer game graphic designer at a vo

Postby forty_sham » 26 May 2023, 03:08

According to research, this person has posted about this and similar stuff on several different forums before, both under the name used here and other names.
In fact, they apparently made a thread on the new FreeGameDev forums earlier this year:
https://freegamedev.net/d/558-i-am-look ... hic-artist
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