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Cloudscape 2.3

PostPosted: 25 Oct 2012, 14:21
by Tedium
Hello everyone,

I can finally present to you: Cloudscape 2.3

I hadn't had much time lately, but I did find time to update the Cloudscape theme.
I noticed a lack of contrast in the previous versions. With this problem fixed, we can also use darker backgrounds without it looking very ugly.
The art is now smoother and more consistent <-- The usage of "inky-style" objects, like in the menu.
Here's a list of some noticeable or important differences:

- Blocks are higher contrast and better outlined. (This, however, makes the usage of big areas of blocks look bad)

- The checkpoints and swap points are now "inky-style".

- Teleporters have a bit more colour, making them visible on a white background. (The colour is the opposite of the blue used on the blocks; red/orange)

- The fragile blocks are more detailed.

- The handle of the switch has even more saturation.

- Removed the doorway from the exit. (This can be adjusted if needed, but I think it looks better without)

A link to the Cloudscape 2.2 preview

Re: Cloudscape 2.3

PostPosted: 25 Oct 2012, 14:42
by Edward_Lii
Hello Tedium,

Tedium {l Wrote}:I can finally present to you: Cloudscape 2.3

It looks great as always. :D
I've committed the new version to svn, it's in revision 521.