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BAD BUG: wrong teleporter and other blocks ID

PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 17:31
by acme_pjz
I have found a bad bug: create a new map, add two teleporters, save the map and exit, then reload the map, add a new teleporter, then open your level using text editor, you'll find that there are duplicated IDs :| If you repeat the process above the level will get broken eventually, i.e. can't set teleporter target anymore :(

Re: BAD BUG: wrong teleporter and other blocks ID

PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 17:51
by acme_pjz
For example, there is a level which has the bad bug... although I have edited the block ID manually but the level is still broken, i.e. can't set teleporter target or the target is completely wrong, etc.

Re: BAD BUG: wrong teleporter and other blocks ID

PostPosted: 27 May 2012, 15:36
by Edward_Lii
Hello acme_pjz,

I've found the source of the problem, it had to do with calculating the currentId in the postLoad function.
What went wrong was that in case of a teleporter it would return if it had no destination, instead of break. ;)

Re: BAD BUG: wrong teleporter and other blocks ID

PostPosted: 27 May 2012, 17:03
by acme_pjz
Hi Edward_Lii,

Yes it's fixed :)