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Best OpenGL Games Ever!?

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2010, 16:34
by squamulus
I admit, I'm new. Shiny and new, if I do say, but new nonetheless. I was wondering if you guys could help me.

I'm wanting to do a survey about the best OpenGL games ever created, the ones that have been declared opensource and are free for public consumption. I've got this truly MASSIVE list of them and no idea how to go about paring them down for the initial voting. SO! On that note, I had two questions:

1) What do you think would be the best way to go about doing the survey (I plan on hosting it on the blagh) and how should I go about finding the people who would want to vote on it?
2) What's your personal favorite OpenGL game ever created EVAAAARRR!?

Thanks ^^,

Re: Best OpenGL Games Ever!?

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2010, 12:00
by Julius
Ehhm, first you should maybe get your priorities strait... OpenGL is just a 3D standard nothing more about it... so is the survey really about open-source games or what? And not all open-source games are free for "public consumption" either (for example Quake3 has pay for media, or Ryzom has pay for servers).

So what is your survey going to be about?

Also do you really think the world needs another survey like that? :p