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Free Tarot Readings (NO this is not spam I promise.)

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2020, 03:04
by Jastiv
So for those who know I am a long time member of this forum, and I am also a part time tarot reader. I wrote a piece of software and have done two, got that two decks with artwork, one is loosely based on my old pixel art and is up on and the other is an amazing work in progress channeled from an actual other worldly being.

So, before I upload my software project to some site (admittedly, I'm embarrassed at not being able to make a simple graphical card game, I just did it with text in C, its old, hey) I want to test it all out doing readings for people here, that is actual free software gamers. I will probably get different types of questions for the cards than I would anywhere else.

So, feel free to PM me three, that is up to three questions you have for the tarot cards. I will try to answer as best I can. Anything is fair game, but try to avoid fate based questions, or "fortune telling." because I find the tarot to be better to help you either take a whole view of a situation, or to even decide between a couple different options. So for instance you could ask something like "How do I find more developers for my free software game project?" You can also ask them here if they aren't personal enough that you don't mind them being a matter of public record, but to be honestly people often ask about things that are more private.

Re: Free Tarot Readings (NO this is not spam I promise.)

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2020, 23:15
by Julius
Uhmm, Tarot?

Well, how about: What should we do to update this message board? ;)

Re: Free Tarot Readings (NO this is not spam I promise.)

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2020, 01:48
by Jastiv
This card is signifier.Number: 59 Name: Ten of Wands
This card crosses the signifier.Number: 7 Name: The Chariot
This card is above me.Number: 36 Name: Ace of Swords
This card is below me.Number: 43 Name: Eight of Swords
This card is behind me.Number: 63 Name: King of Wands
This card is in front of me.Number: 39 Name: Four of Swords
This card shows where I am at.Number: 77 Name: King of Pentacles
This shows what other see.Number: 65 Name: Two of Pentacles
This card shows my hopes and fears.Number: 22 Name: Ace of Cups
This card shows the final outcome.Number: 62 Name: Queen of Wands

The signifier says you are burned out, but the chariot, the crossing card indicates that there is a need and desire to move forward, even though you may feel pulled in different directions. The fact that many people arn't going anywhere for a while means this is all the more urgent. Above you is the ace of swords, you want to cut through emotions and solve this in a logical rational way. The bottom card, the eight of swords, showing what is holding you back, is a stuck feeling, like you are stuck in the mud and can't come up with any good solutions.

The card behind you, in the past shows the king of wands, so it shows that you have worked hard to build up a community and inspire people. The card in front shows rest, so it shows that you will take a break from this for a bit, step back and get another perspective. The good news is the king of pentacles, you have plenty of money to make this message forum the way that it should be. What others see is the two of pentacles, someone who is very busy and doesn't get to things. Your hopes and fears are the ace of cups, so you worry that emotions are going to enter into it and maybe mess it up, but the the queen of wands, the final outcome suggests that the way to update this message board is to focus on what you want this community to become, not necessarily as it is now, but as it would be ideally, and that might mean leaving some things or people out, because if it isn't focused enough, if it is too all inclusive, it becomes overwhelming.

Re: Free Tarot Readings (NO this is not spam I promise.)

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2020, 02:03
by Julius
That is a surprisingly accurate description of the situation :)

Re: Free Tarot Readings (NO this is not spam I promise.)

PostPosted: 03 Nov 2020, 12:38
by Wuzzy
On the table you see 2 cards. The first card just says the number "2020" and the other one shows an image of a giant pile of horseshit.

I don't know what it means, so make out of that what you want. :cool:

Re: Free Tarot Readings (NO this is not spam I promise.)

PostPosted: 03 Nov 2020, 14:09
by Julius
Wuzzy {l Wrote}:On the table you see 2 cards. The first card just says the number "2020" and the other one shows an image of a giant pile of horseshit.

2019 people: "haha, all that dystopian non-sense in 1980ties SciFi movies about life in 2020 sure turned out to be a funny joke"
2020 people: "well...."
2021 people: "Hold by beer..."

Re: Free Tarot Readings (NO this is not spam I promise.)

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2020, 21:35
by Jastiv
Oh hell, I might as well post a link to the source code here. No graphics or anything (yet) maybe when I figure out how to do that.