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Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2012, 17:50
by Flipflop
Cool, i will try it out. Btw. I uploaded another Video where I dont move the Camera that much.

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2012, 18:06
by Flipflop
Ok i try it out. Looks not bad, but the upper .jpg has a way to big Blue area.

As you can see in the Pictures it is a way to big for my taste:

Skyreflection in the Water

Skybox inside the Engine (upper part)

Maybe someone with texture-skillz would like to make it more decent or put some crystals (red/blue/green or so) there?

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2012, 18:15
by Skorpio
The water looks great. It should reflect mainly light from torches or magical sources, though. Do you have a plan for the lighting yet?

I'll try to overpaint the "hole" in the skybox.

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2012, 20:30
by Julius
Yeah looks like a good start... the skybox should be easy to fix. Indeed, torch reflection would be great, if it isn't too taxing on the render speed.

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2012, 12:19
by oln
Looks great!
So, when can we expect a binary/source? What is preventing you from releasing it?

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2012, 12:41
by Flipflop
@oln soon, i think. We already planned it, so no worries.

Because of this time (everyone is in Holidays) it take some time.

we have already everythink open source including the 3d addon, as you can see at

Just the AgentKeeper is totally new, we will make it part as an extra application-3d addon including all necessasary maven dependencies and then you all can download it too as nightly builds or we open just a part from our SVN as read-only, have to discuss this with my Professors and Post-Doc´s :o)

So if you want to try it out later I hope you all are used to Java and Maven Projects :) The JMonkey SDK helps alot to make the 3d assets game ready for the Engine.

The good part from our solution is that Coders could dig deep inside the code, and 3d artists just need to modify the xml´s to include thier models right in the game/simulation.

But for now, lets stick to the Topic. I will post the SVN/NightlyBuild Solution (including SRC) sooner or later in the other Thread ("an other Dungeon Keeper Project")

Hope you all had happy christmas, spend good time with Family. :)

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2012, 17:44
by Skorpio
I've overpainted the hole, but it's just dark green now and I guess it'll look kinda boring. Does the skybox actually fit to the rest of the graphics?

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2012, 18:13
by Flipflop
yeah, its better, now it looks maybe a little bit boring but on the other Hand also more like a Cave/Dungeon :) Thanks for your Work!

Dungeon , no Skymaphole, no Sun

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2012, 18:47
by Julius
It's a start...and looks better than a non-shader based solution. I guess it would be kind of cool if the bottom of it wasn't so flat, and maybe one could add cool sunken props like dumped skeletons and such into it.
In general, the dirt texture probably needs more variations both above and below the water... but it is really not the point in development where you would start polishing the graphics like that.
As mentioned above, would be cool if we could see a source-code and maybe a (playable?) binary release sometimes early next year though :)

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2013, 17:33
by Flipflop
Now i am using a Orange Sun with almost 95% transparency, looks a little bit like a Flame Effect (or at least more like in a dungeon):

About the Source Code, i postet something in the other Thread.

- Philip

Re: Example of easy implementation of Skorpios Tileset

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2013, 18:46
by Julius
I am surprised that it looks that nice... not out of place on those smaller ponds at all. I would keep it like that for now!